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Bell's Palsey competely fixed in 7 days!

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--- " julistein1 " <julistein wrote:

> have had Bells Palsy). His forehead is beginning to move somewhat

however the rest of his

> face has not improved much. Dentiast and Doctor say it will just

take time for the nerves

> to repair themselves.


My wife came down with BP several years back.


They (MD's) said it might be 2 years before her face, eye, and mouth " looked "



So I fixed it for her in 7 days.


1. Massage, 3 times per day.

2. DMSO applied when necessary, or a minimum of 3 times a day (for

your horse only).

3. Heat lamp 3 times a day for 5 minutes.


After 7 days her face appeared normal.


But, for her to have it " feel " normal, took another week.


The MD told her, " I don't know what you are doing, but keep it up. "


The only negative side effect? Her neck and cheek were red and the

skin was peeling slightly from the DMSO (for your horse only, since

I'd never prescribe anything).



Ps. This was before I knew energy medicine. Now I'd add in TW

sedating, meridian massage, head and neck rolls, and the ear pull.

Of course it will only work if you do the damn drills

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--- , Juli Steinocher <julistein wrote:

> I have some questions:

> 1. massage? Is this of the face AND neck?


Yes. Usually starting with the area at the bottom of the ear lobe of

the side frozen.


This is a deep physical massage with DMSO.


>I'm thinking figure eights


Sure. They will also help AFTER the physical massage.


> -- any other specific tips?


Sure. A counter clockwise chakra spin over that area will help rid it of

congested energies.


> 2. what is DMSO (for your horse only)?


Do a google search.


Then go to your Grange Co-op and buy some (for your horse or dog).


> 3. when you say meridian massage - which meridians?


Try all 14 of them, according to their sequence and the time of day.


Pages 98-110 of the hb energy medicine book.


> I'm thinking TW


Sure, back flush it if you are over-whelmed.


> and Spleen, any others?


Sure, it can only help, never harms.


> 4. what are the head and neck rolls? I looked them up in the EM

>book but not seeing anything.


I've already written about them on this list. In the back posts



> Thanks again!


Have fun.



> Juli

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