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And he blabbers aboout his spirituality as he steals your clients.

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, " bbtried "

<bbtried wrote:

> For instance: Some of the posts after the last seminar left the

> impression that messing with someone else's energy body without

> permission is easy to do if one has the skills and does the





That's true.


Even today, that one THOUGHT FORM around " blood red " is still active

and very very powerful.


And I won't even tell you what else was done;-)



> a perfect world only those who would use the drills responsibly

>would have them.




It's NOT a perfect world.


> (And yes, I do know that one can argue what " responsibly " is.)


You are getting into RULES STRUCTURE here. Some people have the

rule, " if I can get away with it, then it must be God's will " , like

Medford police officers.


> You do prescreen participants.




But NOT to how they will use the technologies.


I screen according to their values and beliefs and intelligent.


I am NOT a cop and I abhore that fanatical " ticket writting " lack of

intelligent behavior.



> It's one of the many things I admire

> about you. Yet after reading the preceding comment from your e-


> it occurred to me what an exhaustive task it would be to do life-


> timelines on everyone to make sure that they would remain

> " responsible " . Depending on the fragility of the future, I'm not


> sure this would be possible.


It's not.


We do what we can do, according to where we are in time, space and

frame of mind.


> So I wonder, are there ways to protect oneself (others as well)

from the effects of the drills?




You can't defend against a knife unless you can fight adquately with

a knife. So learn knife fighting skills BEFORE you attempt any

defense, EXCEPT a pre-emptive strike.


Same here.


> The participants of the seminar were aware of the importance of the

> daily ritual including hook-ups, Celtic weave, etc. and so likely

>to be doing them.




Incorrect supposition on your part.


Most of the attendees have NOT done those energy drills since

they've learned them.


Hell, Cinta, after 7 years, still can't trace the 14 basic

meridians. Not a cut, just a verification of what normal people do

and don't do. I love Cinta. Well...


>Yet they were still (although willing) vulnerable. So

> I'm guessing that these are not enough.


We were WAY BEYOND what you are thinking about. An entirely



Have fun.



> I hope this isn't asking too much. Thanks for everything either



> Sincerely,

> barb

> P.S. I just thought of something else to do the IDD on: it has to


> with getting hyper when posting. :-o


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, " Walter

Hurlbut " <whurlbut wrote:


> I guess I received his sham emailing too. Just with all the shit

to get done

> I didn't really look at it. What a low he's sunk to (vetter) lower

than a

> pregnant vipers belly.




The poor ignorant fool has been on a marketing list for the last 1

1/2 years attempting to bleed their good minds on how to write ad



And, I'm also a member of that list, but since he's been there I've

not once (under my own name) offered any advice that would help him.


Why not?


Because I ONLY help those that have good products.




A values judgement on my part, and I'M PROUD OF IT!


Jim Knippenberg, on the other hand has GOOD PRODUCTS, so buy them




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