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Long-Term Depression and Fatigue


Q. Dear Donna: I have suffered from deep depression for the past ten

years. It started when both my father and mother died, and although

I thought I had worked through the grief, I began to notice health

problems within a few years after their deaths. Since that time I've

never quite been able to turn the corner. I drag myself through life

in a constant state of fatigue, low energy, and stress, and am

plagued with numerous physical ailments.

After I read your book, I tried helping myself by practicing the

daily energy routine—the three thumps, the cross-crawl, and the

Wayne Cook posture, but they didn't seem to be enough. In fact, I

didn't notice any change. I'm reluctant to massage my

neurolymphatics again because after I tried it for the first time I

felt ill for days. Yet, I'm still intrigued with the concepts of

energy medicine and am hoping that you can give me some ideas to

help me to break this cycle of emotional and physical distress.


A. I feel great compassion for you and your long struggle with

depression and illness. The timing of the onset of your emotional

and physical symptoms, shortly after the loss of your parents, is

probably significant. Energies systems can go into shock after

significant loss or trauma, and it is not unusual for the pattern

that was initially in response to the shock to become stuck in the

body. This type of quagmire, in fact, traps more people than you

might realize. I would suggest that you read about triple warmer in

Chapter 8 of Energy Medicine as it governs both your response to

trauma and your energy habits.


While I cannot provide you with suggestions that are attuned to your

unique energies, the following sequence can help to release the

energy patterns caused by shock that can become stuck in the body:


First, calm triple warmer with the " smoothing behind the ears "

movement described on pp. 235 – 236. This is an excellent way of

taking down the stress level and helping to break the energy habits

that maintain depression.


Second, you may need more " space " in your body for your energies to

flow. This can be created in numerous ways. One of the best is

called " Separating Heaven and Earth " (p. 248). This not only

stretches your physical body, it gets your energy moving through it.


Third, Your energy may have become homolateral (i.e., running in

parallel lines instead of crossing and weaving as is needed for

optimal health.). If this is the case, you are fighting an uphill

battle with only a fraction of the energy that could be available to

you. Doing the Homolateral crossover (pp. 233 – 235) two times per

day should help coax your energy into a more functional pattern.


Fourth, I recommend that you have someone clear your chakras on a

regular basis (Chapter 5). This can often facilitate healing on much

deeper levels.


Next, you might add Heaven Rushing In, described on page 23, to help

you with the spiritual dimension of healing, and to help you not

feel so alone.


These techniques should be helpful to you, and you should experience

greater benefit from the " Daily Energy Routine " after you have done

them for even a few days.


Regarding clearing your neurolymphatics, the problem you

experienced, feeling worse rather than better, is because these

points help physical and energetic toxins break free so they can

move out of our body. But if you have a toxin build-up in your body,

massaging the points can move too many toxins into the lymph system

and blood stream too quickly, resulting in feeling sick from all the

toxins. The fact that the technique made you ill, if you understand

the principle, is a signal of how much you needed it. So you might

start with just one or two points. This is not likely to overwhelm

your system. Once some of the toxins have been dislodged and

eliminated, and your overall energy system grows stronger, your body

will more readily tolerate neurolymphatic massage.


Because I am suggesting a relatively complex set of procedures, and

your symptoms are also complex and longstanding, you might seriously

consider consulting an energy medicine practitioner to assess your

energies, give you some treatments, and also to supervise your back-

home routines.


If your physical and emotional health is still slow to improve after

following these suggestions, there is one other energy system that

should be investigated. It may be that your basic grid needs to be

woven back together. This work definitely requires an experienced

practitioner's help. I've written a little about it in Chapter 6.

Both emotional and physical trauma can create the equivalent of

ruptures and weak spots in a person's basic grid, and if this

foundational energy system is not in reasonable shape, it is harder

for the other techniques to work well. You can get a list of

qualified grid practitioners by writing to energy.

by Donna Eden, www.Innersource.com

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