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Karma and Ecology

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essentialskills , " kahunamaker " <kahunamaker



> , Helen

> Driscoll <helen@> wrote:


> > I think ecology is really important - and not as a guilt thing.


> Usually those who use that word, are into " judgement " ...


Just because it is associated with " judgment " doesn't mean it

doesn't exist. It means that negative connotations are associated

with the word ecology. I find judgmental people annoying and am

happy to *allow* them to go and annoy someone else while I have a




> ...and they don't have a clue about one of the PRIMARY LAWS of the

> Universe, " the Law of Allowing " .


> Please note, it's not the Law of Accepting. That again is

> judgemental from a negative viewpoint.


> And, " ecology " never takes into account another one of the PRIMARY

> LAWS of the Universe, " the Law of Cause and Effect " .


> Think long term.


If you think long term in terms of different lifetimes that means

that you can't verify the specific cause-effect relationship of

Karma that you are proposing. In terms of reincarnation it is

really not possible to observe the cause in person A and the effect

in person B and make a connection between the two. You only have

someone else's say-so that the Karma relation exists. It is a matter

of faith. Also, who's to say what spiritual entity is in which

physical entity, and if they have a name, how they got the name in

the first place. You can't measure it or verify what spiritual

entity is in who normally.


Karma could possibly also be a social control mechanism. Karma

cannot be verified, just like the christian control mechanism of

damnation cannot be verified.



> Amilius, when he first was incarnated as Adam, was a loser. He

> blamed Eve for his behavior of eating the apple from the forbidden

> tree of wisdom. That's living at " effect " . Not a productive way to



> God kicked them both out of Eden.


> Many life times later, re-incarnated as Joshua, he was a " get shit

> done " type of man that lead a ferocious Jihad to great success. A

> war lord of great skill and determination...


> ...and, karmically, he did over-do that " hanging of kings " a bit,

so he build up some negative karma.


> (Don't we all?)


> Even later yet (I'm attempting to keep this story brief), he came


> Jesus the Christ...and accomplished even more, in a different


> of productivity.


> (not the current accepted view of the dumbed down Christianity).



It's a fine theory about an entity called Amilius. I think it was

Edgar Cayce who proposed the existence of Amilius. Again, this is a

theory that cannot be verified by conventional means.


We only have Cayce's say so. I believe that Edgar Cayce said also

that the magnetic poles of the earth were going to reverse in 2001

if my information is correct.




> Too bad.


> So, what is ecology?


Ecology is having an accurate understanding of cause and effect. It

is about anticipating consequences that would not normally be

anticipated. It's getting your goals and combining them with

acceptable side-effects, or even synergistic side effects.


For me having an accurate understanding of cause and effect includes

remaining agnostic about cause-effect relationships that can't be

verified, and being aware that the Karma relationship could very

well be a well-intentioned way for a priestly caste to keep the

population under control so that there is social order.


I would also consider deciding to have *faith* in an unverifiable

theory if it were beneficial to do so in some way. For instance

going along with a theory because it is psychologically beneficial

or because it causes one to act in alignment with one's nature.

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