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Vital force retention secrets for longivity!

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, " chestpuk "

<philip.chesters wrote:


> Thats the point " you should not ejaculate too often because the

> ancient taoists say so " .


> What evidence is there that its good or bad for you. It's the core of

> Mantek Chia's teaching (at least for the masculine)- the Secret of

> eternal life - but what proof is there.



Let's talk about something EVEN MORE IMPORTANT...


....and that thing that is EVEN MORE IMPORTANT are 2 of the vital



1. The Front and Back Bridge flows...




Both flows are very good for VITAL FORCE...


....and BOTH flows have to do with SEXUAL ENERGIES.


And the Penetrating flow especially is TURNED ON by positive thoughts,

pictures, smells, feelings and behaviors having to do with sex.


And to have them TURNED ON does not mean that you must have sex.


So, group, what ELSE are these 2 PSYCHIC CIRCUITS good for?



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essentialskills , " docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001



> , " chestpuk "

> <philip.chesters@> wrote:

> >

> > Thats the point " you should not ejaculate too often because the

> > ancient taoists say so " .

> >

> > What evidence is there that its good or bad for you. It's the

core of

> > Mantek Chia's teaching (at least for the masculine)- the Secret of

> > eternal life - but what proof is there.



My names John, new to the list Timberlake, I'm 52 and live in

Pullman Wa near the WSU campus with my 18 year old son.


I'm new to energy work and am interested in learning more,I've

recently sent for the eft course to deal with tag ends and Donna's

book for the PR's, these are issues I've discovered doing the SMC

drills. ( I enjoy reading the archives, they're weighty, dense and

very useful .) I'll take a shot at Docs post as energy transformation

is a worthwhile pursuit. sooooooo



> Okay,

> Let's talk about something EVEN MORE IMPORTANT...


> ...and that thing that is EVEN MORE IMPORTANT are 2 of the vital


### Twice as important ?


> 1. The Front and Back Bridge flows...


> 2. The front PENETRATING FLOW.

## Would the back flow be passive or accepting flow then ? Is there

such a thing ?


> Both flows are very good for VITAL FORCE...

## If both flows are operating ( humming ) properly then vital energy

will be amplified ...yes ?


> ...and BOTH flows have to do with SEXUAL ENERGIES.

### Sexual energy maintains the proper funtioning of these two flows.


> And the Penetrating flow especially is TURNED ON by positive


> pictures, smells, feelings and behaviors having to do with sex.


> And to have them TURNED ON does not mean that you must have sex.

#### Although the flows can be maintained with the sex act itself

the penetrating ( positive/masuline/yang ) flow can also be switched

on using positive mentle reps of a sexual flavor. Handy lol


> So, group, what ELSE are these 2 PSYCHIC CIRCUITS good for?

### Well, first how does the back flow operate or is it totally

non penetrating or passive and fullfills its function automaticly as

long as the front flow is working properly.a cycle or pumpin action.

Heres the picture I now have, E flows down through the front and

enters the sex center down yonder, is charged and sent up the back

route to the mind where it is again charged by the positive internal

sex reps, then sent down again, this cycling supercharges the vital

forces, the now really juiced up force can be used for any type of

work, physicle,

mentle, emotional,psychic or.... HEALING.....I haven't really

answered the Docters last question,I have though shown how I now view

his remarks and he can verify or correct ( if he chooses ) and I can

see if I have just been spinning cotten candy or not.


If my supposition were to be correct what could I do with it.


1 find out how to make sure the flows are flowing properly

2 do the drills to make it so

3 Craft a very complete and intense internal sex rep state

4 Anchor it and fire the anchor when the flows are flowing & cycle it

5 Maybe an auto anchor, have to think on that though, If I could be

in a state of supercharged vitality would I want to all the time,

probably not. It would be a useful tool though.

6 be descrete using your super vitality bazooka. ;)


Bout it for now


PS anyone know where I can buy wall posters that map out the

meridians, flows, energy points and internal organs, I like big







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---, " jwrt99 " <jwrt99 wrote:


> Hi

> My names John, new to the list Timberlake, I'm 52 and live in

> Pullman Wa near the WSU campus with my 18 year old son.


> I'm new to energy work and am interested in learning more,I've

> recently sent for the eft course to deal with tag ends and Donna's

> book for the PR's, these are issues I've discovered doing the SMC

> drills. ( I enjoy reading the archives, they're weighty, dense and

> very useful .) I'll take a shot at Docs post as energy


> is a worthwhile pursuit. sooooooo


Glad you are here JT.


And, JT, you've been spinning cotton candy.


Why don't you go to the files and read about the radiant circuits

there, and then comment on Doc's fine post.


Also, I strongly suggest you get some of the Doc's advanced courses

and study them in addition to the other fine stuff you are getting.


Doc gives a unique spin and analysis that the others don't do.


Get his Inner Demon Destroyer, and his Secrets of Remote

Viewing/Remote Influencing, if nothing else.


I also strongly recomment his Secrets of Psychic Attack and Psychic

Self Defense. The best I've ever seen.



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