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Healing Power of Full Spectrum Light

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Going into autumn I was in a pretty pissy mood. I did drills etc. but

very little seemed to work - and I stopped doing drills. (I should

have done Donna Eden's Drill for metal elements (which I am) and the

autumn season (which it was) which is human touching divine on page

222 of Energy Medicing - and DOES WORK VERY WELL if you are a metal,

but I was too pissed off, or dare I say, even depressed, and didn't do

that either.


Then I ordered a second monitor for my computer, which was the biggest

monitor my graphics card could handle.


When I started using the big monitor, which is backlit by a stronger

florescent light than my tablet pc and is really big, suddenly strange

things happened.


From staring into that big bright florescent flatscreen monitor...


My mood brightened.

I started becoming more sociable.

I became generally more functional.

I started getting more real work done.

I reversed the autumn downward trend and started doing things again.

I started being much more moderate in my habits.


-This spinned off into me doing the docs Remote Viewing Remote

Influencing drills again.

-And with the extra display space I was able to voice record any

thoughts that occured ot me at level with the recorder showing in the

other monitor.

-And I was able to make detailed notes on my computer while the CD was

playing on the second monitor.

-And I was able to track my sessions in Microsoft Outlook's journal.

(Segment Intentions + Experiences)


Which caused me to do the drills more exactly, with more awareness of

the process, and an accurate picture of where and when I was doing the

drills and with segment intentions and keeping record of experiences.


Which caused me to start achieving my goals.

Which is causing me to start exercising again.

Which made me relaxed and " cool "


All because of a brighter light and a bit more monitor space.


Hmmm. Funny how tiny things make a big difference.

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