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Chronique Fatigue Syndrom can be fixed in 20 minutes & you need the body habit

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--- " yildiz " <yildiz22 wrote:

> > I wonder why we should listen to anything you say since you

admit up

> > front that you've not studied energy therapies,


> I said I was not an expert. Did not say I know nothing about it.Is

there a

> rule for this list that people who are not experts can not express


> views?


Hi Nil,


Yes, Dr. La Tourrette does have such a rule.


And that rule is written up very clearly in the attachment you get

when you join.


I suggest you read it.


And if you can't find it, then go to the files section and read it



Dr. La Tourrette does expect and demand that people who post have a

clue to what they are posting about.


> If yes,please tell me so.Than,I will leave the list.


You should leave the list if you continue to give out inaccurate

information about energy psychology skills that you know nothing



Or, you can study them a bit, read the back posts, and with that

study and your experience, share what you've learned, and ask

questions when you encounter something that confuses you.


>I am long term CFS patient.


I don't know what those three letters mean.


Is it, " Can't Feel Shit " ? Is it, " Cute Female Syndrome " ? Is

it " Chronic Fatigue Syndrome " ?


What is it? How do you know you have it? Did someone (a doctor?)

hypnotize you into having it?


How have people who have had it been fixed successfully?


What are you doing that they did so you can heal properly?


Do you know that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a condition of massive

homolateral overload, and can be fixed with some basic energy

medicine drills done diligently over a period of time?


It's one of those long term out-of-energy-balance conditions that

does take awhile to rebuild the right energy habits into the bodies

habit field.


Please help me learn, pretty please.


Since I'm healthly and not a doctor nor a psychologist I've not a

clue to what you are refering to.


Is it something real special? Help me out.


With best wishes and praying for a fast recovery of whatever it is

that ails you.


Barbara Ann


> best wishes and love.

> nil


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Hi Barbara,


I am still thinking that there is some misunderstanding between Sandy,you

and myself.I am too tired to write long notes and go into detailed

discussions.So,please excuse me for not answering your questions.I have

decided to leave this discussion as it is.We will see what happens in time.

best wishes.




> Hi Nil,


> Yes, Dr. La Tourrette does have such a rule.


> And that rule is written up very clearly in the attachment you get

> when you join.


> I suggest you read it.



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essentialskills , " barbara101ann " <barbara101ann



> --- " yildiz " <yildiz22@> wrote:

> > > I wonder why we should listen to anything you say since you

> admit up

> > > front that you've not studied energy therapies,


> > I said I was not an expert. Did not say I know nothing about


> there a

> > rule for this list that people who are not experts can not


> their

> > views?


> Hi Nil,


> Yes, Dr. La Tourrette does have such a rule.


> And that rule is written up very clearly in the attachment you get

> when you join.


> I suggest you read it.


> And if you can't find it, then go to the files section and read it

> there.


Thank you Barbara Ann for letting Nil know in such a polite, kind



I've already sent him some information that will help if he does the



What a helping group!




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, " yildiz "

<yildiz22 wrote:


> Hi Barbara,


> I am still thinking that there is some misunderstanding between


> and myself.I am too tired to write long notes and go into detailed

> discussions.So,please excuse me for not answering your questions.I


> decided to leave this discussion as it is.We will see what happens

in time.

> best wishes.


I think that the only misunderstanding was that Nil did not

understand the criteria for posting.


And that's okay.


I still only post to certain groups very infrequently because most

of them are Earth Elements and they think it's okay to blither and

blatter about this and that with no outcome in mind.


It does drive me batty.


Which is why I don't go to those sites (like abramham) very often.





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