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And he blabbers aboout his spirituality as he steals your clients.

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, " Rev. James

Vinson Wingo, DD " <kahunaviking wrote:


> Doc,


> As you already know, and as EVERYONE ON THESE LISTS

> SHOULD KNOW ... he was banned from my lists for

> " snaking. "




Back about 8 years ago I did like him.


I enjoyed talking with him.


Then he started changing.


Pretty soon he's claiming this and that.


Pretty soon he's attempting to use other people lists unethically to

send them to him list and his products...


....which is just fine when he does it on his list to his people.


....or he can do like many do, and advertise on google. The list time

I did that, about 4 weeks ago, I pulled in over $82,000.00 and almost all of it



Not all from there, but it did help.


My point is, there are better ways to make money than being

unethical with those that used to be your friend.


And he blabbers about how spiritual he is as he uses those deceitful

back channeling techniques to steal clients.


Sort of like the snake back in the time of Adam and Eve.


By the way, was Adam " living at cause " , or " living at effect " ?


Who did Adam blame for straying? Himself? The Snake? Eve? God?


Why is knowing this important?


DR. John M. La Tourrette

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I guess I received his sham emailing too. Just with all the shit to get done

I didn't really look at it. What a low he's sunk to (vetter) lower than a

pregnant vipers belly.


I always did like using a shovel to cut off snakeheads and scoop up the

squirming bodies to throw out to the cats.


Walter Hurlbut




On Behalf Of


Thursday, March 02, 2006 12:52 AM


And he blabbers aboout his

spirituality as he steals your clients.


, " Rev. James

Vinson Wingo, DD " <kahunaviking wrote:


> Doc,


> As you already know, and as EVERYONE ON THESE LISTS

> SHOULD KNOW ... he was banned from my lists for

> " snaking. "




Back about 8 years ago I did like him.


I enjoyed talking with him.


Then he started changing.


Pretty soon he's claiming this and that.


Pretty soon he's attempting to use other people lists unethically to

send them to him list and his products...


....which is just fine when he does it on his list to his people.


....or he can do like many do, and advertise on google. The list time

I did that, about 4 weeks ago, I pulled in over $82,000.00 and almost all of

it net.


Not all from there, but it did help.


My point is, there are better ways to make money than being

unethical with those that used to be your friend.


And he blabbers about how spiritual he is as he uses those deceitful

back channeling techniques to steal clients.


Sort of like the snake back in the time of Adam and Eve.


By the way, was Adam " living at cause " , or " living at effect " ?


Who did Adam blame for straying? Himself? The Snake? Eve? God?


Why is knowing this important?


DR. John M. La Tourrette












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, " kahunamaker "

<kahunamaker wrote:


> Yep.


> Back about 8 years ago I did like him.


> I enjoyed talking with him.


> Then he started changing.


Hi Doc,


You said Jim has/had a lot of questions. His questions are probably a

lot more intelligent than mine but I'll bet I could match him in

quantity. ;-}


For instance: Some of the posts after the last seminar left the

impression that messing with someone else's energy body without

permission is easy to do if one has the skills and does the drills. In

a perfect world only those who would use the drills responsibly would

have them. (And yes, I do know that one can argue what " responsibly " is.)


You do prescreen participants. It's one of the many things I admire

about you. Yet after reading the preceding comment from your e-mail,

it occurred to me what an exhaustive task it would be to do life-long

timelines on everyone to make sure that they would remain

" responsible " . Depending on the fragility of the future, I'm not even

sure this would be possible.


So I wonder, are there ways to protect oneself (others as well) from

the effects of the drills?


The participants of the seminar were aware of the importance of the

daily ritual including hook-ups, Celtic weave, etc. and so likely to

be doing them. Yet they were still (although willing) vulnerable. So

I'm guessing that these are not enough.


I hope this isn't asking too much. Thanks for everything either way.




P.S. I just thought of something else to do the IDD on: it has to do

with getting hyper when posting. :-o

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