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The Power of Wellformed Thoughtforms and Synesthesia

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I can't wait to get the Dream Invaders DVD's because I don't

remember all those steps for the " Kahuna Mana Generator " drill. I

have some projects-in-waiting that I want to try that drill out on

because I remember how powerful that thoughtform was that I created

at the seminar. Must have been the use of those " extra muscles " that

Doc told us all about.


Another skill I noticed improved for me during the workshop was my

ability to hook up with all the senses when I RV. For example, when

Doc had me remote view the inside of a tree and I saw and felt water

and energy moving upwards in the tree via capilary action, I felt the

coolness inside the tree, heard and felt a gentle vibration all

around me and saw the movement of sparkly stuff (prana) up through

the tree. I also saw the prana sparkle inside the dark cool ground

as it was drawn up into the tree.


I'll never forget the first time I stepped into the Walter

thoughtform and felt the power of the red energy that he put in there.


And to those Dream Invader attendees who admitted to me after the

seminar was over that they made a " Lori " thoughtform during a time

when I was away from the studio, and left it in the studio in the

spot where you said, well...I found it right where you said it

was...and I have to admit you did a pretty damn good job, thanks! I

decided to move it to a different location in the studio though if

you don't mind. LOL!



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, " darthon4 "

<darthon4 wrote:


> I can't wait to get the Dream Invaders DVD's because I don't

> remember all those steps for the " Kahuna Mana Generator " drill. I

> have some projects-in-waiting that I want to try that drill out on

> because I remember how powerful that thoughtform was that I


> at the seminar. Must have been the use of those " extra muscles "


> Doc told us all about.


Well Lori,


If you could remember the SECRET DRILL of the Kahuna Mana Generator

for Installation of THOUGHT FORMS, how would you do it so it is

effective enought RIGHT NOW to get what you want?


Because you do KNOW HOW to do it.


> And to those Dream Invader attendees who admitted to me after the

> seminar was over that they made a " Lori " thoughtform during a time

> when I was away from the studio, and left it in the studio in the

> spot where you said, well...I found it right where you said it

> was...and I have to admit you did a pretty damn good job,

thanks! I

> decided to move it to a different location in the studio though if

> you don't mind. LOL!


You mean you can install LUST into someone by just leaving a SPECIAL

thought form WHERE they accidently sit? How intriguing.


For those that are upset about this, just think about the thought

forms that are left in the hospitals by well meaning doctors,

nurses, relatives and sick people.



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essentialskills , " docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001



> , " darthon4 "

> <darthon4@> wrote:

> >

> > I can't wait to get the Dream Invaders DVD's because I don't

> > remember all those steps for the " Kahuna Mana Generator " drill.


> > have some projects-in-waiting that I want to try that drill out


> > because I remember how powerful that thoughtform was that I

> created

> > at the seminar. Must have been the use of those " extra muscles "

> that

> > Doc told us all about.


> Well Lori,


> If you could remember the SECRET DRILL of the Kahuna Mana Generator

> for Installation of THOUGHT FORMS, how would you do it so it is

> effective enought RIGHT NOW to get what you want?


> Because you do KNOW HOW to do it.


OK, thanks, now that you mention it I do already know all the parts.

They are drills you have taught us before with some slight variations

this time, plus something new you taught us...and that explains why

it works so well!



> > And to those Dream Invader attendees who admitted to me after the

> > seminar was over that they made a " Lori " thoughtform during a


> > when I was away from the studio, and left it in the studio in the

> > spot where you said, well...I found it right where you said it

> > was...and I have to admit you did a pretty damn good job,

> thanks! I

> > decided to move it to a different location in the studio though


> > you don't mind. LOL!


> You mean you can install LUST into someone by just leaving a


> thought form WHERE they accidently sit? How intriguing.


Yep, now that you mention it once you get the skills from practicing

the drills you certainly can create thoughtforms for whatever purpose

you want and put them where ever you want.


There was also something that I think you've mentioned to us

about " ecology " ? Was it something like how we are totally

responsible for the consequences of what we create, program for,

etc., etc.? ;-)


Is there a way to tell if something you are thinking of creating or

have programmed for will be the best for your evolution?


Like say a particular job offer that sounds too good to be true?

Maybe timeline to the future and step into it and try it out?


Thank you Doc.






> For those that are upset about this, just think about the thought

> forms that are left in the hospitals by well meaning doctors,

> nurses, relatives and sick people.




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