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Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the group and have been going through the archives. I

emailed these questions I had to the Doc about some pprob;ems I was

having and he asked me to repost it here, So if anyone else would

like to add any advice please do so. All suggestions are greatly









Hi Doc,


If you've got a few minutes, I'd really appreciate some advice. I've

been going through the archives on your lists (i'm concentrating on

the healing energies one first) trying to find drills and information

to help correct some problems I have at this moment. If you could

look over the information I've managed to gather so far and let me

know if you think there's anything I can add to it, well I'd REALLY

appreciate it!




- Donna's 5 minute routine

then, during the day

- Wayne Cook both sides, at least once more during the day

- Cross Crawl, 4 times a day, starting and ending with 3 thumps

- Separating Heaven and Earth

- 5 Tibetan Rites ( haven't begun these yet )



I'm also long term Homolateral and i'm hoping the above exercises

will put me on the path to fixing that?





- I've ordered two tubs of the Growth Hormone Precursors and will

take them according to your instructions in message #213

Have you heard of people getting better results by taking them before

exercise or before bedtime? I've ordered " Inner Power with Xylitol "


-Sedating TW





- EFT. Not really having a great deal of success with EFT for this,

it feels like EFT is not really working for me in general as well as

it did in the beginning.

- I've heard a Thyroid Normalization Drill mentioned but haven't been

able to track it down yet...I recall one drill about stretching the

adams apple but lost track of it in the archives..




- I used to get a lot of pains all over my body, but they are not as

frequent now. They were mainly all tendon problems I still suffer

from tendon problems and especially Bilateral Tenosynovitis, a tendon

condition that resulted in me loosing the use of both hands for 10

months. I'm using some of the methods on Donna's videos but anything

else you will add'll be great.




- When I'm out and see someone I'd like to talk to I don't really

feel anything, I want to go and talk to them but have zero incination

to go and do so, it's like i'm just blank. I thought maybe the Inner

Demon Destroyer may help but I can't afford the DVD set at the moment

since I just got Vince's DVDs, and I wasn't able to follow the

insructions about the inner Demon Destroyer to my satisfaction on the

list. If you think they will help then I'll start to save for them

and try to get more information about the drill.


- Sedate TW, back and front flush spleen then do carebear exercise?

When do you actually breath out whilst doing this exercise though? I

know you breath in when you start, but breath out?


- Temporal Tapping, the way that Donna describes it on her videos.



And finally I just wanted to ask - are the Radiant Circuits/Strange

Flows/Joy circuits all the same thing? And the Penetrating Flow?


If you think that this information could benifit other newcomers to

your group, please feel free to repost this email.


Thanks Doc. Once again, I really appreciate your help and look

forward to hearing from you soon.



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hi Gabe, I'm new myself but I know how to get yourself to talk more. The 5th Chakra, THROAT Chakra is all about talking. I don't have the book Energy Medicine with me, but you can look in the index and it'll tell you what page to read at it. There are two stories, of a woman who talks to much and another who talks to little, and how to help the throat chakra become balanced and healthy. It's impressed in my mind because I've been working with it myself, not to attract someone, but to say what I need to at the right time, without yelling lol. good luck Crystal <snip>APPROACHING WOMEN- When I'm out and see someone I'd like to talk to I don't reallyfeel anything, I want to go and talk to them but have zero incinationto go and do so, it's like i'm just blank. I thought maybe the

InnerDemon Destroyer may help but I can't afford the DVD set at the momentsince I just got Vince's DVDs, and I wasn't able to follow theinsructions about the inner Demon Destroyer to my satisfaction on the list. If you think they will help then I'll start to save for themand try to get more information about the drill.Gabe.

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Have you ever thought about how to eat an elephant?


You might start the same way here... Rather than making yourself

perfect, could you fix one of these items at a time. When you do

that can you see how much faster it will work for you.


Just my thoughts, If you listen to them, tell me what you think.


Greg R.



essentialskills , " gabrielriddick "

<gabrielriddick wrote:


> Hi Everyone,

> I'm new to the group and have been going through the archives. I

> emailed these questions I had to the Doc about some pprob;ems I


> having and he asked me to repost it here, So if anyone else would

> like to add any advice please do so. All suggestions are greatly

> recieved.


> thanks






> Hi Doc,


> If you've got a few minutes, I'd really appreciate some advice.


> been going through the archives on your lists (i'm concentrating on

> the healing energies one first) trying to find drills and


> to help correct some problems I have at this moment. If you could

> look over the information I've managed to gather so far and let me

> know if you think there's anything I can add to it, well I'd REALLY

> appreciate it!




> - Donna's 5 minute routine

> then, during the day

> - Wayne Cook both sides, at least once more during the day

> - Cross Crawl, 4 times a day, starting and ending with 3 thumps

> - Separating Heaven and Earth

> - 5 Tibetan Rites ( haven't begun these yet )



> I'm also long term Homolateral and i'm hoping the above exercises

> will put me on the path to fixing that?





> - I've ordered two tubs of the Growth Hormone Precursors and will

> take them according to your instructions in message #213

> Have you heard of people getting better results by taking them


> exercise or before bedtime? I've ordered " Inner Power with Xylitol "


> -Sedating TW





> - EFT. Not really having a great deal of success with EFT for this,

> it feels like EFT is not really working for me in general as well


> it did in the beginning.

> - I've heard a Thyroid Normalization Drill mentioned but haven't


> able to track it down yet...I recall one drill about stretching the

> adams apple but lost track of it in the archives..




> - I used to get a lot of pains all over my body, but they are not


> frequent now. They were mainly all tendon problems I still suffer

> from tendon problems and especially Bilateral Tenosynovitis, a


> condition that resulted in me loosing the use of both hands for 10

> months. I'm using some of the methods on Donna's videos but


> else you will add'll be great.




> - When I'm out and see someone I'd like to talk to I don't really

> feel anything, I want to go and talk to them but have zero


> to go and do so, it's like i'm just blank. I thought maybe the


> Demon Destroyer may help but I can't afford the DVD set at the


> since I just got Vince's DVDs, and I wasn't able to follow the

> insructions about the inner Demon Destroyer to my satisfaction on


> list. If you think they will help then I'll start to save for them

> and try to get more information about the drill.


> - Sedate TW, back and front flush spleen then do carebear exercise?

> When do you actually breath out whilst doing this exercise though?


> know you breath in when you start, but breath out?


> - Temporal Tapping, the way that Donna describes it on her videos.



> And finally I just wanted to ask - are the Radiant Circuits/Strange

> Flows/Joy circuits all the same thing? And the Penetrating Flow?


> If you think that this information could benifit other newcomers to

> your group, please feel free to repost this email.


> Thanks Doc. Once again, I really appreciate your help and look

> forward to hearing from you soon.


> Gabe.


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I've never been to on of Doc's seminars, not because I don't have

enough money, but because I always find myself having spent too much

of it (on all the wonderful resources mentionned on this list!) when

it's time to book the plane ticket from France.


So many people can give you better advice than the following:



> > - Cross Crawl, 4 times a day, starting and ending with 3 thumps


Well that's a start, draw a cross, draw too parallel lines and

energy test four times a day. You may want to do more. You may need

less. Calibrate and adjust.


> > - 5 Tibetan Rites ( haven't begun these yet )


I'm surprised that you mention them, I think they have been debunked

many a time on this list, I remember a post by Doc John comparing

and contrasting them with the great Wayne Cook's... if you don't

find it here check out on MM-ES.


> > I'm also long term Homolateral and i'm hoping the above


> > will put me on the path to fixing that?

> >


Chronic homolaterality is more rapidly cured doing a different kind

of cross-crawl, check out disc 1 of Donna Eden's Energy Healing





> >

> > - I've ordered two tubs of the Growth Hormone Precursors and will

> > take them according to your instructions in message #213

> > Have you heard of people getting better results by taking them

> before

> > exercise or before bedtime? I've ordered " Inner Power with

Xylitol "


When I check the notes I took when I went through the archives, I

see that I've written as an example taken from Doc's post:


2PM = end of meal 5.30= G/hr (Inner Power, found on iherb) 7 PM =




> >

> > - EFT. Not really having a great deal of success with EFT for


> > it feels like EFT is not really working for me in general as


> as

> > it did in the beginning.


When EFT seems not to work... continue working. And check out for

perceptual positions and hidden benefits (can't remember the

official term!)for having such a disorder.


> > - I've heard a Thyroid Normalization Drill mentioned but haven't

> been

> > able to track it down yet...I recall one drill about stretching


> > adams apple but lost track of it in the archives..


Don't know but last time I checked there was something in the Files




> >

> > - I used to get a lot of pains all over my body, but they are


> as

> > frequent now. They were mainly all tendon problems I still suffer

> > from tendon problems and especially Bilateral Tenosynovitis, a

> tendon

> > condition that resulted in me loosing the use of both hands for


> > months. I'm using some of the methods on Donna's videos but

> anything

> > else you will add'll be great.


ALL health problems may benefit from the Cayce Remedy handbook. I

received it 2 weeks ago, it took me some 4 hours in a row to go

through it for a first scanning (not reading), it's a real pleasure

to read it. Remedies/Preventive actions most recommended for a WIDE

variety of ailments included: eating 3-6 raw almonds, exercising

daily (walking or rowing), regular colonics or enema, the three day

apple diet, and staying away from pork (except bacon)




I think you should also have a check on James Knippendberg's

products, I have 3 of them, they fit nicely in


>> > And finally I just wanted to ask - are the Radiant


> > Flows/Joy circuits all the same thing?


Yes, even more names if you read Donna's " Energy Medecine " book.


> > And the Penetrating Flow?


One of them. " The Promise of Energy Psychology " page 264 if you want

a drill and a definition. Doc has a set on the strange flows.



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> > > - 5 Tibetan Rites ( haven't begun these yet )


> I'm surprised that you mention them, I think they have been


> many a time on this list, I remember a post by Doc John comparing

> and contrasting them with the great Wayne Cook's... if you don't

> find it here check out on MM-ES.




Thanks for all the input, I appreciate you taking the time to reply.

i'm certainly going to look into Cayce and I never even thought to

check for " hidden benefits " whilst doing EFT.


I'm about 1000 posts through this archive at the moment and hadn't

actually got to the posts on the 5 rites. In an earlier post Doc

mentioned " 7 Tibetan Vortex " Energy Charging " drills " , I just

thought he meant the 5 rites. Going through the archives I've been

unable to find any more references to that specifically. If anyone

can point me in the direction to get more information about the 7

Tibetan Vortex " Energy Charging " drills, that too would be


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>gabrielriddick <gabrielriddick

>Apr 5, 2006 6:37 PM


> Your opinions please...


>Hi Everyone,

>I'm new to the group and have been going through the archives. I

>emailed these questions I had to the Doc about some pprob;ems I was

>having and he asked me to repost it here, So if anyone else would

>like to add any advice please do so. All suggestions are greatly









>Hi Doc,


>If you've got a few minutes, I'd really appreciate some advice. I've

>been going through the archives on your lists (i'm concentrating on

>the healing energies one first) trying to find drills and information

>to help correct some problems I have at this moment. If you could

>look over the information I've managed to gather so far and let me

>know if you think there's anything I can add to it, well I'd REALLY

>appreciate it!




>- Donna's 5 minute routine

>then, during the day

>- Wayne Cook both sides, at least once more during the day

>- Cross Crawl, 4 times a day, starting and ending with 3 thumps

>- Separating Heaven and Earth

>- 5 Tibetan Rites ( haven't begun these yet )



>I'm also long term Homolateral and i'm hoping the above exercises

>will put me on the path to fixing that?





Also, you might want to eliminate dairy, flour, sugar, wheat, corn, and starches

from your diet to give the body a chance to eliminate those toxins that have

built up. Many people have alergies to these things that put Triple Warmer into

chronic overdrive, and they don't know about it. (Can also use one of the

allergy cure methods -- see the archives, see Donna's book, and also Heart of

The Mind.)


Also, notice any other times during the day that you are stressed. What

triggers it? Now go find the break state drill that Doc posted on how he

stopped from killing someone who screwed him out of a couple hundred thousand



I think it's in this archive, but I'm sure it's been posted to the

mindmastery-essentialskills list.


I didn't realize the value of that drill until I went and did it.


I'm pretty sure it's also on Doc's video set " Lost And Forgotten Secrets of

Hypnosis To Get What You Want From Yourself And From Others. "


Learn whatever you need to learn from that event, then trace TW to backflush it.

You can also activate the Spleen Meridian and trace the heart energies, if you



You can also use timelines, swishes, and anchoring with this.


For more on timelines, Doc has several videos that go over timeline, and he's

got a 2 video set called something like " Secrets of Your Time Path " (?) that was

recorded at a Huna Convention.

I'll cover the last part of this in a separate post.


Jim Knippenberg







>- I've ordered two tubs of the Growth Hormone Precursors and will

>take them according to your instructions in message #213

>Have you heard of people getting better results by taking them before

>exercise or before bedtime? I've ordered " Inner Power with Xylitol "


>-Sedating TW





>- EFT. Not really having a great deal of success with EFT for this,

>it feels like EFT is not really working for me in general as well as

>it did in the beginning.

>- I've heard a Thyroid Normalization Drill mentioned but haven't been

>able to track it down yet...I recall one drill about stretching the

>adams apple but lost track of it in the archives..




>- I used to get a lot of pains all over my body, but they are not as

>frequent now. They were mainly all tendon problems I still suffer

>from tendon problems and especially Bilateral Tenosynovitis, a tendon

>condition that resulted in me loosing the use of both hands for 10

>months. I'm using some of the methods on Donna's videos but anything

>else you will add'll be great.




>- When I'm out and see someone I'd like to talk to I don't really

>feel anything, I want to go and talk to them but have zero incination

>to go and do so, it's like i'm just blank. I thought maybe the Inner

>Demon Destroyer may help but I can't afford the DVD set at the moment

>since I just got Vince's DVDs, and I wasn't able to follow the

>insructions about the inner Demon Destroyer to my satisfaction on the

>list. If you think they will help then I'll start to save for them

>and try to get more information about the drill.


>- Sedate TW, back and front flush spleen then do carebear exercise?

>When do you actually breath out whilst doing this exercise though? I

>know you breath in when you start, but breath out?


>- Temporal Tapping, the way that Donna describes it on her videos.



>And finally I just wanted to ask - are the Radiant Circuits/Strange

>Flows/Joy circuits all the same thing? And the Penetrating Flow?


>If you think that this information could benifit other newcomers to

>your group, please feel free to repost this email.


>Thanks Doc. Once again, I really appreciate your help and look

>forward to hearing from you soon.




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>gabrielriddick <gabrielriddick

>Apr 5, 2006 6:37 PM


> Your opinions please...






>- When I'm out and see someone I'd like to talk to I don't really

>feel anything, I want to go and talk to them but have zero incination

>to go and do so, it's like i'm just blank.


You don't know what to say? Or you're like the fish in the aquarium that they

put a piece of plexiglass between him and the food, so he bumped into the

plexiglass every time he tried to to get food? After a few times, the fish was

" conditioned " for failure, and when they took the plexiglass out, the fish

starved to death, even though there was no longer anything separating the fish

from the food...


And remember, there are lots of women out there too, who, since they are human,

aren't sure how to meet you, either. And maybe they've tried and tried before,

and they really want that worm, but they don't think they can have it. LOL


Do the break state drill I mentioned in my previous post (the one Doc did so he

wouldn't kill someone), then attach that break state and uptime awareness to

meeting women, and anchor in any other resources you might want to have on

autopilot such as friendliness, confidence, etc.


Check for the posts on how to anchor and on Pillars of Power.


I recently found myself having fun because of internal anchors I set that caused

me to naturally feel joy while talking with women. I found women passing me in

the stores grinning at me, even before I spoke to them. You know, when you're

already getting good responses from someone, it's much easier to meet them!


Go find the " Unzip / Insert smile " posts here and on Mindmastery-essentialskills

and study them to get the technique, then go DO the drills.


In fact, don't stop with just women. Go talk with men, too.


Here's why:


Learn the skill in a context where YOU CAN TALK WITH ANYBODY, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE.


Just do that drill without any expectation, and if you get a conversation

started, fine. If not, just do the drill.


Make sure YOU smile as you do it.


I used to think I couldn't talk with a woman if her borefriend was there with

her.... Until I found myself flirting with the married woman in the theater who

just finished watching a movie, and when her husband came out, I talked to both

of them about the movie, but calibrated from her. She was having a blast, and

he just stood there with a blank look on his face...


And just last week I was at Taco Bell for lunch, and there was this HOTTT chick

with the tightest ass I think I've ever seen.


I'm not an ass man; I'll tell you what, though, I sure couldn't help but wonder

what ELSE was as tight as her rear end...


And she was with her borefiend...


So as we were waiting, which tends to happen at Taco Bell..., I got them BOTH

laughing, anchoring good feelings to talking with me.


And as I would say something funny intended for the chick, I would occassionally

look at the guy, and I kept him in the conversation.


All the while anchoring her good feelings to me...


Completely low key. And covert. The guy felt totally at ease, just like a

sheep on it's way to the SLAUGHTER.


I don't do " Walkups " . I just talk with people.


Use the swish or anchoring or Temporal Tap or whatever to condition yourself to

enjoy talking with people. And make sure you trace your energies correctly.


I think there are some posts here on how to combine the tracing of the energies

with a conversation with the person.



I thought maybe the Inner

>Demon Destroyer may help but I can't afford the DVD set at the moment

>since I just got Vince's DVDs, and I wasn't able to follow the

>insructions about the inner Demon Destroyer to my satisfaction on the

>list. If you think they will help then I'll start to save for them

>and try to get more information about the drill.




I suggest you get the DVD's AND go to a seminar and experience Doc doing the

technique where he goes through the drill with the installation of resources.

The DVD's are REAL good.


Go have some fun with the drills and let us know what you find out.



Jim Knippenberg







>- Sedate TW, back and front flush spleen then do carebear exercise?

>When do you actually breath out whilst doing this exercise though? I

>know you breath in when you start, but breath out?


>- Temporal Tapping, the way that Donna describes it on her videos.



>And finally I just wanted to ask - are the Radiant Circuits/Strange

>Flows/Joy circuits all the same thing? And the Penetrating Flow?


>If you think that this information could benifit other newcomers to

>your group, please feel free to repost this email.


>Thanks Doc. Once again, I really appreciate your help and look

>forward to hearing from you soon.




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