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Doc, you are light years ahead of any SMC course I've even attended

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What, may I ask, is " SMC " ??






" sandygodheart " <sandygodheart


Thursday, February 23, 2006 7:38 PM

Doc, you are light years ahead of

any SMC course I've even attended




> Doc, you are light years ahead of any SMC course I've even attended.


> And I did want to thank you for that.


> There are many things I do not like about SMC.


> First, they never tell you how to do the drills. Instead they force

> their beliefs and values upon you and make you do their conditioning

> hypnosis drills.


> Then they attempt to program you while at level, to listen to them

> and only them.


> Then they attempt to install guilt if you use those inner levels of

> the mind for personal private reasons. Wealth. Social needs. etc.


> I want to thank you for the best damn time of my life.


> I'm ready for the next one you are doing in June. And maybe I'll

> even go to MO if you do another 2 day intensive over there.

> Sandy

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Damn it. When is the one in June? I don't recall you saying anything about it

at this one?


I should be self employed by then?


I got a question. We energy tested SEVERAL things using General Indicator test

(after hours). The energy tests on someone w/ 6 entities. In fact, I SHOCKED

everyone that I got the number when they thought he only had 2, and we decided

to energy test. I originally said 5, but tested strong, as if him, with 6. I

feel sorry for the guy mentioned in the Depo videos who had over 30 of them.


We also tested another person, and I noticed that I felt very " weird " inside his

energy field.


Also, after stepping into both of them, even though I stepped back out, it

ACTIVATED MY OWN attractor fields for paranoia AND also ANGER / RAGE.


So a friend and I tested for whether or not stepping into those people

" accidentally " activated my own complimentary attractor fields. I THOUGHT it

might test strong, and it did.


Well, so is General Indicator test the CORRECT test to use?


And also, another friend and I energy tested about person X is good for me

(strong) and I am good for person X (strong).


How is that any different than the " Buttered, salted popcorn is good for me "



If my third chakra spins strong because I LIKE person X, then won't that affect

that energy test? What's the CORRECT energy test to use for " this person is

good for me. " " I am good for this person. " ?


Thanks, Doc! That was a really AWESOME seminar!!!







>sandygodheart <sandygodheart

>Feb 23, 2006 9:38 PM


> Doc, you are light years ahead of

any SMC course I've even attended


>Doc, you are light years ahead of any SMC course I've even attended.


>And I did want to thank you for that.


>There are many things I do not like about SMC.


>First, they never tell you how to do the drills. Instead they force

>their beliefs and values upon you and make you do their conditioning

>hypnosis drills.


>Then they attempt to program you while at level, to listen to them

>and only them.


>Then they attempt to install guilt if you use those inner levels of

>the mind for personal private reasons. Wealth. Social needs. etc.


>I want to thank you for the best damn time of my life.


>I'm ready for the next one you are doing in June. And maybe I'll

>even go to MO if you do another 2 day intensive over there.




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, " Caroline

Pollak " <MamaMaha wrote:


> What, may I ask, is " SMC " ??

> TY,

> Caroline


SMC is a system of hypnosis titled " silva mind control " after

hypnotist jose silva's marketing package. Jose silva specialized in

a commercial form of hypnosis that was standardized and dumbed for

the general masses to teach esp development. Jose's hypnosis method

was taken from authorities like sherman, maltz, erickson, lecron,

napoleon hill, atkinson, carrington and many others.

Doc was one of their trainers for many years in, I think, 7

different levels of their hypnosis training. doc also started

training in hypnosis back in the 60's. Doc's current method of esp

training includes hypnosis, nlp, higher sense perception training,

training in thought forms, huna mana transformation, energy medicine

and all the energy work, along with energy psychology and psychology.



> -

> " sandygodheart " <sandygodheart


> Thursday, February 23, 2006 7:38 PM

> Doc, you are light

years ahead of

> any SMC course I've even attended



> >

> > Doc, you are light years ahead of any SMC course I've even


> >

> > And I did want to thank you for that.

> >

> > There are many things I do not like about SMC.

> >

> > First, they never tell you how to do the drills. Instead they


> > their beliefs and values upon you and make you do their


> > hypnosis drills.

> >

> > Then they attempt to program you while at level, to listen to


> > and only them.

> >

> > Then they attempt to install guilt if you use those inner levels


> > the mind for personal private reasons. Wealth. Social needs. etc.

> >

> > I want to thank you for the best damn time of my life.

> >

> > I'm ready for the next one you are doing in June. And maybe I'll

> > even go to MO if you do another 2 day intensive over there.

> > Sandy


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Okay, Williams, thanx for the explanation.

What's this group for then? Is it for just discussing " Doc's " methods or

seminars/workshops, etc?






" williamsspecialty " <williamsspecialty


Friday, February 24, 2006 1:57 AM

Re: Doc, you are light years

ahead of any SMC course I've even attended




> , " Caroline

> Pollak " <MamaMaha wrote:


>> What, may I ask, is " SMC " ??

>> TY,

>> Caroline


> SMC is a system of hypnosis titled " silva mind control " after

> hypnotist jose silva's marketing package. Jose silva specialized in

> a commercial form of hypnosis that was standardized and dumbed down for

> the general masses to teach esp development. Jose's hypnosis method

> was taken from authorities like sherman, maltz, erickson, lecron,

> napoleon hill, atkinson, carrington and many others.

> Doc was one of their trainers for many years in, I think, 7

> different levels of their hypnosis training. doc also started

> training in hypnosis back in the 60's. Doc's current method of esp

> training includes hypnosis, nlp, higher sense perception training,

> training in thought forms, huna mana transformation, energy medicine

> and all the energy work, along with energy psychology and psychology.

> Williams


>> -

>> " sandygodheart " <sandygodheart


>> Thursday, February 23, 2006 7:38 PM

>> Doc, you are light

> years ahead of

>> any SMC course I've even attended



>> >

>> > Doc, you are light years ahead of any SMC course I've even

> attended.

>> >

>> > And I did want to thank you for that.

>> >

>> > There are many things I do not like about SMC.

>> >

>> > First, they never tell you how to do the drills. Instead they

> force

>> > their beliefs and values upon you and make you do their

> conditioning

>> > hypnosis drills.

>> >

>> > Then they attempt to program you while at level, to listen to

> them

>> > and only them.

>> >

>> > Then they attempt to install guilt if you use those inner levels

> of

>> > the mind for personal private reasons. Wealth. Social needs. etc.

>> >

>> > I want to thank you for the best damn time of my life.

>> >

>> > I'm ready for the next one you are doing in June. And maybe I'll

>> > even go to MO if you do another 2 day intensive over there.

>> > Sandy


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I noticed early on when I started to learn SMC that certain of the

statements rubbed me the wrong way and I had a hard time relaxing

because of it. My solar plexus (where Unihipili is), would tense up

and I'd feel butterflies of anxiety when I got to certain parts of



I'm really sensitive anyway, so I was wondering was it just me and

everyone else is OK with this? So I'm glad you brought this up Sandy.


I had to rewrite the SMC statements to something that was more in

alignment with my own feelings about things. I memorized that and

learned to take myself to level with that instead. Now all I do is

change my physiology and say 3,2,1 or just intend.


What Doc had us doing last weekend was so much better than what I

learned in SMC. My Unihipili was really happy with it all.







essentialskills , " sandygodheart " <sandygodheart





>> First, they never tell you how to do the drills. Instead they


> their beliefs and values upon you and make you do their


> hypnosis drills.


> Then they attempt to program you while at level, to listen to them

> and only them.


> Then they attempt to install guilt if you use those inner levels of

> the mind for personal private reasons. Wealth. Social needs. etc.


> (snip)


> Sandy

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essentialskills , " sandygodheart " <sandygodheart



> Doc, you are light years ahead of any SMC course I've even attended.


> And I did want to thank you for that.


Yes Sandy,


I agree totally that what I do is " far advanced " ...


....and I also want to say a big THANK YOU to Jose Silva, and all the

good trainers I worked with back in the late 70's and early 80's. A

great bunch of people.


They were leading edge, at that time and I stood on their shoulders to

get to where I now teach from.



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