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Digest 448:Rev. McDreamy & Aileen's Most Excellent Mt. Shasta Adventure

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Message: 5

Sun, 19 Mar 2006 19:13:23 -0600 (GMT-06:00)

" James R. Knippenberg " <erommel

Re: Rev. McDreamy & Aileen's Most Excellent Mt. Shasta Adventure

(aka Thrusting into ???) LONG!...Drink a few green beer first or just





Hey! Thanks for the post!


##Thank you Jimmy K.! It was my pleasure to share :-)


Makes me pissed that I never been there yet. So I guess next time I'm in

Oregon I will check it out again, just like I checked it out as I was

reading your post.


##I just love how you do that! You are so adept at it, I hope next time

we're in Medford together, I get to watch you in action again and maybe you

can teach me a thing or two!



I would like to know if these are similar vortexes to what Ingo described in

Penetration or if they are different, and if so, how.


## I'm afraid I don't know who 'Ingo' is, though by the sounds of it, I

probably would enjoy reading some of his works....


Are they also different than the ones in certain places in the ocean?


##I can tell you this...From what I have been reading this past weekend, '

Telos' inside of Mt. Shasta is just one area of a very vast underground

system that connects literally all over the world...


And " what " is on the other end? Is it like it is here? Or is it a

" different dimmension " ? If so, how? I mean you said someone was there who

had been at Lemuria. So are these people waiting to reincarnate? Or are

they something / someone different?


##As I understand it, the Lemurians in Telos are as real as you and me...

Telos is a physical place & they are physical beings who live there but

because of their exceptionally pure diet and the oxygen(too techi for me to

explain) they breathe, they live exceptionally long times, hundreds and even

into the thousands of years. There are a million & a half of these Lemurian

beings in Telos alone.



And if you were (and some of us were either Lemurians or Atlanteans -- I

don't know if we could have been both or not?) one of them at one time,

well, heck, I just got more questions than I even know how to ask...



##I believe we could have been both as the span of years of both

civilizations was thousands and thousands of years...From what I have read

about Atlanteans I seem to have some of their characteristics as well as

resonate with them...I'm short(Lemurians are 6ft++)...have dark

features(Lemurians are very fair with blue eyes)... just LOVE crystals... &

have somewhat of a firey hot temper at times :-} Yet I also resonate alot

with Lemurians...I have some earth element in me...I'm a peace lovin'

people..Lemurians were very peaceful, loved the land, loved animals...Funny

thing I remembered, when I was a kid just starting school, I clearly

remember arguing with my Teacher and classmates that YES INDEED there were

dinosaurs at the same time as humans roaming the world and I got into

trouble with my teacher because no matter how many times she said that

wasn't true I argued YES IT WAS!!! But it was probably the fist waving I

did while saying it that got me in the most trouble.. :-)


You said there was a guard at the vortex you saw. He was non-threatening.

So, I mean, if MOST people are NOT aware, anyways, who was to be kept out?


##Pretty well everybody is kept out:-) I guess anyone who may stumble upon

it? Then there's always those damn Paparazzi....



And by what means?



##You just won't find the entrance...It is exceptionally well concealed and

guarded..As I understand it, it's not like you would be 'phazered' to

death...you just really wouldn't get 'in'....You probably wouldn't find the

entrance in the first place...Or maybe they erase the memory of it if you

do?? LET'S GO FIND OUT!!!! :-)))



Also, the guard obviously had some CONSCIOUS use of telepathic abilities.

So is that also the way in which " unwanted intruders " would be kept out?


##Perhaps the means are adjusted for the intruder? I mean, I simply asked

about the portal..... I wasn't about to try and use Mental Kung Fu on the

guard to get my way or anything...I believe I WAS shown the right portal and

told IF I could find it, I would be let in...perhaps it was trick wording on

their part as in, 'Oh SHE'LL never find it... " ?? Or maybe, I'll find it and

get let in :-))))



How would someone unwanted know about it, anyways, and if they DID have the

awareness to know and to access the portal, then it seems as if it would

also be necessary to use a great deal of some sort of energetic force to

keep them away.


## I believe that when it would come to 'energetic force'...The 'Enlightened

Beings' will have the upper hand over us...No offence to us simple 'surface

dwellers' but they do have that whole 'Enlightened' issue over us....


By the by...


Have I ever told you that I absolutely love your mind Jimmy K.? The kinds

of questions you ask are questions I don't even think about! I just figured

if this has come to my awareness, I am suppose to know about it and now I

have a burning desire to go there....and the guard did tell me, if I found

the portal he described to me, I would be allowed in...Perhaps because I was

given 'the symbol'??? I dunno...



So if that vortex was not the one you were looking for, and it's funny that

Vince knew that, too, then what was the vortex you saw going to? It's all

in the same mountain, so wouldn't it all be part of the same " complex " or

whatever? (thinking in terms of underground " bunkers " or whatever, since

that's all I know to compare it to...)



##Maybe the vortex I saw was simply the 'Guard's Gate' ?? They did say the

whole portal thing was created in such a way to eject people who tried to

get in...That was cool that Vince knew wasn't it? And I didn't even ask him

how he knew...see? I don't even think to question it, it just felt natural

& complete to me the way it happened....


BTW, IF there were " underground things there, " one would think that the

government would want to have the area closed off.


##As I understand it, the governement is well aware of the area and know

that it is already so well guarded they do not need to step in...Besides, if

they themselves interfere, they might just find themselves getting their

asses 'smote' as well :-)



Anyways, how is it similar / dissimilar to what Ingo described, with the

exception that living creatures are not " zapped " . when the vortex is active?

And btw, the one Ingo described was not always " active " ? was it? Why? This

one is? Why?



## Can't answer the 'Ingo' questions...?


Anyhow, I enjoyed the post. Damn, you're an awesome story teller too!


##Thanks for saying so Jimmy K.! Just wait for the book! ;-) or the

cd....or if we're really smart...The DVD'S!!!!!!


Now I'm real jealous to know what the WORD / NAME I got one time means...

I'ts sure not the sort of thing I would just make up as a fictitious name.



##You and I need to spend more time together the next time we're in

Medford....Sincerely, Aileen.



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