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Some facts about education & expanding mental possibilities quickly

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--- " sunsidhe " <sbjames wrote:

> Why do people, especially adults, find it so hard to improve their

> skill at playing chess?


I don't know if this is false or not.


> So, the question once more; why do some people find it so easy to

> improve and others of apparently similar intelligence so


> plus the obvious, maybe more pertinent question; what can they do

> about it?


> Would greatly appreciate any opinions.


I won't give you an opinion, but I will give you some facts about

education and about expanding mental possibilities rather quickly.


The article about the other guy talked about stress and needing to

learn to operate under stress.


Well, if you have stress, no manifestation technology will work.


Stress causes the interaction between brain hemispheres to shutdown.

Stress causes the brain to stay in Beta. Stress causes the blood

from the forebrain to dissipate. When that blood dissipates you lose

about 50% of your thinking capabilities. Also, the energies of the

meridians that feed the brain become homolateral, and that also

negatively affects thinking capabilities and healing capabilities.


If you just seem to play at your chess, having fun, then you can

more easily get " into the zone " and the chess playing...


....or whatever else you do is much easier.


In England, before one study on hypnosis, only 26% of the law

students at Cambridge passed their bar exams.


So, as an experiment, one interprising hypnotist gave hypnosis

training to the upcoming testees for the bar exam. The hypnosis was

for relieving stress, and for installing confidence during test

taking, using the " as if " I've already passed frame.


According to the study, now 76% of the students passed the bar exam.


Energy Psychology can do the same type of mental peak performance

training, only it will do it faster.


Erasing the fears, and the negative aspects of chess playing, and

then installing better emotional skills will greatly enhance any

type of congnition.




Because both sides of the brain are now involved, instead of only

left brain strategies.


Which presupposes that if you have built up the bridges of

consciousness between brain hemispheres through proper thetat

training, so you can access the entire whole brain in all realms at

will, anyone will do much better.


Win Wenger also has some neat technologies for mind enhancement

technologies. Also for increasing your IQ over the period of 3

weeks. Proven results.


I just had one client, over a period of 5 weeks, using energy

psychology, was able to pick up a commercial piece of real estate at

a rock bottom price.


He did this by erasing his own fears, installing self-confidence,

and accessing the creative part of himself with hypnosis and a tape



We then had him " put on the energy fields " of all that he was

working with, the broker, the investors and the real estate sellor,

and pretend he was them and then clear up any subconscious

objections that he remote viewed them having. Once those objections

were cleared up using remote influence, he then remotely installed

in them (one by one) better feeling about himself, and about him

buying the property.


Sandy Godheart

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