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The COMPLETE TUNER ENERGY SET, manual, DVD's and Tuner Card, 5 left!

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--- , " Ms. Kimberly " <valandviolet wrote:


> Hello Aileen,

> Yes Doc does. I bought his whole Tuner package in October. May

be was out of it last seminar, cause I don't remember him mentioning

it for sale it has on it about everything the Card can do!!


> aileen donovan <aileendonovan wrote:

> Ahhhhh *Tuner Card*!

> THAT'S the name I was looking for when I posted to Orna a couple

of days

> ago...tuuuner card!

> I had no idea they work on allergies as well!! WOW! Think of all

the pets

> that wouldn't end up in shelters because their people had a way to

deal with

> the dander allergies...Thanks for this post Kimberly! Y'know this


> make a great DVD....does Doc already have one on this??


> Sincerely,

> Aileen


Hi Group,


Yes, we have 5 of those " complete SETS " on the shelf right now.


The COMPLETE TUNER ENERGY SET, manual, DVD's and Tuner Card, 5 left!

Email Jack at thespeedman


I just forgot to tell the seminar attendees about them.


The set normally goes for $297...


....and it has the DVD's, the MANUAL and the TUNER CARD.


All INNER CIRCLE MEMBERS can pick up that ENTIRE PACKAGE for $197

for the next 5 days, or until they are gone.


Postage and Handling will be $19.50 states side.


If outside the US we will tack on appropiate P & H to your credit card.


ONLY 5 sets left!



The COMPLETE TUNER ENERGY SET, manual, DVD's and Tuner Card, 5 left!

Email Jack at thespeedman

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It's too bad there are only 5 sets left!


That has to be one of the EASIEST ways to do remote influencing and also to do

energy healing.


I've placed my card on sore areas before, and almost instantly reduced and / or

erased the pain.


When Vince first got his, he had some pocket change that had a cruddy aura. He

left the coins on it overnight, and it completely fixed the aura of the coins so

they had a bright, shiny aura! (The energy field, not the physical field -- the

psychic " gunk " around those coins got transformed overnight!)


I've used the card with a witness to get someone who had been avoiding me to

talk with me.


The VHS (DVD Now--I have the VHS version) also shows how to use the card for

remote influencing to FIX your energy response toward someone and to fix their

response toward you.


The how to is in the DVD.


So I asked " how else can I use this? "


So I used the psychic influence techniques to FIX energies between some friends

who needed some help. I never told them what I did. They wouldn't believe a

little tuner card did it! So they can go on thinking that " God answered their

prayers. " In a way, that is true.


So you GET the DVD package, and you practice the drills on there, and then you

ask what else can you do with the techniques.


You can make it easier to learn subjects that had caused you massive mental and

emotional reversals trying to learn before.


You can use it to help heal hard feelings between you and someone else or

between others you want to help.


It's NOT a magic bullet to make people do your will, though.


If you're going to use it to try to get an unfair advantage over others,

remember this: The card is meant to BALANCE and HEAL the energies between the

two of you (when used for Remote Influence). It does not " make " people do

things. What it does, though, is that it helps to heal what's wrong so you have

a " clean slate " to start with, so to speak, as you use your Remote Influencing

techniques with them. It helps clear up people's negative responses to things

you want them to do (when used correctly).


The techniques on how to do the RI are in that DVD.


I'm real jealous, and I sure wish *I* had thought up the how-to in that DVD.

The manual has information you won't find anywhere else, except from Doc (or

maybe you might get a small percentage of that from someone who has studied with



You better damn well get your's NOW while you can. He's really not charging

enough money for it when you consider all the things you can DO with the

information and the card once you learn how.


It's about as close to a " Magic Bullet " as you will get.


Have fun!






>kahunamaker <kahunamaker

>Mar 23, 2006 5:27 PM



manual, DVD's and Tuner Card, 5 left!




>Hi Group,


>Yes, we have 5 of those " complete SETS " on the shelf right now.


>The COMPLETE TUNER ENERGY SET, manual, DVD's and Tuner Card, 5 left!

>Email Jack at thespeedman


>I just forgot to tell the seminar attendees about them.


>The set normally goes for $297...


>...and it has the DVD's, the MANUAL and the TUNER CARD.


>All INNER CIRCLE MEMBERS can pick up that ENTIRE PACKAGE for $197

>for the next 5 days, or until they are gone.


>Postage and Handling will be $19.50 states side.


>If outside the US we will tack on appropiate P & H to your credit card.


>ONLY 5 sets left!



>The COMPLETE TUNER ENERGY SET, manual, DVD's and Tuner Card, 5 left!

>Email Jack at thespeedman



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Hi Doc,


I still have my tuner card, videos and manual that you gave us back

in July as a free bonus at the Propulsion Systems and Demon State

Seminar (aka " Get Shit Done " seminar). I count myself as one of the

very lucky attendees who received that gift from you. Thank you



It works well for things like pain. Back when I used to have lower

back pain, I used it put it in my back pocket or tape it over the

area and the pain would be greatly reduced. I've used it for some of

the other things you suggest on the videos too


I found another good use for it too. I used it to clear " negative "

energies in a hotel room I was staying in. I kept getting headaches

when I entered the room. I think it might have been the cleaners they

used there. The next day I used the card as you suggested, as I

stood on the threshold of the room. Next time I entered the room I

wasn't bothered by the smells in there. No headaches for the rest of

my stay.


Works great with computers too. I tuned my computer monitor and don't

get the eye fatigue like I used to.


I discovered a lot of other little uses for it as the need arose.


All I can say is the tuner card is a great little device to " have in

one's pocket " . I have one in my wallet at all times because I never

know when I'll need it.






, " kahunamaker "

<kahunamaker wrote:



> Hi Group,


> Yes, we have 5 of those " complete SETS " on the shelf right now.


> The COMPLETE TUNER ENERGY SET, manual, DVD's and Tuner Card, 5 left!

> Email Jack at thespeedman


> I just forgot to tell the seminar attendees about them.


> The set normally goes for $297...


> ...and it has the DVD's, the MANUAL and the TUNER CARD.


> All INNER CIRCLE MEMBERS can pick up that ENTIRE PACKAGE for $197

> for the next 5 days, or until they are gone.


> Postage and Handling will be $19.50 states side.


> If outside the US we will tack on appropiate P & H to your credit



> ONLY 5 sets left!



> The COMPLETE TUNER ENERGY SET, manual, DVD's and Tuner Card, 5 left!

> Email Jack at thespeedman


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