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Silent Return of the Prodigal Son

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As some of you have noticed, I have been silent on the lists

for a while… I am curious about what other people noticed about the

exchanges over the last two months or so. Did you see this as the same

discussions repeated? Was the tone of the postings different? …Or not?


Some of you will recall that the prodigal son WANTED his

inheritance before his father had passed on… So what did he do? Well, he

TOOK ACTION and achieved his goal… After some time… he

re-CALBIRATED and came to a different conclusion…


So who learned something? The prodigal son… the father

… the jealous brother… COMMON SENSE would say the returning

son must have seen the evil in his life… and returned to his family…

Uncommon sense might suggest that the father had learned HOW TO FORGIVE from

his earlier RESENTMENT… Perhaps he realized the prodigal son had traveled

a long and lonely path, testing fate…and building karma. As you

recall a time when you’ve been jealous… emotionally enraged…

could it have been the STIMULUS to begin your own journey? Was there only one

side to the story? Could it have been more BALANCED from some other point

of view?


We all walk different paths for our own unique perspectives.

Many think they KNOW our answers for us… but even then WALKING the path

is DIFFERENT than THINKING about what to DO. Often, we can’t even

explain the paths we take to the people we care about the most… Strange,

don’t you think? Passion is powerful… when you re-arrange it into positive



Quit just THINKING – Do something!! ANYTHING!!! We’ve

been thinking all our lives… Now living at CAUSE and acting on it…

holy cow, Batman…. The pictures we see are crystal clear when we

LOOK for it. Of course, it usually takes a CRISIS to push our lazy butts

to find a CURE… Now, I know that we need to CALIBRATE often to find out

if we did truly achieve our goal.


What if the prodigal son was “the cute, talented,

funny, and charming daughter”… would she be given more latitude in

how she behaves? Sometimes we are NICE to people because we THINK it is

expected. What if, being EFFECTIVE could be more valuable than being liked

at that point in time… Could a new INTERPRETATION of your actions be part

of their PERSONAL EVOLUTION? Of course it might go faster if they DECIDED what

they really wanted to LEARN… or should YOU decide what YOU want to learn.

In the LORI of the ancients of DARTHON4 we find great examples of success.


Of course if she devalues things like TRUST and HONESTY, she

will be seen as a FRAUD… some may even plot RETALIATION… To what

end? Have we all told ‘white lies’ as children? Of course

not! As you learn to KEEP in TOUCH with the many levels of yourself, you

RELAX… only to be AWAKENED to information previously beyond reach. If the

prodigal child begins to COMPREHEND the ECOLOGY of the whole being greater than

the sum of the individuals, she will ATTRACT new positive ENERGY into her life.


Doing your OWN work builds intense ENERGY. It will speed

your accent to understanding of who you really are. As you TEACH others

what you have LEARNED, you master the drills. Mastery promotes growth in

areas you hadn’t yet thought about… The ocean of knowledge flows to

a volcanic island shore… as you grow, the shoreline expands –

revealing more questions at the boundary waters… sometimes you learn on a

warm sunny beach … other areas are violent surf… making us

inVINCEable… or was that the castor oil, almonds, and coconuts? I guess,

I’m just WINGO’ng it…


Of course the MAP we currently accept is NOT truly the

Territory. If my map was the only accurate one, I should SELL it!! But my perspective

and my memory pegs might be completely unreadable by the aliens among us….

As we unpack knowledge from the experiences of Ingo Swann, Edgar Cayce, Max

Freedom Long, and Donna Eden… we become well read and hit our MARK! HOLT

the presses.


The story of the prodigal is my story…. from some

perspective, at some time. Is it your story?


Of course, I had to build rapport with my own negative

feelings in certain CHAKRAS at different levels of the mind. Then, I moved them

to a NEUTRAL state, as I unzipped myself and inserted a very POSITIVE and

EXCITED energy… zipping it up and realizing it was the mirror image of

the other… My FEEL BAD perspective is a FEEL GOOD perspective! I

just had it plugged in backwards!


There are many spins on energy, not just MAJOR chakras or

VORTEXES. In fact, the minor ones can heal and even sense the gatekeepers and

guides all around us. Portals require BOLDNESS to open, but care should

be taken to ensure ACCURACY of what you FEEL is true…


A KNIPP EN the bud of ice-BERG has shown a new perspective

on fun and excitement… in using the other person’s CONVINCER

Strategies and Energies to achieve MARKETING and RELATIONSHIP success.


The BEAGLES or anomalies we see are like DIRECT healers we

seek out. The subtle nudge of true MENTORS will only be recognized in hind

sight… True GENIUS is the power of the invisible hand that moves as the

speed of gravity or 18 times faster… a teacher that forces you to learn…

learn to RECOGNIZE the SYMBOLS all around us… all the time…


You achieve what you believe… you get what you search

for… If you don’t like it, CHANGE IT… or remain in the

comfort of enjoying your misery….



Greg R.


PS. Anyone hungry for patty melts?


PPS. Does Red Lobster have them? CINTAlating prospect, don’t

you think?


PPPS. ZENA of this funny stuff… Eyelean to my

left, eyelean to my right…. Have a good night!


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