Guest guest Posted April 1, 2006 Report Share Posted April 1, 2006 We tried to warn you! --Vince --- aileen donovan <aileendonovan wrote: > DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE HAS RUINED ME for any other > trainer..... > > Because once you have FOUND THE BEST.... > > You CANNOT settle for ANY ONE LESS.... > > I'm back from Toronto, early. As some may remember, > I flew to Toronto last > week to study and be certified as a licensed > Practitioner of NLP under > Canada's 'TOP NLP Trainer " who came HIGHLY > RECOMMENDED by Richard > Bandler(Stated on her website) and John & Kathleen > Lavalle who recommended > her to me, personally.... > > They will be hearing from me shortly.... > > I honestly do not believe that they have ANY idea > exactly who is > 'representing' them in Toronto, Canada... > To say she is sub par is being very,very,very > kind... > > Originally, she was able to gain rapport with me > on the phone by telling > me the most important thing for her students to > bring to her classroom was a > 'sense of humour' because her method of teaching > involved everyone having > alot of fun while learning those essential NLP > SKILLS.... > > Well... > > I sure like having fun while learning some new & > useful skills.....I > *always* have fun learning new & useful skills in > Doc's class... > > She claimed her classes regularily have 25-35 > students so there would be > plenty of hands on experiences... > > ......I like hands on experiences :-) And yep....we > enjoy those in Doc's > classes also...yep...sure doooooo..... > > I arrived that first morning to class absolutely > jazzed about starting her > training...So it was just a little blip when I found > that I couldn't enter > the building without an access code which she never > bothered to tell her > students anything about....No problemo...(tick > tock,tick tock)I just waited > until someone else from another office in the > building came along, struck up > instant rapport with them and they let me in...I > thought, 'oh...maybe it was > a test!!' No, she had simply forgotten....I didn't > even mind walking up all > those flights of stairs because they 'didn't use' > the elevator on the > weekends... And to be honest, I even thought, 'cool' > more 'teacher time' > when I found out that there were only *5* students > in the class....which by > end of first day were categorized into : > > 1) " Teacher's Desired Meal Ticket to/in Japan " (The > Japanese Business Man she > caught in her spidery web and dragged up from > Bandler's > seminar in Orlando.) > 2) " The Brown Noser " (The local DEEP kinesthetic > fella(relative brought in > for 'filler'?) she kept chained in a cage in the > corner) > 3) " The Teacher's Pet " (The sweet, wide-eyed 'I've > just found myself so this > week is all about me'' married, harried mother of > three > recently relocated to the bustling metropolis > of Toronto from > Newfoundland) > 4) " The Well-Connected Urban Gorilla Teacher Wants to > Get to Know Better " > (Grizzled, jaded, black-humoured 30 plus yrs. > with Global News > Television veteran > ENG camera man looking to finally break free > and create his own films > full time. ) > > and finally.... > > 5) " THE KAHUNA MIND TRAINED MOST THREATENING, > INTIMIDATING, SCARIEST BITCH > ON TWO LEGS she has > ever encountered in all her '12 intensive > training years with Richard > Bandler'..... > > ........ME!!!!!! ......lil' ol' ME!!!!!!!!!!! > HUHHHH???? and I was being > GOOD....I mean that!!! I was sooooo low key, > controlled and held back > because I sensed, she was a little intimated by me, > which REALLY took me by > surprise because, after all.....she did keep > reminding us that she had > trained for 12 years and never, ever missed a chance > to study with 'world > renowned' Richard Bandler...and here I come along, > and apparently, every > skill she had learned ....vanished!! > > Just think how she would have reacted if Sandy > Godheart was in her class!!!! > > She started class the first day(and each day > thereafter) by reminding us how > exorbitantly expensive she was....and then informed > us that we'd better book > our night to take her out to dinner early, because > well...just > because....and then she reminded us that she never > 'works', she just likes > to have fun(Had she been honest & used the word I > never 'teach' instead of > 'work' I would never have booked her)...meanwhile, > no one was feeling any > rapport with her one was feeling > that she was very > qualified...and NO ONE liked being reminded of how > much it just cost us to > be in her closet sized classroom and NO ONE was > having 'fun'....It was just > her at the front of the class like some horrid > comedy act you wanted to > mercy kill...Bizarily(?) Yes, it's a word now....She > had Richard Bandler's > hand motions and even worse, facial expressions down > to a *T*...she wore no > make up at all and some how, she managed to contort > herself to physically > look exactly like Richard Bandler.... > > ...every girls' dream of course.... > > Except she couldn't tap into RB's > genius....everything fell terribly > flat...and just lay there....slowwwlllly > dyyyyiinggg..... > > Her idea of 'teaching' was this.... > > Start class late every day.... > end it at least an hour early, > and throw in several twenty mins. breaks > and at least a two hour lunch break... > Show a long movie in the afternoon, a training tape > or two... > TRY and intimidate the students to buying teacher a > meal or AT LEAST > Starbuck's coffee at each break... > > Which, wouldn't have bothered me if I hadn't just > $flown$ in from another > province, paid big for a decent downtown hotel she > recommended and was being > constantly reminded that I was paying her a SHIT > LOAD of money for her to > actually TEACH ME SOMETHING.... > > There was not ONE NEW THING that I learned in that > class.... > > First day we had to sign a long multi page contract > and I insisted I read > EVERY page in full before I signed it...She didn't > like that... > She also told us at the end of the second day that > ANYTHING we say is 'fair > game'...there is no 'confidentiality' > clause....ANYTHING we WRITE is fair > game for them to use in their materials(she wanted > students to write her > stories for her children's book)....So I told her, > 'fair game' anything of > mine, and I promise you, I will sue your ass...' > > She'd tell us to read certain pages in the manual, > talk all the while we > were trying to read(which particularily pissed of > the Japanese > Gentleman)....then she'd command 'do it'.... > > When she'd get the 'do what exactly?' look, she'd > start laughing(in that > wierd all by herself way) and make some crazy > statement like, 'NOTHING HERE > IS REAL'....It's ALL an ILLUSION....(yeah, so's my > cheque) > > She was disintegrating fast.... > > For the first few days we all desperately maintained > she must have some > fabulous trick she's going to pull out of her hat > that's going to make sense > of it all, but there was just nothing coming... > > ....we started talking mutiny.....the brown noser > must have tipped her off, > cause then she forced us not to eat together > anymore.('Walk around downtown > by yourself and keep your visual over 50ft > up)...Yeah...o.k. then...That was > on the 3rd day.... > > On the 4th day, " V " (the Newfie) had a > 'breakthrough'..she found a 'goal' > for herself...She laughed, she cried, she was all > veklempt....I was happy > for her...I honestly was...Then, as my Urban Gorilla > buddy put it, ' " V " > drank the Kool-aid......The rest of us were still > overwhelmingly, > underwhelmed.... > > > On the 5th day, feeling cocky, 'Teacher' then > brought in her 2 'star' > Master practitioner's to show us what they could > 'do'..... > > and pit them against me in some ' VAKOG mind > exercises'.... :-) > > ....and I smote both their asses.... :-) > > Then she didn't allow us to do 'break time' > together..... > > And *I* was not allowed to talk....The other's still > were....but I was > not....That happened the morning of the 6th day.... > > > After going way above & beyond in 'rapport skills' > for 5 excruciating days, > finally, I pulled the gloves off on the 6th day...Or > rather, " I called her > out " on the 6th day(fade in theme song from 'The > Good, The Bad & The > Ugly')....I sliced,diced, sauteed, fillet'd, and > DEEP FRIED her and I > pointed to her and I announced to the class, 'THIS > exorbitantly fee'd > " trainer " (by her own admission) is what 12 YEARS of > training with NLP " S > CREATOR has produced....A teacher who was completely > UNEQUIPPED to get a > class of *5* people in rapport with her....I > announced that the first thing > I was going to do when I arrived back in Montreal, > was fire off an official > letter of complaint to the NLP Society, Richard > Bandler, and John & Kathleen > LaValle.. > I demanded a full refund on the spot, she gave it to > me and I left.... > > > My Urban Gorilla buddy lasted another hour, then > followed suit. > > > Because I was paid up until the Sunday with the > hotel, rather than go > through the hassle of trying to be refunded for the > remainder, I offered > the room to my new 'Japanese Business Man Buddy' who > was so grateful for my > kind gesture,(he didn't like his room) I now have an > open invitation for a > place to stay 'anytime I want' in Japan and/or New > York City where he also > happens to spend a great deal of time....AND with my > 'new best buddy' > (sorry McDreamy ;-) the Urban Gorilla who has 30+ > years of filming > experience JUST HAPPENED TO MENTION...He'd like me > to remember him when I > am ready to launch my own seminars if I 'ever need > an award winning good > cameraman to film it' etc.... :-) > > AND NOW > > I have to face the plain & simple truth.... > > DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE HAS RUINED ME FOR ANY OTHER > TRAINER!!!! > > Because > > Apparently, I can not even stand to be in a room > with a teacher who is not > EXCEPTIONAL....My standards after experiencing Dr. > John M. La Tourette have > become to high for 'average'...The foil was pierced, > the glass > shattered....It's Dr. J. M. La T. OR BUST!!!!!! > > DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE DELIVERS BIG!!!! > DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE *ALWAYS* GIVES 100 TIMES > MORE THAN YOU EXPECT!! > > DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE, GOD I MISS YOU AND YOUR > KICK ASS TRAINING!!!! > > So don't anybody try and get to a Dr. John M. La > Tourette Seminar UNLESS > you want YOURSELF RUINED FOR ANYONE LESS THAN THE > BEST! > > Sincerely, > Aileen W. Donovan (uncertified) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > BEGIN:VCARD > VERSION:2.1 > N:Donovan;Aileen W. > FN:Aileen W. Donovan > EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:aileendonovan > REV:20060401T020231Z > END:VCARD > Rev. James Vinson Wingo, DD Buy Me an eBeer! 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Guest guest Posted April 1, 2006 Report Share Posted April 1, 2006 thanks for the headsup about the toronto trainer...i was wondering if she was any good..specially cuz she claims she's certified in DHE and all ... after watching some of bandlers tapes...i just can't sit through anyone else's seminars...they just seem so...boring and slow...but doc's pretty good tho..he's got some really neat stuff anyways..thanks for the heads up - aileen donovan ; mindmastery-essentialskills Friday, March 31, 2006 6:02 PM DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE HAS RUINED ME!!! DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE HAS RUINED ME for any other trainer..... Because once you have FOUND THE BEST.... You CANNOT settle for ANY ONE LESS.... I'm back from Toronto, early. As some may remember, I flew to Toronto last week to study and be certified as a licensed Practitioner of NLP under Canada's 'TOP NLP Trainer" who came HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by Richard Bandler(Stated on her website) and John & Kathleen Lavalle who recommended her to me, personally.... They will be hearing from me shortly.... I honestly do not believe that they have ANY idea exactly who is 'representing' them in Toronto, Canada... To say she is sub par is being very,very,very kind... Originally, she was able to gain rapport with me on the phone by telling me the most important thing for her students to bring to her classroom was a 'sense of humour' because her method of teaching involved everyone having alot of fun while learning those essential NLP SKILLS.... Well... I sure like having fun while learning some new & useful skills.....I *always* have fun learning new & useful skills in Doc's class... She claimed her classes regularily have 25-35 students so there would be plenty of hands on experiences... .......I like hands on experiences :-) And yep....we enjoy those in Doc's classes also...yep...sure doooooo..... I arrived that first morning to class absolutely jazzed about starting her training...So it was just a little blip when I found that I couldn't enter the building without an access code which she never bothered to tell her students anything about....No problemo...(tick tock,tick tock)I just waited until someone else from another office in the building came along, struck up instant rapport with them and they let me in...I thought, 'oh...maybe it was a test!!' No, she had simply forgotten....I didn't even mind walking up all those flights of stairs because they 'didn't use' the elevator on the weekends... And to be honest, I even thought, 'cool' more 'teacher time' when I found out that there were only *5* students in the class....which by end of first day were categorized into : 1)"Teacher's Desired Meal Ticket to/in Japan" (The Japanese Business Man she caught in her spidery web and dragged up from Bandler's seminar in Orlando.) 2)"The Brown Noser" (The local DEEP kinesthetic fella(relative brought in for 'filler'?) she kept chained in a cage in the corner) 3)"The Teacher's Pet"(The sweet, wide-eyed 'I've just found myself so this week is all about me'' married, harried mother of three recently relocated to the bustling metropolis of Toronto from Newfoundland) 4)"The Well-Connected Urban Gorilla Teacher Wants to Get to Know Better" (Grizzled, jaded, black-humoured 30 plus yrs. with Global News Television veteran ENG camera man looking to finally break free and create his own films full time. ) and finally.... 5)"THE KAHUNA MIND TRAINED MOST THREATENING, INTIMIDATING, SCARIEST BITCH ON TWO LEGS she has ever encountered in all her '12 intensive training years with Richard Bandler'..... .........ME!!!!!! ......lil' ol' ME!!!!!!!!!!! HUHHHH???? and I was being GOOD....I mean that!!! I was sooooo low key, controlled and held back because I sensed, she was a little intimated by me, which REALLY took me by surprise because, after all.....she did keep reminding us that she had trained for 12 years and never, ever missed a chance to study with 'world renowned' Richard Bandler...and here I come along, and apparently, every skill she had learned ....vanished!! Just think how she would have reacted if Sandy Godheart was in her class!!!! She started class the first day(and each day thereafter) by reminding us how exorbitantly expensive she was....and then informed us that we'd better book our night to take her out to dinner early, because well...just because....and then she reminded us that she never 'works', she just likes to have fun(Had she been honest & used the word I never 'teach' instead of 'work' I would never have booked her)...meanwhile, no one was feeling any rapport with her one was feeling that she was very qualified...and NO ONE liked being reminded of how much it just cost us to be in her closet sized classroom and NO ONE was having 'fun'....It was just her at the front of the class like some horrid comedy act you wanted to mercy kill...Bizarily(?) Yes, it's a word now....She had Richard Bandler's hand motions and even worse, facial expressions down to a *T*...she wore no make up at all and some how, she managed to contort herself to physically look exactly like Richard Bandler.... ....every girls' dream of course.... Except she couldn't tap into RB's genius....everything fell terribly flat...and just lay there....slowwwlllly dyyyyiinggg..... Her idea of 'teaching' was this.... Start class late every day.... end it at least an hour early, and throw in several twenty mins. breaks and at least a two hour lunch break... Show a long movie in the afternoon, a training tape or two... TRY and intimidate the students to buying teacher a meal or AT LEAST Starbuck's coffee at each break... Which, wouldn't have bothered me if I hadn't just $flown$ in from another province, paid big for a decent downtown hotel she recommended and was being constantly reminded that I was paying her a SHIT LOAD of money for her to actually TEACH ME SOMETHING.... There was not ONE NEW THING that I learned in that class.... First day we had to sign a long multi page contract and I insisted I read EVERY page in full before I signed it...She didn't like that... She also told us at the end of the second day that ANYTHING we say is 'fair game'...there is no 'confidentiality' clause....ANYTHING we WRITE is fair game for them to use in their materials(she wanted students to write her stories for her children's book)....So I told her, 'fair game' anything of mine, and I promise you, I will sue your ass...' She'd tell us to read certain pages in the manual, talk all the while we were trying to read(which particularily pissed of the Japanese Gentleman)....then she'd command 'do it'.... When she'd get the 'do what exactly?' look, she'd start laughing(in that wierd all by herself way) and make some crazy statement like, 'NOTHING HERE IS REAL'....It's ALL an ILLUSION....(yeah, so's my cheque) She was disintegrating fast.... For the first few days we all desperately maintained she must have some fabulous trick she's going to pull out of her hat that's going to make sense of it all, but there was just nothing coming... .....we started talking mutiny.....the brown noser must have tipped her off, cause then she forced us not to eat together anymore.('Walk around downtown by yourself and keep your visual over 50ft up)...Yeah...o.k. then...That was on the 3rd day.... On the 4th day, "V" (the Newfie) had a 'breakthrough'..she found a 'goal' for herself...She laughed, she cried, she was all veklempt....I was happy for her...I honestly was...Then, as my Urban Gorilla buddy put it, '"V" drank the Kool-aid......The rest of us were still overwhelmingly, underwhelmed.... On the 5th day, feeling cocky, 'Teacher' then brought in her 2 'star' Master practitioner's to show us what they could 'do'..... and pit them against me in some ' VAKOG mind exercises'.... :-) .....and I smote both their asses.... :-) Then she didn't allow us to do 'break time' together..... And *I* was not allowed to talk....The other's still were....but I was not....That happened the morning of the 6th day.... After going way above & beyond in 'rapport skills' for 5 excruciating days, finally, I pulled the gloves off on the 6th day...Or rather, "I called her out" on the 6th day(fade in theme song from 'The Good, The Bad & The Ugly')....I sliced,diced, sauteed, fillet'd, and DEEP FRIED her and I pointed to her and I announced to the class, 'THIS exorbitantly fee'd "trainer"(by her own admission) is what 12 YEARS of training with NLP"S CREATOR has produced....A teacher who was completely UNEQUIPPED to get a class of *5* people in rapport with her....I announced that the first thing I was going to do when I arrived back in Montreal, was fire off an official letter of complaint to the NLP Society, Richard Bandler, and John & Kathleen LaValle.. I demanded a full refund on the spot, she gave it to me and I left.... My Urban Gorilla buddy lasted another hour, then followed suit. Because I was paid up until the Sunday with the hotel, rather than go through the hassle of trying to be refunded for the remainder, I offered the room to my new 'Japanese Business Man Buddy' who was so grateful for my kind gesture,(he didn't like his room) I now have an open invitation for a place to stay 'anytime I want' in Japan and/or New York City where he also happens to spend a great deal of time....AND with my 'new best buddy' (sorry McDreamy ;-) the Urban Gorilla who has 30+ years of filming experience JUST HAPPENED TO MENTION...He'd like me to remember him when I am ready to launch my own seminars if I 'ever need an award winning good cameraman to film it' etc.... :-) AND NOW I have to face the plain & simple truth.... DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE HAS RUINED ME FOR ANY OTHER TRAINER!!!! Because Apparently, I can not even stand to be in a room with a teacher who is not EXCEPTIONAL....My standards after experiencing Dr. John M. La Tourette have become to high for 'average'...The foil was pierced, the glass shattered....It's Dr. J. M. La T. OR BUST!!!!!! DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE DELIVERS BIG!!!! DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE *ALWAYS* GIVES 100 TIMES MORE THAN YOU EXPECT!! DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE, GOD I MISS YOU AND YOUR KICK ASS TRAINING!!!! So don't anybody try and get to a Dr. John M. La Tourette Seminar UNLESS you want YOURSELF RUINED FOR ANYONE LESS THAN THE BEST! Sincerely, Aileen W. Donovan (uncertified) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 3, 2006 Report Share Posted April 3, 2006 Message: 2 Fri, 31 Mar 2006 23:18:01 -0800 "Chris" <mike11211Re: DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE HAS RUINED ME!!!thanks for the headsup about the toronto trainer...i was wondering if she was any good..specially cuz she claims she's certified in DHE and all ... @@Hi Chris! You are welcome for the heads up! I gave the same heads up to every person I encountered on the walk back to the hotel from the seminar office :-) after watching some of bandlers tapes...i just can't sit through anyone else's seminars...they just seem so...boring and slow... @@ I'd only seen a limited number of Bandler tapes beforehand and truly the only comparison are her & his facial expressions....ick.... but doc's pretty good tho..he's got some really neat stuff @@Pardonez Moi???? DOC is NOT 'pretty good'.....DOC is OUTSTANDING...I just do not believe anybody else packs in as much great stuff as Doc... anyways..thanks for the heads up @@You are VERY welcome Chris...Feel free to pass the info. on ;-) Sincerely, Aileen W. Donovan - aileen donovan ; mindmastery-essentialskills Friday, March 31, 2006 6:02 PM DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE HAS RUINED ME!!! DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE HAS RUINED ME for any other trainer..... Attachment: vcard [not shown] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 3, 2006 Report Share Posted April 3, 2006 , " Rev. James Vinson Wingo, DD " <kahunaviking wrote: > > We tried to warn you! > > --Vince > > --- aileen donovan <aileendonovan wrote: > > > DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE HAS RUINED ME for any other > > trainer..... > > > > Because once you have FOUND THE BEST.... I find this so funny. Those who like me, really like me. Thank you Vince, Aileen, Orna, Jim and all the other great people that have responded to this post both publicly and privately... But... ....there are others who don't like me... Right now, we are having issues with one bitch that has been booted off both my lists (even though she's still here under a DIFFERENT NAME)... ....AND booted off of Huna-ohana, Vince's list. This " lady " hates both Vince and I because we actually have secrets and we charge money for our products. So this Cxxt is attempting to sabotage us and start her own Huna list. Which is something that we can easily handle. Hope she has good luck, And maybe Vince, I, Jim, Sandy and some other real good Hunatics will join her list " just to help out " . Damn! I really do love PAYBACK! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 3, 2006 Report Share Posted April 3, 2006 , " Chris " <mike11211 wrote: > > thanks for the headsup about the toronto trainer...i was wondering if she was any good..specially cuz she claims she's certified in DHE and all ... > after watching some of bandlers tapes...i just can't sit through anyone else's seminars...they just seem so...boring and slow...but doc's pretty good tho..he's got some really neat stuff > anyways..thanks for the heads up How do you know? You've NEVER trained with me as far as I can recall. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 3, 2006 Report Share Posted April 3, 2006 In a message dated 4/3/06 5:09:12 AM, docspeed2001 writes: And maybe Vince, I, Jim, Sandy and some other real good Hunatics will join her list "just to help out". Damn! I really do love PAYBACK! Hi again Doc: I am realizing that I have issues with PAYBACK. Although everything in my being screams out to get back at those who offend me or hurt me, there is some strong pull to NOT do that. Although I am not Catholic, the concept of turning the other cheek seems to be creeping in. I know that I don't believe that consciously, but there HAS to be something lurking deeper that makes me very uncomfortable or even fearful of the concept of revenge or payback as you say. I do remember, as I was growing up, being told that I HAVE to be Better than the other, offending person. Why do I have to be better, I am wondering. I think, for the most part, I have undertaken a victim mentality with that, unknowingly. Like it's OK to be mistreated since "I am better than that"? Better than who? Shoot... I didn't even know that I was thinking or operating under those "rules" still. Part of me is angry at being raised that way.. and part of me is still fearful to go beyond that rule. So Tapping for that is the key....? How does one feel OK about Payback when they are justified. Something in me still feels that I don't want to hurt that other offending person... Gosh how stupid.....Is that the stupid Earth element in me, my upbringing, or my own naive stupidity? If I wasn't stupid enough to not want to hurt the one that I am living with... I would not be the one losing sleep trying to cope with yet another impossible situation. Sorry for this personal self stuff... I sorta got a light bulb moment there... Paulina Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 4, 2006 Report Share Posted April 4, 2006 Aileen, You just made my day! I am in the middle of taking a home-study version of the NLP Practitioners' training and I was wondering if I was getting less than I would have gotten by training in person. That might be true if I hadn't been to one of Doc's seminars and purchase a TON of his training courses. After reading your excellent post, I'm feeling pretty good about my decision! Thanks for debriefing us on your experience! Ron Matthews , " aileen donovan " <aileendonovan wrote: > > DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE HAS RUINED ME for any other trainer..... > > Because once you have FOUND THE BEST.... > > You CANNOT settle for ANY ONE LESS.... > > I'm back from Toronto, early. As some may remember, I flew to Toronto last > week to study and be certified as a licensed Practitioner of NLP under > Canada's 'TOP NLP Trainer " who came HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by Richard > Bandler(Stated on her website) and John & Kathleen Lavalle who recommended > her to me, personally.... > > They will be hearing from me shortly.... > > I honestly do not believe that they have ANY idea exactly who is > 'representing' them in Toronto, Canada... > To say she is sub par is being very,very,very kind... > > Originally, she was able to gain rapport with me on the phone by telling > me the most important thing for her students to bring to her classroom was a > 'sense of humour' because her method of teaching involved everyone having > alot of fun while learning those essential NLP SKILLS.... > > Well... > > I sure like having fun while learning some new & useful skills.....I > *always* have fun learning new & useful skills in Doc's class... > > She claimed her classes regularily have 25-35 students so there would be > plenty of hands on experiences... > > ......I like hands on experiences :-) And yep....we enjoy those in Doc's > classes also...yep...sure doooooo..... > > I arrived that first morning to class absolutely jazzed about starting her > training...So it was just a little blip when I found that I couldn't enter > the building without an access code which she never bothered to tell her > students anything about....No problemo...(tick tock,tick tock)I just waited > until someone else from another office in the building came along, struck up > instant rapport with them and they let me in...I thought, 'oh...maybe it was > a test!!' No, she had simply forgotten....I didn't even mind walking up all > those flights of stairs because they 'didn't use' the elevator on the > weekends... And to be honest, I even thought, 'cool' more 'teacher time' > when I found out that there were only *5* students in the class....which by > end of first day were categorized into : > > 1) " Teacher's Desired Meal Ticket to/in Japan " (The Japanese Business Man she > caught in her spidery web and dragged up from Bandler's > seminar in Orlando.) > 2) " The Brown Noser " (The local DEEP kinesthetic fella(relative brought in > for 'filler'?) she kept chained in a cage in the corner) > 3) " The Teacher's Pet " (The sweet, wide-eyed 'I've just found myself so this > week is all about me'' married, harried mother of three > recently relocated to the bustling metropolis of Toronto from > Newfoundland) > 4) " The Well-Connected Urban Gorilla Teacher Wants to Get to Know Better " > (Grizzled, jaded, black-humoured 30 plus yrs. with Global News > Television veteran > ENG camera man looking to finally break free and create his own films > full time. ) > > and finally.... > > 5) " THE KAHUNA MIND TRAINED MOST THREATENING, INTIMIDATING, SCARIEST BITCH > ON TWO LEGS she has > ever encountered in all her '12 intensive training years with Richard > Bandler'..... > > ........ME!!!!!! ......lil' ol' ME!!!!!!!!!!! HUHHHH???? and I was being > GOOD....I mean that!!! I was sooooo low key, controlled and held back > because I sensed, she was a little intimated by me, which REALLY took me by > surprise because, after all.....she did keep reminding us that she had > trained for 12 years and never, ever missed a chance to study with 'world > renowned' Richard Bandler...and here I come along, and apparently, every > skill she had learned ....vanished!! > > Just think how she would have reacted if Sandy Godheart was in her class!!!! > > She started class the first day(and each day thereafter) by reminding us how > exorbitantly expensive she was....and then informed us that we'd better book > our night to take her out to dinner early, because well...just > because....and then she reminded us that she never 'works', she just likes > to have fun(Had she been honest & used the word I never 'teach' instead of > 'work' I would never have booked her)...meanwhile, no one was feeling any > rapport with her one was feeling that she was very > qualified...and NO ONE liked being reminded of how much it just cost us to > be in her closet sized classroom and NO ONE was having 'fun'....It was just > her at the front of the class like some horrid comedy act you wanted to > mercy kill...Bizarily(?) Yes, it's a word now....She had Richard Bandler's > hand motions and even worse, facial expressions down to a *T*...she wore no > make up at all and some how, she managed to contort herself to physically > look exactly like Richard Bandler.... > > ...every girls' dream of course.... > > Except she couldn't tap into RB's genius....everything fell terribly > flat...and just lay there....slowwwlllly dyyyyiinggg..... > > Her idea of 'teaching' was this.... > > Start class late every day.... > end it at least an hour early, > and throw in several twenty mins. breaks > and at least a two hour lunch break... > Show a long movie in the afternoon, a training tape or two... > TRY and intimidate the students to buying teacher a meal or AT LEAST > Starbuck's coffee at each break... > > Which, wouldn't have bothered me if I hadn't just $flown$ in from another > province, paid big for a decent downtown hotel she recommended and was being > constantly reminded that I was paying her a SHIT LOAD of money for her to > actually TEACH ME SOMETHING.... > > There was not ONE NEW THING that I learned in that class.... > > First day we had to sign a long multi page contract and I insisted I read > EVERY page in full before I signed it...She didn't like that... > She also told us at the end of the second day that ANYTHING we say is 'fair > game'...there is no 'confidentiality' clause....ANYTHING we WRITE is fair > game for them to use in their materials(she wanted students to write her > stories for her children's book)....So I told her, 'fair game' anything of > mine, and I promise you, I will sue your ass...' > > She'd tell us to read certain pages in the manual, talk all the while we > were trying to read(which particularily pissed of the Japanese > Gentleman)....then she'd command 'do it'.... > > When she'd get the 'do what exactly?' look, she'd start laughing (in that > wierd all by herself way) and make some crazy statement like, 'NOTHING HERE > IS REAL'....It's ALL an ILLUSION....(yeah, so's my cheque) > > She was disintegrating fast.... > > For the first few days we all desperately maintained she must have some > fabulous trick she's going to pull out of her hat that's going to make sense > of it all, but there was just nothing coming... > > ....we started talking mutiny.....the brown noser must have tipped her off, > cause then she forced us not to eat together anymore.('Walk around downtown > by yourself and keep your visual over 50ft up)...Yeah...o.k. then...That was > on the 3rd day.... > > On the 4th day, " V " (the Newfie) had a 'breakthrough'..she found a 'goal' > for herself...She laughed, she cried, she was all veklempt....I was happy > for her...I honestly was...Then, as my Urban Gorilla buddy put it, ' " V " > drank the Kool-aid......The rest of us were still overwhelmingly, > underwhelmed.... > > > On the 5th day, feeling cocky, 'Teacher' then brought in her 2 'star' > Master practitioner's to show us what they could 'do'..... > > and pit them against me in some ' VAKOG mind exercises'.... :-) > > ....and I smote both their asses.... :-) > > Then she didn't allow us to do 'break time' together..... > > And *I* was not allowed to talk....The other's still were....but I was > not....That happened the morning of the 6th day.... > > > After going way above & beyond in 'rapport skills' for 5 excruciating days, > finally, I pulled the gloves off on the 6th day...Or rather, " I called her > out " on the 6th day(fade in theme song from 'The Good, The Bad & The > Ugly')....I sliced,diced, sauteed, fillet'd, and DEEP FRIED her and I > pointed to her and I announced to the class, 'THIS exorbitantly fee'd > " trainer " (by her own admission) is what 12 YEARS of training with NLP " S > CREATOR has produced....A teacher who was completely UNEQUIPPED to get a > class of *5* people in rapport with her....I announced that the first thing > I was going to do when I arrived back in Montreal, was fire off an official > letter of complaint to the NLP Society, Richard Bandler, and John & Kathleen > LaValle.. > I demanded a full refund on the spot, she gave it to me and I left.... > > > My Urban Gorilla buddy lasted another hour, then followed suit. > > > Because I was paid up until the Sunday with the hotel, rather than go > through the hassle of trying to be refunded for the remainder, I offered > the room to my new 'Japanese Business Man Buddy' who was so grateful for my > kind gesture,(he didn't like his room) I now have an open invitation for a > place to stay 'anytime I want' in Japan and/or New York City where he also > happens to spend a great deal of time....AND with my 'new best buddy' > (sorry McDreamy ;-) the Urban Gorilla who has 30+ years of filming > experience JUST HAPPENED TO MENTION...He'd like me to remember him when I > am ready to launch my own seminars if I 'ever need an award winning good > cameraman to film it' etc.... :-) > > AND NOW > > I have to face the plain & simple truth.... > > DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE HAS RUINED ME FOR ANY OTHER TRAINER!!!! > > Because > > Apparently, I can not even stand to be in a room with a teacher who is not > EXCEPTIONAL....My standards after experiencing Dr. John M. La Tourette have > become to high for 'average'...The foil was pierced, the glass > shattered....It's Dr. J. M. La T. OR BUST!!!!!! > > DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE DELIVERS BIG!!!! > DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE *ALWAYS* GIVES 100 TIMES MORE THAN YOU EXPECT!! > > DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE, GOD I MISS YOU AND YOUR KICK ASS TRAINING!!!! > > So don't anybody try and get to a Dr. John M. La Tourette Seminar UNLESS > you want YOURSELF RUINED FOR ANYONE LESS THAN THE BEST! > > Sincerely, > Aileen W. Donovan (uncertified) > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 4, 2006 Report Share Posted April 4, 2006 - Ron Matthews Monday, April 03, 2006 8:17 PM Re: DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE HAS RUINED ME!!! Aileen, Hi Ron! You just made my day! #My Unihipili, 'Dirty Harry' can't help it ;-) I am in the middle of taking a home-study version of the NLP Practitioners' training and I was wondering if I was getting less than I would have gotten by training in person. ##Of course that depends on the 'person'...Sadly, I went to the wrong person... I can't help but think how much fun I would have had, had I found someone in NLP in the same stratosphere of training as Dr. J.M. La T. That might be true if I hadn't been to one of Doc's seminars and purchase a TON of his training courses. ##Exactly! I'm just going to keep going over Doc's materials and I *know* I will eventually find all the jewels that I need... After reading your excellent post, I'm feeling pretty good about my decision! ##I felt *really* good after making MY decision!Thanks for debriefing us on your experience! ##You are VERY welcome Ron... Sincerely, Aileen p.s. Miss your face at breakfast ;-)Ron Matthews , "aileen donovan" <aileendonovan wrote:>> DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE HAS RUINED ME for any other trainer.....> > Because once you have FOUND THE BEST....> > You CANNOT settle for ANY ONE LESS....> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 4, 2006 Report Share Posted April 4, 2006 , " Chris " <mike11211 wrote: I went to three of Dr. Bandler's seminars between 1996 and 98, actually the first one I attended Bandler had a diabetic attack just before the seminar and was only able to make a brief appearance, I was impressed that he was able to appear at all. I recommend Bandler's seminars if you can afford them and I feel like I benefited even more from the two seminars I attended by Dr. La Tourette last year. > > thanks for the headsup about the toronto trainer...i was wondering if she was any good..specially cuz she claims she's certified in DHE and all ... > after watching some of bandlers tapes...i just can't sit through anyone else's seminars...they just seem so...boring and slow...but doc's pretty good tho..he's got some really neat stuff > anyways..thanks for the heads up > - > aileen donovan > ; mindmastery-essentialskills > Friday, March 31, 2006 6:02 PM > DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE HAS RUINED ME!!! > > > DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE HAS RUINED ME for any other trainer..... > > Because once you have FOUND THE BEST.... > > You CANNOT settle for ANY ONE LESS.... > > I'm back from Toronto, early. As some may remember, I flew to Toronto last week to study and be certified as a licensed Practitioner of NLP under Canada's 'TOP NLP Trainer " who came HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by Richard Bandler(Stated on her website) and John & Kathleen Lavalle who recommended her to me, personally.... > > They will be hearing from me shortly.... > > I honestly do not believe that they have ANY idea exactly who is 'representing' them in Toronto, Canada... > To say she is sub par is being very,very,very kind... > > Originally, she was able to gain rapport with me on the phone by telling me the most important thing for her students to bring to her classroom was a 'sense of humour' because her method of teaching involved everyone having alot of fun while learning those essential NLP SKILLS.... > > Well... > > I sure like having fun while learning some new & useful skills.....I *always* have fun learning new & useful skills in Doc's class... > > She claimed her classes regularily have 25-35 students so there would be plenty of hands on experiences... > > ......I like hands on experiences :-) And yep....we enjoy those in Doc's classes also...yep...sure doooooo..... > > I arrived that first morning to class absolutely jazzed about starting her training...So it was just a little blip when I found that I couldn't enter the building without an access code which she never bothered to tell her students anything about....No problemo... (tick tock,tick tock)I just waited until someone else from another office in the building came along, struck up instant rapport with them and they let me in...I thought, 'oh...maybe it was a test!!' No, she had simply forgotten....I didn't even mind walking up all those flights of stairs because they 'didn't use' the elevator on the weekends... And to be honest, I even thought, 'cool' more 'teacher time' when I found out that there were only *5* students in the class....which by end of first day were categorized into : > > 1) " Teacher's Desired Meal Ticket to/in Japan " (The Japanese Business Man she caught in her spidery web and dragged up from Bandler's > seminar in Orlando.) > 2) " The Brown Noser " (The local DEEP kinesthetic fella(relative brought in for 'filler'?) she kept chained in a cage in the corner) > 3) " The Teacher's Pet " (The sweet, wide-eyed 'I've just found myself so this week is all about me'' married, harried mother of three > recently relocated to the bustling metropolis of Toronto from Newfoundland) > 4) " The Well-Connected Urban Gorilla Teacher Wants to Get to Know Better " > (Grizzled, jaded, black-humoured 30 plus yrs. with Global News Television veteran > ENG camera man looking to finally break free and create his own films full time. ) > > and finally.... > > 5) " THE KAHUNA MIND TRAINED MOST THREATENING, INTIMIDATING, SCARIEST BITCH ON TWO LEGS she has > ever encountered in all her '12 intensive training years with Richard Bandler'..... > > ........ME!!!!!! ......lil' ol' ME!!!!!!!!!!! HUHHHH???? and I was being GOOD....I mean that!!! I was sooooo low key, controlled and held back because I sensed, she was a little intimated by me, which REALLY took me by surprise because, after all.....she did keep reminding us that she had trained for 12 years and never, ever missed a chance to study with 'world renowned' Richard Bandler...and here I come along, and apparently, every skill she had learned ....vanished!! > > Just think how she would have reacted if Sandy Godheart was in her class!!!! > > She started class the first day(and each day thereafter) by reminding us how exorbitantly expensive she was....and then informed us that we'd better book our night to take her out to dinner early, because well...just because....and then she reminded us that she never 'works', she just likes to have fun(Had she been honest & used the word I never 'teach' instead of 'work' I would never have booked her)...meanwhile, no one was feeling any rapport with her one was feeling that she was very qualified...and NO ONE liked being reminded of how much it just cost us to be in her closet sized classroom and NO ONE was having 'fun'....It was just her at the front of the class like some horrid comedy act you wanted to mercy kill...Bizarily(?) Yes, it's a word now....She had Richard Bandler's hand motions and even worse, facial expressions down to a *T*...she wore no make up at all and some how, she managed to contort herself to physically look exactly like Richard Bandler.... > > ...every girls' dream of course.... > > Except she couldn't tap into RB's genius....everything fell terribly flat...and just lay there....slowwwlllly dyyyyiinggg..... > > Her idea of 'teaching' was this.... > > Start class late every day.... > end it at least an hour early, > and throw in several twenty mins. breaks > and at least a two hour lunch break... > Show a long movie in the afternoon, a training tape or two... > TRY and intimidate the students to buying teacher a meal or AT LEAST Starbuck's coffee at each break... > > Which, wouldn't have bothered me if I hadn't just $flown$ in from another province, paid big for a decent downtown hotel she recommended and was being constantly reminded that I was paying her a SHIT LOAD of money for her to actually TEACH ME SOMETHING.... > > There was not ONE NEW THING that I learned in that class.... > > First day we had to sign a long multi page contract and I insisted I read EVERY page in full before I signed it...She didn't like that... > She also told us at the end of the second day that ANYTHING we say is 'fair game'...there is no 'confidentiality' clause....ANYTHING we WRITE is fair game for them to use in their materials(she wanted students to write her stories for her children's book)....So I told her, 'fair game' anything of mine, and I promise you, I will sue your ass...' > > She'd tell us to read certain pages in the manual, talk all the while we were trying to read(which particularily pissed of the Japanese Gentleman)....then she'd command 'do it'.... > > When she'd get the 'do what exactly?' look, she'd start laughing (in that wierd all by herself way) and make some crazy statement like, 'NOTHING HERE IS REAL'....It's ALL an ILLUSION....(yeah, so's my cheque) > > She was disintegrating fast.... > > For the first few days we all desperately maintained she must have some fabulous trick she's going to pull out of her hat that's going to make sense of it all, but there was just nothing coming... > > ....we started talking mutiny.....the brown noser must have tipped her off, cause then she forced us not to eat together anymore. ('Walk around downtown by yourself and keep your visual over 50ft up)...Yeah...o.k. then...That was on the 3rd day.... > > On the 4th day, " V " (the Newfie) had a 'breakthrough'..she found a 'goal' for herself...She laughed, she cried, she was all veklempt....I was happy for her...I honestly was...Then, as my Urban Gorilla buddy put it, ' " V " drank the Kool-aid......The rest of us were still overwhelmingly, underwhelmed.... > > > On the 5th day, feeling cocky, 'Teacher' then brought in her 2 'star' Master practitioner's to show us what they could 'do'..... > > and pit them against me in some ' VAKOG mind exercises'.... :-) > > ....and I smote both their asses.... :-) > > Then she didn't allow us to do 'break time' together..... > > And *I* was not allowed to talk....The other's still were....but I was not....That happened the morning of the 6th day.... > > > After going way above & beyond in 'rapport skills' for 5 excruciating days, finally, I pulled the gloves off on the 6th day...Or rather, " I called her out " on the 6th day(fade in theme song from 'The Good, The Bad & The Ugly')....I sliced,diced, sauteed, fillet'd, and DEEP FRIED her and I pointed to her and I announced to the class, 'THIS exorbitantly fee'd " trainer " (by her own admission) is what 12 YEARS of training with NLP " S CREATOR has produced....A teacher who was completely UNEQUIPPED to get a class of *5* people in rapport with her....I announced that the first thing I was going to do when I arrived back in Montreal, was fire off an official letter of complaint to the NLP Society, Richard Bandler, and John & Kathleen LaValle.. > I demanded a full refund on the spot, she gave it to me and I left.... > > > My Urban Gorilla buddy lasted another hour, then followed suit. > > > Because I was paid up until the Sunday with the hotel, rather than go through the hassle of trying to be refunded for the remainder, I offered the room to my new 'Japanese Business Man Buddy' who was so grateful for my kind gesture,(he didn't like his room) I now have an open invitation for a place to stay 'anytime I want' in Japan and/or New York City where he also happens to spend a great deal of time....AND with my 'new best buddy' (sorry McDreamy ;-) the Urban Gorilla who has 30+ years of filming experience JUST HAPPENED TO MENTION...He'd like me to remember him when I am ready to launch my own seminars if I 'ever need an award winning good cameraman to film it' etc.... :-) > > AND NOW > > I have to face the plain & simple truth.... > > DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE HAS RUINED ME FOR ANY OTHER TRAINER!!!! > > Because > > Apparently, I can not even stand to be in a room with a teacher who is not EXCEPTIONAL....My standards after experiencing Dr. John M. La Tourette have become to high for 'average'...The foil was pierced, the glass shattered....It's Dr. J. M. La T. OR BUST!!!!!! > > DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE DELIVERS BIG!!!! > DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE *ALWAYS* GIVES 100 TIMES MORE THAN YOU EXPECT!! > > DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE, GOD I MISS YOU AND YOUR KICK ASS TRAINING!!!! > > So don't anybody try and get to a Dr. John M. La Tourette Seminar UNLESS > you want YOURSELF RUINED FOR ANYONE LESS THAN THE BEST! > > Sincerely, > Aileen W. Donovan (uncertified) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 4, 2006 Report Share Posted April 4, 2006 i bought your idd dvd's - docspeed2001 Monday, April 03, 2006 2:02 AM Re: DR. JOHN M. LA TOURETTE HAS RUINED ME!!! , "Chris" <mike11211 wrote:>> thanks for the headsup about the toronto trainer...i was wondering if she was any good..specially cuz she claims she's certified in DHE and all ..> after watching some of bandlers tapes...i just can't sit through anyone else's seminars...they just seem so...boring and slow...but doc's pretty good tho..he's got some really neat stuff> anyways..thanks for the heads up :)How do you know?You've NEVER trained with me as far as I can recall. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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