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The ringing in the ears is gone, and the dizzyness is gone...

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--- , " rhondapiccola " <ronjo24 wrote:


> creative_energies ,

> Some suggestions for you Phillis,

> There is a lot of info in back posts some really good ones by Dr.

> John M. La Tourrette (sinus's Try post #4636 listed) suggests

> tugging down on the ear lobes, and pinching up and around the

> outside of the ears, keep mouth open as you pinch and pull up


> the ears. A life time of fluid in my ears is gone from doing this

> exercise. You can place your thumbs on the bridge of your nose,


> push in as you smooth all along the cheek bone, to the opening of

> the ears, (or and then up over the ears following the mastoid


> YAWN BIG, it was reccomened you do this in the shower. This had

> taken years of pain out of my face. You can push hard all along


> cheek bone from under the eyes, back to the ears, yawning and


> over the mastoid bone. Holding the sacrum, and the Stomach


> points under my eyes has been helpfull. Doing figure 8's from


> my ears through the neck area to my sholder clears the ringing


> I am doing the figure 8's at times. In the Basic Energy Healing

> Videos Donna worked with a man he had the worst headache of his


> from Airplane " Air " she had him do the Allergy Headache breathing

> pp.239 and The Isometric Press pp. 138 to clear the collected,

> trapped energy from in his head. Crown Pull pp.78 would be a good

> idea. You can siphone off the pain pp. 182, and 283. You can


> Clear your ears, 167-69. You can trace, and then flush the triple

> warmer to bring fresh energy in, this stops the ringing for


> moments often for me. You can inch worm all the way down the


> warmer meridian from the outside of the eye brow off the ring

> finger. I have notes that say Ear Infections are on the Kidney

> Meridian and to Sedate it, and Ear Problems on the Small Intestine

> Meridian. On the Meridian Wheel in the flow before the SI (sedate,

> strngthen, sedate) is Heart and upstrem from that is Spleen we are

> not suppose to sedate Heart, or Spleen. Normally you would sedate


> stream heart, strengthen below bladder, and sedate across from it

> Lung, I often wake up bewteen 3-5 am. and sedate. What Proceedure


> used to Replace Sedating the Up Stream meridian in this case????


> could try twirling a magnet with a hole in it on a string up and

> down the SI. and K. meridians. Post # 4579 Gwenn Bonnell suggests

> tapping for ringing in ears. I have had the same kind of ringing


> describe all my life, and normal noises at times when it is worse

> makes hearing painful, as well as the wind and it does not have to

> be very strong. The above has not cleared the ringing in my ears.


> also would be greatful for any other suggestions.

> Rhonda


Thank you Rhonda for reposting my post and adding neat stuff to it.


And a BIG " THANK YOU " for having the original persistence to doing

the drills.


Most people just 'read the damn post', then decide whether

it'll 'work', or not, because of the reading.


So if you use a word like " damn " they'll get offended and throw out

the gold nuggets with the sand.


Since I did that original post, I've been using something real

simple that has worked with all that have done it.


That does NOT mean the above didn't work. What it does mean is that

most people did not take the time to do the above drills...


....so I found something else that is much more simple for those

Water Elements, and people who lack discipline and persistence.


Just get a cue-tip, dip the end into a bottle of Castor oil, and

then swab the inside of the ears with it, leaving the Castor oil in

the ear. Continue daily until 'fixed'.


I re-found this cure inside one of the Edgar Cayce healing books,

and then vaguely remembered that Donna had talked about this same

thing 9 years ago at one of her first 5 day intensives at Jupiter



....so I've been having my clients do this Castor oil swab, and



The ringing in the ears is gone, and the dizzyness is gone. No more

tinnitus, nor more vertigo.


It might take a day or two, so use persistence, and apply the above

ear pull, blab, blab, blab, also.



ps. When you do the damn drills you get the skills. There is no

other way!

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