Guest guest Posted April 7, 2006 Report Share Posted April 7, 2006 --- " kahunamaker " <kahunamaker wrote: --- , colette flanigan <colette_flanigan@> wrote: > aloha you guys.. > it is easy to learn some hawaiian words..and they do have a >place in huna, Not according to Max Freedom Long. Because he was decipering, Max needed his dictionary, and then much intuition. But he did NOT use them to teach Huna. He did use them, and the describtion of what they meant in TERMS WE CAN EASILY UNDERSTAND AND " USE " . Now I know that I use them, the simple terms, mainly because of the " flavor " ...but I always give the meanings, when I want those reading to " get the meanings " . >so it would be good idea to begin to familiarize yourself. I agree with Sandy. Why should we? So far NO valid reason has been given. There is NO reason to have to have a Hawaiian-English dictionary handy, especially since... The individual is obviously using slang, with his own meanings... ....and the Kahuna did have code words for certain esoteric knowledge. So, are this gentleman's meaning, which he does NOT give, the same meaning that a dictionary gives, or the real meaning of the esoteric Kahuna? How can you tell with his post? You CAN'T! Now his first post, was very clear. His second post was very, intentionally NOT clear. Why is that? What was his intention for doing that installation of " confusion " PURPOSEFULLY? > see hawaiian/english dictionaries. > try a lil bit...some of the hawaiian words cannot be translated >into english and retain their meaning... Actually they all can be translated accurately. I was a professional translator for 2 other languages besides english. Saying the above is a cop out and is just an excuse for NOT doing their job properly. If one is good at what they do, they DO NOT have to cloak their own confusion in esoteric jargon. EVER! Big John NEVER has any difficulty in explaining his Hawaiian chants to us in English that we can learn from and find helpful. Etua also is good at his explanations, even though he can get " short " with someone and just give up on them, then walk away. They ALL SPEAK GREAT ENGLISH! for example Tad James only uses his Hawaiian chanting as a marketing tool so that, because he can chant, people think he must be valid. A bit of a logical stretch there, but many haole's do fall for it. Then Tad does explain VERY CLEARLY his version of what that Hawaiian chant means. >their meaning goes with the whole concept of a >grip, open your heart You can't open your heart when you don't know what is being said. It's like someone smiling at you, and at the same time cursing you out in their unknow language, just because they can, and get away with it. I've been there, heard that, and smashed some wise asses into the wall because I did understand what they were saying loud and clear. Comprehension always comes before opening the heart. Always! > and try a lil to learn something related to real huna practices in modern day life. > just my opinion...but grumbling never helped. I think that your definition of grumbling is not normal. When someone requests that they use english on a group that is english speaking, I think that is well within the bounds of reality, and the bounds of politeness. Notice that there was no attack to the man's spirit... ....just a request that he define his words. That is and was a real simple request. I thank Sandy for having the balls to speak her mind. ps. If you want the esoteric meaning to the Hawaiian used, go to Rodman's book. The REAL meanings according to the Kahuna are in THAT BOOK, and NOT in the dictionary! > love > colette > > pono is righteousness, law, upright, upholding etc. > > mana is the energy/power in the bones from spirit.. > > it goes on...learn some you will like it > i will look upsome sites if you dont have access. > > i am a haole, but i try to learn anyway. > > > > > sam58fagone <samfagone@> wrote: --- , > <sandygodheart@> wrote: > > > --- Kanoa Nelson <shydogofheeia@> wrote: > > > I think the following post is worthless to us people that do not speak hawaiian. > > Well ladies and gentlemen, I think the following post is worthless to us people that do not speak hawaiian. > > > And I do not care to learn. > > > This guy is writting that we need to know Spanish before we can > eat a Taco. > > > And there are virtually no how-to's in his speech about Mother- > > Earth, the ocean, the sky and ancestors. > > > > Really a limited concept. > > > > So, in " english " what in hell are you talking about? > > > > Something simple so poor little old me can get it quickly and > easily. > > > > If you can! > > > > Sandy Godheart --- End forwarded message --- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 7, 2006 Report Share Posted April 7, 2006 --- " kahunamaker " <kahunamaker wrote: , colette flanigan <colette_flanigan@> wrote: > alls i am saying is ....all the knowledge is not contained in any >one school. You are right, but... Please note that I am NOT attacking you nor what you say. So, what am I doing? Hopefully I am clarifying. Your above quote, used so often INCORRECTLY, is used as you used it, to INSTALL INCOMPETANCY. That quote is NOT for that purpose. That quote is NOT to deter, but for the Law of Allowing. When I went and studied with Tad, even though I was already very good at Huna, and an NLP Trainer twice over, with a Ph.D. in metaphysics, and another Ph.D. in Psychology, and trained in 4 levels of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, plus Elman Hypnosis, and a Silva Mind Control trainer in 6 different areas, blab, blab, blab, I KEPT MY MOUTH SHUT and let him teach his stuff. My job, since I was there to learn, was to SHUT UP and learn. After I spent my time there, THEN I made my decision to train more, or to go do something else. That quote you used IS NOT TO DETER but to stop someone from detering! >just as a study of the old bible might require a basic >understanding of greek... Only because the translators were really fucked up! There are over 14,000 major mis-translations from the Aramic to the KJ's. >(the king james version is quite different from the greek,,why?) > a practise of huna will be aided by a basic understanding of >hawaiian.. Not so. Why not? Because your analogy is FALSE. The Hawaiians had no written language. And the Hawaiians NO LONGER have anyone living that knows the ancient esoteric meanings! > *which i do not have, i butcher the language--but i try* I also think that the Hawaiian language is very neat, and I've done a bit of study myself... ....but THAT'S NOT THE POINT! The point is CLARITY. >-to attack the language or dismiss the integrity of the language in >the study of huna is to dismiss the polynesian influence prior to >the written works of Mr. Long. AGAIN you are using FALSE PREMISES... You used, the pattern, " this XXX therefore YYY " , which is NOT a verification process BUT... ....A HYPNOSIS PROCESS of convincing using a pacing strategy. ....which is NOT a valid criteria of verification. It's a LANGUAGE TRICK to convince others when there is not a valid reason! Why are you using LANGUAGE TRICKS to install negative feelings into us? (I snipped the Tad James sales pitch) > I am sorry if i was insensitive to whatever trauma went on the >list that i did not know the history of..but i just disgree about >dismissing the hawaiian language altogether in the context of the >all encompassing study of Huna. Colette, STOP IT! STOP putting in meanings in what we say that WAS NOT THERE. That is UNETHICAL! Sandy asked him to use english so WE CAN UNDERSTAND what he is talking about. That's a real simple concept. He can still call his taco's, taco. All Sandy asked was, " what is a taco, in english so I know what you are talking about! " > respectfully, > colette Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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