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Donna rarely tells someone that they are wrong...

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--- " hunter.cris " <hunter.cris wrote:


> explains the " why " to do things...often in different contexts and

>in different ways each time. I also notice how rarely she tells

>someone they are wrong and respectful she is of differnt

>viewpoints, she usually reframes things with a " in my experience "

>type comment.




Donna is really conscious of other people's feelings. Must be

because she is an empath, right? So if someone has her feelings hurt

than Donna hurts with her?


I think that's some form of a higher spiritual development.


One that is very hard to understand the higher ramifications of, and

the consequences of.


At least for me thats what I think.


I still have not really recognized the reasons for the VERY DEEP

ATTRACTION I have towards Energy Medicine.


It's such A MAGNETIC PULL that I cannot resist it.


Even though most of the people in EM are very different than I am.


Really weird.


> She also doesn't take herself seriously, laughs outrageously when

>she messes something up...


As David said, " she makes those mistakes, and then we build them

into our presentations because they are so well liked " . Yes, I know,

David was joking.


>I like that in Donna and whilst i don't model myself on her,

> I think they are pretty cool values to have....


Yes, I have other values that I model instead. And someday, when I'm

reborn and have evolved a bit differently, I think I'll appreciated

those skills even more, and more, as I understand them.


Now, I just do the best that I know how to do.


So, I am my own judge and jury and I do like me, most of the time.


And sometimes when I go to " second position " I go, " oh crap. I can

do better than that " .


And sometimes when I do to " third position " I go, " okay, now I get

the reason that Donna does that drill instead of this drill " .


So the position you observe from and do your Energy Medicine from is

very important.


> just some thoughts on the direction some of the recent posts might

>have taken if Donna's principles of EM had been applied......


Actually, I don't think they are Donna's principles of EM, but are

something else totally.


Maybe her spiritual empathy again?




Hard for me to do, but...


....reminds me of something Ben Franklin said.


It was about the negative traits of himself, and he was attempting

to work on " humility " .


Ben admitted he'd failed miserably at learning the skill of

humbleness, so he pretended to be humble instead, and therefore

everyone thought he was humble. But he wasn't able to do that until

later on in his life.


And, about the " way to do things " ...


Well, Donna is pretty damn good! Magical in fact.


So, we all are attempting to model her and her excellence at EM.


Hoping someday to be able to obtain her skill level.


I do remember her talking about the Korean gentleman that was at one

of her workshops.


And he was doing some really " weird " drill during a practice session

with another student. And those really neat energies were going



And Donna was really impressed!


So Donna asked him what he was doing.


And he stated he was doing the same exact thing that Donna had done,

but he wasn't even close.


The funny thing was, was the placebo effect.


Since the Korean gentleman " thought " he was doing the same thing as

Donna, his " attitude " and the positive energies (radiant circuits)

that accompanied that attitude actually did help the other client.


So, what specifically is the moral of that story of Donna's?


Is the moral of the story about how you can screw up and get away

with it?


Is the moral of the story about, " learning the proper drills are not

important? "


Or is it about something much more important?


Maybe it's about, do the best that we can, and keep on learning the

correct from the incorrect...and that we cannot get to the correct

but though the path of the incorrect?


That is called, " there are no mistakes, there is only feedback! "


I was with a spiritual guru one time.


He just looked at me and said, " XXXXX, you are exactly where you are

supposed to be at this time, or you would not be here! "


And I got to feeling pretty good about myself and my skills.


The guru then grined and said, " XXXXX, you are so MUCH MORE than you

think you are! "


And I went, " damn! I've got more to do. Crap! "


Yep. I'd not quite reached perfection yet.


So, the Korean gentleman would NOT be an appropiate trainer for some



Why not?


And, Donna, who has the skills, and the attitudes, and the drills

with the specific guidelines of learning those skills is a great



But it's impossible to get to her level, right?


I'm still confused about the mono posts. I think I must be missing

something that is presupposed. I'll go back and restudy them. Thanks



What are the differences?


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See where I write after I clipped this first part of what you wrote....



>kahunamaker <kahunamaker

>Feb 14, 2006 2:30 AM


> Donna rarely tells someone that they

are wrong...


>--- " hunter.cris " <hunter.cris wrote:


>> explains the " why " to do things...often in different contexts


>>in different ways each time. I also notice how rarely she tells

>>someone they are wrong and respectful she is of differnt

>>viewpoints, she usually reframes things with a " in my experience "

>>type comment.




>Donna is really conscious of other people's feelings. Must be

>because she is an empath, right? So if someone has her feelings hurt

>than Donna hurts with her?


>I think that's some form of a higher spiritual development.


>One that is very hard to understand the higher ramifications of, and

>the consequences of.


>At least for me thats what I think.


>I still have not really recognized the reasons for the VERY DEEP

>ATTRACTION I have towards Energy Medicine.


>It's such A MAGNETIC PULL that I cannot resist it.


>Even though most of the people in EM are very different than I am.


>Really weird.



Depends on what you mean by Empath and " hurts with her " . If someone needs

to learn something, and they chose to learn it by crossing my path and


to screw me over, I can be real " empathic " toward them to the point that

when they change what they are doing, I no longer have any need to


them. And suppose I use my empathic skills to find the BEST way to teach them


it is they need to learn while still being able to go unharmed on my own path.


And of course you have a VERY DEEP ATTRACTION twoards Energy Medicine because it

is the flip side and the complimentary side to the other skills we love. Who


it, Hannibal(?), who sent fresh, clean snow-water to his opponent who was almost

dying of a severe fever. It was in that general time period, anyway.


And who knows, maybe we had great abilities to heal at one time or another.


As far as Energy Medicine, though, I'm interested in skills. And for the most


except for some people I avoid, I don't care where I learn the skills, as long


I learn the skills, with the exception being you -- I prefer learning at your



Ingo talked about " Lucidity " . It appears that to some extent, Donna has

" Lucidity " . And the mesmerists talk about a " lucidity " also.

Is theirs the same or not? Whether or not it is so, it is obvious that there


numerous " masters " and " teachers " where we can learn what we

want. I sure do like the Kinesthetic feedback from what you taught us that you

learned from Donna, though.


For instance, I was in the store, about to buy something, and I was sure it was

good for me. The voice in my right ear said, " ENERGY TEST IT! "


" But I'm homolateral, and I know it's good for me, and I'll just screw up the

test because I'm homolateral. "


" DO the fucking thumps, and energy test, damn it! "


I did the fucking thumps, did my calibration test, then tested for it was good




As SOON as I started to say, " This is good for me, " I FELT my second chakra

strengthen. Even before the body pendulum went into motion.


So I said, " Yeah, see! I told you it was good for me! "


Answer came back: " THAT'S NOT why I told you to energy test it. Think again! "


Then I realized that at the moment just prior to the energy test, I had


the answer from my second chakra, to the point that the energy test would not


been necessary -- I could have said the affirmation and just paid attention to




And that's something I learned from you that you learned from Donna.


Not to mention how I could see my energy field expand, too.


And, yes, you are correct, we're going to have one awesome seminar. I'm sure


I'm going to be there!




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