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Be Careful what you Manifest with the Kahuna Telepathic Dream Invader

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Hi Doc,


I did like it, and it also scared me.


How do I stop those things from happening to me and to those I care



Barbara Ann



essentialskills , " kahunamaker " <kahunamaker



> (I group, thought you might like this. )


> " Be Careful What YOU manifest with


> The Kahuna Telepathic Dream Invader,


> Because YOU Will Get it Whether YOU


> Really Want it, or Not! "


> By Jack Williams


> What we can do right now about Intentionally Influencing others at


> distance…And how to stop others from Influencing us Intentionally,

> or Unintentionally…Whether they are using Remote Viewing, Mind

> Control Technologies, Accidental Thoughts, Black magic, righteous

> prayers, hexes or wishes!


> Dear Friend,


> Did you know, people can and do harm others telepathically and

> energetically, even if they don't know it?


> Did you know, negative Mental Intentions are four times more

> powerful than any one positive thought?


> Did you know that normal people are being victimized by three


> of energy vampires, daily?


> Did you know that when you are in the presence of an energy sapper

> (energy vampire) they will affect you negatively…causing


> weakness, and loss of positive energies, harming your mental body,

> harming your physical body, harming your emotional body, and


> your physical body, eventually causing you to become ill and even

> cause death, UNLESS you know how-to-stop them?


> And, MOST people don't know how to stop those dreadful things from

> happening, even if they THINK they do! And they happen daily,

> thousands of times, millions of times a day, accidentally and on

> purpose.


> A white light will NOT work! Not even the Tower of Light!


> Religion will NOT work!


> A protective prayer will NOT work! Not even the Lesser Banishing

> Ritual!


> In fact, if a protective prayer is done wrong; those prayers will



> There are sorcerers and sorceress among us!


> Why?


> Because " thoughts are things " and those who have powerfully

> controlled thoughts can affect us whether you believe they can, or

> not!


> Because those who have powerful emotions can affect us whether you

> believe they can, or not!


> Did you know that a prayer will turn into a CURSE when done by a

> normal, untrained person?


> Did you know that many use Remote Thought Control to hurt others,

> and don't even know it? That's right. It's not God that caused


> spouse to have cancer, it was them!


> Did you know that any time someone uses a prayer to get you to see

> things the right way---their way, that they are cursing you?


> Did you know that most churches healing groups actually HURT the


> they are praying for? We'll teach you how to fix that.


> Be careful of those that pray for you, because they might be


> kill you!


> Is your girl friend (boy friend, husband or wife) attempting to


> Distant Thought Control on you to radically change your thinking,


> change your behavior, and to install their view in place of your

> own?


> It happens all the time.


> Are they using the energies of guilt, fear, and shame through

> distant influence to get things their way?


> Is your boss attempting to control your thoughts and behavior,

> covertly, against your will or your knowledge?


> Is someone coming up to you claiming to be full of love, concern


> compassion, but you feel bad in their presence?


> If so, you are being psychically attacked by a psychic vampire! We

> will show you how to recognize them while in their presence, and


> a distance!


> Did you know that if you use Distant Mental Control to heal a

> person, and the government finds out about it, they can throw you


> jail?


> Did you know that if you are an MD and you use Remote Mental


> on your patients, the hospital will demand you stop doing that.


> Why? Because the hospital administrators believes that it's not


> to the rest of the patients, and it would give your clients an

> unfair advantage!


> Did you know that you should NEVER tell a client that you are


> Telepathic Healing Energies on them? If you do they can sue you!


> Did you know that some businessmen are actually using Distant


> Influence to " take the money out of your pocket and put it into

> their pocket/ "


> Do you have a primordial FEAR of being controlled, or harmed by


> thoughts and wishes of other's?


> You should!


> Did you know that everyone, even the criminally insane, possess


> power to harm others with their minds?


> Did you know that Plato, in his " Laws " recommended the death

> sentence for any body using " spells, charms, incantations or other

> such sorceries for purposes of mischief " ?


> Did you know that Distant Remote Influence can affect anyone,

> anywhere? Even behind bars?


> Even in Church? Actually, I should say, " especially in Church! "


> Did you know that the Catholic Church (and similar churches), in

> their `Blessings' actually use a method of covert hypnosis, and

> directional gestures with your energy fields so they can secretly

> influence you into thoughts that they want you to have?


> There is a REAL Dark Side to Telepathic Remote Influence!


> Your Intentions can influence the physiology of a distant person---

> WITHOUT them knowing, once you know the skill!


> Your dreams can influence another person, while they sleep, even


> they are in San Diego and you are in Germany---WITHOUT them


> once you know the skill!


> Did you know that for every one attempt to help another remotely

> deliberately, there are thousands of " little curses " that are

> launched unintentionally by " nice " people?


> Did you know that the black magic art of sticking pins into a wax

> image of an enemy, or burning candles in front of a wax image of




> Did you know that in virtually every religions culture, they have

> adepts who use their Special Mind Powers for selfish purposes?


> ---including Jewish and Christian traditions?


> Did you know that our government has used Remote Influence to make

> other heads of state, sick?


> Did you know that in the early 70's the Russian KGB used Remote

> Energy Influence to cause the United States chess champion to LOSE

> to their champion?


> Did you know that the prophet Elisha caused 42 children to be

> devoured by bears for making fun of his baldness...


> …and that the apostle Paul struck a sorcerer blind?


> Did you know that the REAL reason Churches, Psychologists and

> governments " say " Remote Influence " doesn't work " is because

> Telepathic Remote Influence creates IMMENSE UNEASINESS. It creates

> demons of fear in their minds that they do not want to face!


> Do you know that if you ignore the REALITY of Remote Distant

> Influence you are risking the GREATER RISK of allowing it to


> you and others, and you won't be able to do a damn thing about it?


> People are people and they are going to continue using

> their " thoughts " and their " emotions " for their own purposes,

> whether you stick your head in the sand, or not!


> Men are using these skills of the mind to seduce lovely women!


> Women are using these skills of the mind to find rich husbands!


> People are using these skills of the mind to take money out of


> pocket and put it into their pockets!


> Did you know that Real Estate people are using these skills to


> houses to people that don't want nor need them.


> It is amusing that most people who attempt to hex someone at a



> These hexers are so untrained, or wrongly trained, and so

> incompetent that they are doomed to failure by their own



> In fact their negative remote mental influence will hex themselves

> and harm the perpetrator INSTEAD of the prey. Because they do not

> know how to consciously use their mental bodies, they cannot


> over 30 feet. Because they do not know how to use their astral

> bodies they cannot consciously visit others and influence them at


> distance. They just lack the proper technologies.


> So their own hexes affect their own thoughts, bodily energies, and

> health. Many of these people die of immune deficiencies diseases


> an early age. And they did it to themselves by the incorrect

> thoughts, the incorrect words and the incorrect energy flows.


> So, for most people the energy sappers are the real danger!


> So, for most people, they are their own WORST ENEMIES!


> People are using these skills for things that they want,


> of whether we think it is possible, or not!


> So people become their own Energy Vampires and don't know it.


> We cannot become better by ignoring the Dark Side. The Dark Side

> does exist.


> But by learning those secret skills OURSELVES, we are NOT

> introducing negative skills, negative prayers or curses.


> What we are doing is, by teaching you the Psychic Skills of the

> Kahuna Telepathic Dream Invader, we are giving your Spiritual


> System a tremendous boost!


> We are helping you build a telepathic protective mechanism, a

> mechanism that normally operates outside of our conscious


> to be there when we need them---to be there when we want them---to

> allow us to know when others are using them against us, and how-to

> effectively neutralize their intentions as we install our own

> intentions.


> Now here's some good news.


> You can learn these skills.


> You can use these skills after you use them, for any purpose you

> desire.


> One thing that Dr. John La Tourrette requires of all that come to

> his " Kahuna Telepathic Dream Invader " Intensives is that they have


> minimum of 200 HS. That simply means that his clients are NOT

> criminally insane. That means that they are evolved enough to


> these skills with other people who are also at the same maturation

> so they can feel safe with each other during the training period.


> So, after the skills are acquired they can do neat things, things

> BESIDES know when they are being psychically attacked.


> Good thing #1. Did you know that, as a Real Estate agent, you can

> psychically find out what a client wants in a home, and then sell

> them THAT exact type of house? They will love you for it.


> Good thing #2. Did you know that you can " talk " with a person


> Dream-Time, to find out if you and they are compatible, or not, so

> you BOTH can benefit from the relationship?


> My point is, many good things can be done with these SPIRITUAL



> Here's some more good news.


> Most people that practice intention black magic cannot affect you


> a distance because they are incompetent! The do not know the 139

> laws of Telepathic Remote Influence, so they are mostly shooting

> blanks, and can only accidentally affect you.


> So, they have not developed the conscious states of awareness in

> those realms of mind that are effective for Telepathic Remote

> Influence. So, accidentally, during a dream they might converse


> you, but it will be sporadic at best.


> On the other hand, ANY ONE and EVERY ONE can and does affect you


> your thoughts and your bodies energies up to 30-50 feet UNLESS you

> know and use the BULLET-PROOF AURA technologies that Dr. La

> Tourrette has developed.


> Let me give you an example of what I mean.


> A good martial artist can stop you on the physical level by


> you, kicking you, or throwing you. When you get to " twitch point "

> he's already slammed 11-18 hits into you.


> A damn good martial artist can affect your mind, your thoughts,


> your basic energy level up to 30-50 FEET AWAY, and NOT even touch

> you physically, unless he chooses to! So, if you are thinking


> attacking him, he will read the thought, weaken your aura,


> confuse you, and either walks away, or close the gap, seemingly so

> fast that you can't stop him, then bop you 11-18 times in one




> A GREAT martial artist can invade your Dream Time and affect your

> mind and your emotions from a thousand miles away! If you think

> about him with evil in mind, HE KNOWS! Then he has any of the


> two choices available to him.


> And the last two levels have nothing to do with speed, power,

> muscles, poison hands, flexibility, or youth.


> It has EVERYTHING to do with the Power of the Chi Kung Warrior's

> Mind, the SAME EXACT MIND TRAINING that is taught in the " KAHUNA



> It's a fact, unconscious and intentional Negative Telepathic


> Influence is already prevalent.


> It's a fact, there are those around you and me, affecting you and

> me, on the subconscious levels of the 8 energy fields, and the

> Etheric fields, the Astral fields and the Mental planes, at all

> times!


> And the thing is, Remote Mental Influence is like a magnet---it


> positive and negative poles. So, like fire, Telepathic Remote


> Influence can be used for either good or harm.


> And with these technologies, you can have that choice!


> I feel good about that!


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essentialskills , " barbara101ann " <barbara101ann


> Hi Doc,

> I did like it, and it also scared me.

> How do I stop those things from happening to me and to those I

care about?

> Barbara Ann



Hi Barbara Ann,


If you don't have them yet I suggest you get 2 of Doc's courses that

I don't think are on his website.


Those 2 courses are " Secrets of Psychic Attack " , and " How to Build

Your Own Bullet Proof Aura " .


Both sets are crammed full of real practical and street workable

psychic skills that will keep others from influencing you secretly

and they will teach you the skills so you can use them yourself.


And he sold them to me at a very affordable innercircle member

price. They are priceless.


I can't wait for his upcoming seminar next week. I heard he was

turning people away.




> healingenergies-

> essentialskills , " kahunamaker " <kahunamaker@>

> wrote:

> >

> > (I group, thought you might like this. )

> >

> > " Be Careful What YOU manifest with

> >

> > The Kahuna Telepathic Dream Invader,

> >

> > Because YOU Will Get it Whether YOU

> >

> > Really Want it, or Not! "

> >

> > By Jack Williams

> >

> > What we can do right now about Intentionally Influencing others


> a

> > distance…And how to stop others from Influencing us


> > or Unintentionally…Whether they are using Remote Viewing, Mind

> > Control Technologies, Accidental Thoughts, Black magic,


> > prayers, hexes or wishes!

> >

> > Dear Friend,

> >

> > Did you know, people can and do harm others telepathically and

> > energetically, even if they don't know it?

> >

> > Did you know, negative Mental Intentions are four times more

> > powerful than any one positive thought?

> >

> > Did you know that normal people are being victimized by three

> types

> > of energy vampires, daily?

> >

> > Did you know that when you are in the presence of an energy


> > (energy vampire) they will affect you negatively…causing

> depression,

> > weakness, and loss of positive energies, harming your mental


> > harming your physical body, harming your emotional body, and

> harming

> > your physical body, eventually causing you to become ill and


> > cause death, UNLESS you know how-to-stop them?

> >

> > And, MOST people don't know how to stop those dreadful things


> > happening, even if they THINK they do! And they happen daily,

> > thousands of times, millions of times a day, accidentally and on

> > purpose.

> >

> > A white light will NOT work! Not even the Tower of Light!

> >

> > Religion will NOT work!

> >

> > A protective prayer will NOT work! Not even the Lesser Banishing

> > Ritual!

> >

> > In fact, if a protective prayer is done wrong; those prayers



> >

> > There are sorcerers and sorceress among us!

> >

> > Why?

> >

> > Because " thoughts are things " and those who have powerfully

> > controlled thoughts can affect us whether you believe they can,


> > not!

> >

> > Because those who have powerful emotions can affect us whether


> > believe they can, or not!

> >

> > Did you know that a prayer will turn into a CURSE when done by a

> > normal, untrained person?

> >

> > Did you know that many use Remote Thought Control to hurt


> > and don't even know it? That's right. It's not God that caused

> their

> > spouse to have cancer, it was them!

> >

> > Did you know that any time someone uses a prayer to get you to


> > things the right way---their way, that they are cursing you?

> >

> > Did you know that most churches healing groups actually HURT the

> one

> > they are praying for? We'll teach you how to fix that.

> >

> > Be careful of those that pray for you, because they might be

> helping

> > kill you!

> >

> > Is your girl friend (boy friend, husband or wife) attempting to

> use

> > Distant Thought Control on you to radically change your


> to

> > change your behavior, and to install their view in place of your

> > own?

> >

> > It happens all the time.

> >

> > Are they using the energies of guilt, fear, and shame through

> > distant influence to get things their way?

> >

> > Is your boss attempting to control your thoughts and behavior,

> > covertly, against your will or your knowledge?

> >

> > Is someone coming up to you claiming to be full of love, concern

> and

> > compassion, but you feel bad in their presence?

> >

> > If so, you are being psychically attacked by a psychic vampire!


> > will show you how to recognize them while in their presence, and

> at

> > a distance!

> >

> > Did you know that if you use Distant Mental Control to heal a

> > person, and the government finds out about it, they can throw


> in

> > jail?

> >

> > Did you know that if you are an MD and you use Remote Mental

> Healing

> > on your patients, the hospital will demand you stop doing that.

> >

> > Why? Because the hospital administrators believes that it's not

> fair

> > to the rest of the patients, and it would give your clients an

> > unfair advantage!

> >

> > Did you know that you should NEVER tell a client that you are

> using

> > Telepathic Healing Energies on them? If you do they can sue you!

> >

> > Did you know that some businessmen are actually using Distant

> Mental

> > Influence to " take the money out of your pocket and put it into

> > their pocket/ "

> >

> > Do you have a primordial FEAR of being controlled, or harmed by

> the

> > thoughts and wishes of other's?

> >

> > You should!

> >

> > Did you know that everyone, even the criminally insane, possess

> the

> > power to harm others with their minds?

> >

> > Did you know that Plato, in his " Laws " recommended the death

> > sentence for any body using " spells, charms, incantations or


> > such sorceries for purposes of mischief " ?

> >

> > Did you know that Distant Remote Influence can affect anyone,

> > anywhere? Even behind bars?

> >

> > Even in Church? Actually, I should say, " especially in Church! "

> >

> > Did you know that the Catholic Church (and similar churches), in

> > their `Blessings' actually use a method of covert hypnosis, and

> > directional gestures with your energy fields so they can


> > influence you into thoughts that they want you to have?

> >

> > There is a REAL Dark Side to Telepathic Remote Influence!

> >

> > Your Intentions can influence the physiology of a distant person-


> > WITHOUT them knowing, once you know the skill!

> >

> > Your dreams can influence another person, while they sleep, even

> if

> > they are in San Diego and you are in Germany---WITHOUT them

> knowing,

> > once you know the skill!

> >

> > Did you know that for every one attempt to help another remotely

> > deliberately, there are thousands of " little curses " that are

> > launched unintentionally by " nice " people?

> >

> > Did you know that the black magic art of sticking pins into a


> > image of an enemy, or burning candles in front of a wax image of

> the


> >

> > Did you know that in virtually every religions culture, they


> > adepts who use their Special Mind Powers for selfish purposes?

> >

> > ---including Jewish and Christian traditions?

> >

> > Did you know that our government has used Remote Influence to


> > other heads of state, sick?

> >

> > Did you know that in the early 70's the Russian KGB used Remote

> > Energy Influence to cause the United States chess champion to


> > to their champion?

> >

> > Did you know that the prophet Elisha caused 42 children to be

> > devoured by bears for making fun of his baldness...

> >

> > …and that the apostle Paul struck a sorcerer blind?

> >

> > Did you know that the REAL reason Churches, Psychologists and

> > governments " say " Remote Influence " doesn't work " is because

> > Telepathic Remote Influence creates IMMENSE UNEASINESS. It


> > demons of fear in their minds that they do not want to face!

> >

> > Do you know that if you ignore the REALITY of Remote Distant

> > Influence you are risking the GREATER RISK of allowing it to

> affect

> > you and others, and you won't be able to do a damn thing about


> >

> > People are people and they are going to continue using

> > their " thoughts " and their " emotions " for their own purposes,

> > whether you stick your head in the sand, or not!

> >

> > Men are using these skills of the mind to seduce lovely women!

> >

> > Women are using these skills of the mind to find rich husbands!

> >

> > People are using these skills of the mind to take money out of

> your

> > pocket and put it into their pockets!

> >

> > Did you know that Real Estate people are using these skills to

> sell

> > houses to people that don't want nor need them.

> >

> > It is amusing that most people who attempt to hex someone at a


> >

> > These hexers are so untrained, or wrongly trained, and so

> > incompetent that they are doomed to failure by their own

> ineptitude!

> >

> > In fact their negative remote mental influence will hex


> > and harm the perpetrator INSTEAD of the prey. Because they do


> > know how to consciously use their mental bodies, they cannot

> project

> > over 30 feet. Because they do not know how to use their astral

> > bodies they cannot consciously visit others and influence them


> a

> > distance. They just lack the proper technologies.

> >

> > So their own hexes affect their own thoughts, bodily energies,


> > health. Many of these people die of immune deficiencies diseases

> at

> > an early age. And they did it to themselves by the incorrect

> > thoughts, the incorrect words and the incorrect energy flows.

> >

> > So, for most people the energy sappers are the real danger!

> >

> > So, for most people, they are their own WORST ENEMIES!

> >

> > People are using these skills for things that they want,

> regardless

> > of whether we think it is possible, or not!

> >

> > So people become their own Energy Vampires and don't know it.

> >

> > We cannot become better by ignoring the Dark Side. The Dark Side

> > does exist.

> >

> > But by learning those secret skills OURSELVES, we are NOT

> > introducing negative skills, negative prayers or curses.

> >

> > What we are doing is, by teaching you the Psychic Skills of the

> > Kahuna Telepathic Dream Invader, we are giving your Spiritual

> Immune

> > System a tremendous boost!

> >

> > We are helping you build a telepathic protective mechanism, a

> > mechanism that normally operates outside of our conscious

> awareness,

> > to be there when we need them---to be there when we want them---


> > allow us to know when others are using them against us, and how-


> > effectively neutralize their intentions as we install our own

> > intentions.

> >

> > Now here's some good news.

> >

> > You can learn these skills.

> >

> > You can use these skills after you use them, for any purpose you

> > desire.

> >

> > One thing that Dr. John La Tourrette requires of all that come


> > his " Kahuna Telepathic Dream Invader " Intensives is that they


> a

> > minimum of 200 HS. That simply means that his clients are NOT

> > criminally insane. That means that they are evolved enough to

> learn

> > these skills with other people who are also at the same


> > so they can feel safe with each other during the training period.

> >

> > So, after the skills are acquired they can do neat things,


> > BESIDES know when they are being psychically attacked.

> >

> > Good thing #1. Did you know that, as a Real Estate agent, you


> > psychically find out what a client wants in a home, and then


> > them THAT exact type of house? They will love you for it.

> >

> > Good thing #2. Did you know that you can " talk " with a person

> during

> > Dream-Time, to find out if you and they are compatible, or not,


> > you BOTH can benefit from the relationship?

> >

> > My point is, many good things can be done with these SPIRITUAL


> >

> > Here's some more good news.

> >

> > Most people that practice intention black magic cannot affect


> at

> > a distance because they are incompetent! The do not know the 139

> > laws of Telepathic Remote Influence, so they are mostly shooting

> > blanks, and can only accidentally affect you.

> >

> > So, they have not developed the conscious states of awareness in

> > those realms of mind that are effective for Telepathic Remote

> > Influence. So, accidentally, during a dream they might converse

> with

> > you, but it will be sporadic at best.

> >

> > On the other hand, ANY ONE and EVERY ONE can and does affect you

> and

> > your thoughts and your bodies energies up to 30-50 feet UNLESS


> > know and use the BULLET-PROOF AURA technologies that Dr. La

> > Tourrette has developed.

> >

> > Let me give you an example of what I mean.

> >

> > A good martial artist can stop you on the physical level by

> hitting

> > you, kicking you, or throwing you. When you get to " twitch

point "

> > he's already slammed 11-18 hits into you.

> >

> > A damn good martial artist can affect your mind, your thoughts,

> and

> > your basic energy level up to 30-50 FEET AWAY, and NOT even


> > you physically, unless he chooses to! So, if you are thinking

> about

> > attacking him, he will read the thought, weaken your aura,

> mentally

> > confuse you, and either walks away, or close the gap, seemingly


> > fast that you can't stop him, then bop you 11-18 times in one

> second.

> >

> >

> > A GREAT martial artist can invade your Dream Time and affect


> > mind and your emotions from a thousand miles away! If you think

> > about him with evil in mind, HE KNOWS! Then he has any of the

> above

> > two choices available to him.

> >

> > And the last two levels have nothing to do with speed, power,

> > muscles, poison hands, flexibility, or youth.

> >

> > It has EVERYTHING to do with the Power of the Chi Kung Warrior's

> > Mind, the SAME EXACT MIND TRAINING that is taught in the " KAHUNA


> >

> > It's a fact, unconscious and intentional Negative Telepathic

> Mental

> > Influence is already prevalent.

> >

> > It's a fact, there are those around you and me, affecting you


> > me, on the subconscious levels of the 8 energy fields, and the

> > Etheric fields, the Astral fields and the Mental planes, at all

> > times!

> >

> > And the thing is, Remote Mental Influence is like a magnet---it

> has

> > positive and negative poles. So, like fire, Telepathic Remote

> Mental

> > Influence can be used for either good or harm.

> >

> > And with these technologies, you can have that choice!

> >

> > I feel good about that!

> >


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>kahunamaker <kahunamaker

>Feb 6, 2006 8:30 PM


> Be Careful what you Manifest with

the Kahuna Telepathic Dream Invader


>(I group, thought you might like this. )


> " Be Careful What YOU manifest with


>The Kahuna Telepathic Dream Invader,


>Because YOU Will Get it Whether YOU


>Really Want it, or Not! "



Doc, I didn't really get this at first, even though I " should " have.


Let's say a person is not yet aware the ENTIRE time they are doing stuff in the

dream world....


And they've given their SCM instructions to carry out while sleeping.


And the Conscious mind is " out to lunch, " so to speak, and the SCM acts on

whatever suggestions it is given, since there is no protection from the CM at

that time.


So the SCM carries out those suggestions, with amazing results.


Yet it is also open to the influences and " sludge " of others who are contacted.


Is this why Jose Silva taught people to program to WAKE UP at the correct time

to go influence others, and then go to level?


So is it better to segment intend to go to certain types of " classes " while

sleeping instead of programming to go influence so and so for XXX?


What if you wake up to influence so and so for XXX? Won't there THEN be an

attractor field in the non-local universe to go to them while you are asleep,

even if you're not aware of it? So how do you program to make sure you get what

you DO want instead of what you don't want?


Is that one of the possible reasons why some people have woke up exhausted

instead of waking up refreshed and relaxed? Is that why some people " wake up on

the wrong side of the bed " ?


I can think of some ways to fix this, of course, using what you've taught us in

the posts, and especially in the videos and at the seminars.


I'm sure there's much more I didn't " get " yet, that I will get soon now.


Thanks for the post, Doc!



Jim Knippenberg

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