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Secret technique of the penetrating flow to heal shock instantly!

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--- " esyoga " <earthsong3 wrote:

> You might like this too, from John MacEnulty's Emanations group -


(much snipped)


> The problem is in my talking back to the voice, arguing, trying to

>be right, trying to win the endlessly unresolvable debate.

> In meditation I just surrender.

> It's funny how when I say, go ahead, do your worst, tell me how


> of it, how wrong I am, the voice gets bored and goes away.

> Surrender does that.


Hi Patricia,


My inference on what John MacEnulty said, and how it corresponds to

what Chris did not do is this...


....MacEnulty talks about " surrender " , and really meant something

else from his description.


Surrender means to " give up " , to " give up possession or power over " ,

which to me is NOT what he meant.


He meant something more along the line of " acceptance " . More of

a " yep, that's me and I can live with me. " The type of set-up phrase

used by Gary Craig, David Feinstein, Fred Gallo, Rodger Callahan,

and others.


What MacEnulty did was NOT surrender, but something more along the

line of Louise Hays teaches, and what Energy Psychology teaches in

it's set-up phrase...


....the phrase of, " Even though I'm not appreciated by this group

(fill in your own details of PR's) I still totally appreciate and

accept myself! "


(many Earth Elements and Water elements use the set-up phrase of 'I

deeply love and appreciate myself " , which do not work for me, and

infact cause me to not do the drills.)


And say it loudly as you massage DEEPLY that GMNVLR point. Do it 3



That GMNVLR point is the one points that really moves energy through

the body so that the body and the minds are now really to release

the perturbances though the sandwich.


THEN use the erasure technologies to clean up those old emotionall

clogged energies...and then use the belief change drill to install

new and more appropiate self-worth.


So what John MacEnulty refered to is a very important part of any

healing, whether it is Energy Medicine, Energy Psycholog, NLP, self-

help, or etc.


Now just the simple energy medicine of hold the proper NVP's on the

head can clear up most people's PR's without doing the normal EP



You have all those points that deal with, anger, grief, spiritual

connection, fear, surrender, choices, compassion, self-double,

stress points, fright, fultility, return to self, fight, flight,

freeze, panic, protect, overwhelm, calm and empowerment, and anger

and decisiveness, blab, blab, blab.


Secret technique of the penetrating flow to heal shock instantly!


What is really simple way to over come shock is to do the

penetrating gasp (hand over mouth) and hold. WOW!




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