Guest guest Posted July 4, 2006 Report Share Posted July 4, 2006 Hello Good People, Fellow Keepers of the Higher Mind :-) I am back home on the farm again...Leaving far behind(in physicality but not in thought) 'Hogwarts of Medford'. Back to my sleepy little village of the Unibrows, Children of the Corn...and that hot time we do so well here, ' Crop Circle Makin' Saturday Nights'... Each morning since my return, I have awakened with my eyes laying upon the site of the sweet, giant patient face of my 160 pd black Great Dane puppy, 'Onyx'. A mere two inches from my face, he stares intently, silently at me, using his 'Kahuna ESP mind' to ossmoss me awake and thus gain 'permission' to herald all the others. In unison the 'magnificent massive 5' jump up on the bed and effectively kiss & lick me to the point where my hair stands straight up like a 'Mohawk' cut and I feel like I've been effectively sponge-bathed by a thousand slurping tongues(not quite the fun time one may have surmised it could be) ... After a month away from home, my most dear and patient Tom & I have thoroughly reconnected...and reconnected and reconnected... and I have had the opportunity to once again ground myself fully to my private, secluded country home here by joyfully dancing naked in the moonlight upon my land along with the nature sprites and wood nymphs ..... It's good to be home...and yet, I canNOT deny, I have returned from Medford and 's latest training seminars a profoundly changed person. I have been finding it uncharacteristically difficult to put into words exactly what I experienced this time with this latest training we received with Doc while in Medford. Each time I have tried these past few days, mere words seem so inadequate to what I am feeling...My words of gratitude to this Master, so insufficient.... I knew in my gut this was a training that I could NOT miss...As if to test my resolve on exactly how much I wanted this training or perhaps, how worthy I was to receive it, I was put through fire to get to him, and put through it again on my return. I felt it was an 'initiation' of sorts, by which part of my Higher Mind, I do not know...but I think my Unihipili, 'Dirty Harry' had a hand in it too ;-) As a certified circumnavigator of the world, I am use to travelling away from home. Yet if I were to put ALL the trips I have taken in my life together, I still would NOT come up with as 'eventful' travelling as I did on this last trip alone. Highlights of my 'initiation' consisted of a bad taste of 'every thing'... Brutally long delays & resulting detours at every leg of the trip, beginning with a flat tire on the way to the airport, enduring one step short of a 'full body cavity search' when I momentarily turned 'idiot' and stupidly told the customs agent while trying to enter the U.S. from Canada that I was going to an 'enhanced mind control' seminar(without activating her radiant circuits first)...yet somewhere during the 'search', radiant circuits now brilliantly flowing, we bonded... Leastways, I found her name, 'Bertha' and a phone number scribbled on a slip of paper stuck in my bra later that night... By carefully following directions given to me by airline personnel, I ended up on the complete opposite end of the airport to where I should have been in San Francisco. I made my gate just in time to board the plane before they closed the doors to only moments later experience an emergency aborted take off and the resulting sauna bath received before they opened the doors of the plane and released us gasping for air on the tarmac, an hour later...Had they offered us 'peace pipes' to smoke for the duration, it just may have turned into an on- board Sweat Lodge 'religious experience'...but well, no such luck... But hey, how bad did I want Dr. John M. LaTourrette's training? Onward I pressed... The next step in initiation came with a broken down bus somewhere between Grant's Pass & Medford....I thought I was in one of those 'don't leave home without it' traveller's cheques commercials with frantic passengers and flying chickens to boot...Just when I thought it had turned wierd enough, a jolly, white haired, elderly gentleman appeared. "Just call me 'Kriss' "he said with a twinkle in his eye... He wanted to give me a present he said..Just then I started to internally hear the shower scene from the movie 'Psycho'......Turns out, he sells Porn Novelties at Naughty Carny Shows and kept asking me to sit on his lap...As curious as I was about his products, he was just a tad bit too creepy for me and someone had to protect the chickens...Onward I pressed.... Arriving at my first destination, I believed the worst was over when I quite suddenly developed a fever and lost my voice...I found myself stranded in a one horse town where no one would rent me out the horse to get to my motel. Apparently, the only American Sign Language I know is : W-A-T-E-R from that Helen Keller flick and that wasn't getting me a ride...But if I did know how to get to the motel, how would I??? I wrote a note out and had the girl at the counter of the 'bus station-corner store-hair salon' call the motel and they sent someone to pick me up, two hours later... I spent that night doing energy drills and going to level...and was feeling significantly better by morning... Then I got lost for a time on a mountain...(But this time, what happened on the mountain, stays on the mountain :-) Ahh...but n-o-t-h-i-n-g would stop me from reaching Dr. John M. LaTourette's Seminar...That guy in the cigarette ad who says he'd 'walk a mile for a Camel' has nuthin' on ME getting to Doc's seminar! Finally, I made it to Medford...."Home to the World's Most Precious Cranium..." And I was jazzed! Then suddenly, unexpectedly, I was afflicted with a condition I have which is extremily painful but controllable with prescription medication...which I carry in a small pouch that I had left on the bathroom sink, back in Montreal......And so I had opportunity to go to level and practise controlling states of severe pain while also preparing my mind to accept the onslaught of new information I knew I was about to be flooded with... Before the seminars even began, I had my life changed forever during a private one on one session with Doc. First, for those of you who have never attended a seminar given by Dr. John M. LaTourrette, and you are 'beagled' on him(that is, you know he exists) you truly have NO IDEA of the GIFT you are keeping from yourselves...But after reading this and the other posts from other attendees of this latest seminar, you will know without a doubt that you have NO EXCUSE to positively change your life! If you have NOT had a private one on one session with him....I have this message for you today as well... See and actually read these words I am writing to you now... Listen and really hear what I am saying to you here... I am speaking from the heart and I truly want you to feel my sincerity... If you are NOT already wildly successful in your chosen career... If you are NOT already blissfully happy in the relationship of your choice... If you are NOT already enjoying abundant health and vitality.... If you are NOT already absurdly rich beyond your wildest dreams... If you are NOT already living your own 'vida loca'.... I, along with the other attendee's are pointing you in the direction of where you need to go to ~Get the know-how~ ~Get the Clarity~ ~Get the Drills~ ~Get the MindSet~ ~Get the Motivation~ Get the 'IT' you have been missing to follow through and become the very best 'you' you can become! I don't know about you, but I would NOT wait for the next seminar! Get in touch with Doc by email or through his office and make arrangements whichever way you can...Every day you wait, is another day YOU are missing out on accessing one of the greatest brains functionning on the planet TODAY. If you are a list member here, and haven't as yet made personal contact with Doc? What else do you need to know?? I and everyone else who's trained with him can tell you, he's got a brain that works quicker and more efficiently than Einstein's...He is a Marketing Genius...He's more charming than any movie star you've ever seen and he's hotter and has more stage presence than a rock star! Helllleeewww???? You just never know when the good Doc just may decide to move on up to a mountain top and charge $10,000.00 for an audience with him! I am passionate about Dr. John M. LaTourrette and his trainings. I have good reason to be... You see in my one on one with Doc last week, I was handed the 'keys' to my very own kingdom...The kingdom of my own choosing. And I am so rapturously happy about this result that I want to tell EVERYBODY how Dr. John M. LaTourrette CHANGED MY LIFE FOR THE BETTER! Dr. John M. LaTourrette NOT only helped me clarify my passion, but he in effect, took me by the hand, gave me the map, helped me chart the route, led me to the door and handed me the key to open the door to every single dream that I have! He showed me step by step by step all the 'who/what/where's & why's' of how to reach my goals! When I felt inept, he reassured me by giving me even more information and made me feel secure in the knowledge that I am on the right track and he IS there for me when I need him... He didn't do *everything* for me...No, I still have to take that Golden Key and actually place it into the lock and only then, alllll the treasures that I ever wanted will indeed be mine! Now, in the past, I may have been slow to catch on to such a good thing....I may NOT have been clear...may NOT have been focused...May have felt a little lost, a little(alot) overwhelmed...Even thought, ah, it's just tooo good to be true.....NOT anymore....Dr. John M. LaTourrette has shown me the brass ring, and I fully intend to GRAB HOLD OF IT! The 'brass ring' of your life is there for you as well...All you need to do is reach out and grab the phone..... He is an important, powerful most sought after Teacher of the highest calibre and because you are here on one of his lists, he just may find a slot open just for you. It's the huggy-feely in him ;-) Hey Doc, are you doing any one on one's at the Huna Convention later this month?? When I left Medford after Doc's trainings, I knew he had given me the 'key' to an abundant future...I kept the tape of our one on one on my person the entire trip home...I played it over and over again like a mantra...I was smart enough to put all the piles of free bonus information and dvd's in my carry on luggage...and I guarded it all like the precious gold that it is, allll the long way home...It appeared that I was still in the 'just how important is all this to me/initiation' process all the way home as well, as I experienced as many if not more 'tests' through out my journey home. I had two endearing travelling companions when I left Medford, who deserted me for their connections faster than rats off a sinking ship the second our plane touched down in Las Vegas...I can't blame them, my connection was long gone and I spent the following 41/2 grueling hours waiting in a line long & wierd enough to warrant a personal audience with Wayne Newton when I reached the end of it....Instead, there was a crazed gunman trying to kidnap a child which resulted in him being shot dead, right there in the Las Vegas airport.... The airline sent me to the 'World's Largest Super 8 Motel' to 'freshen up' 'for the two hours before I had to return for the final leg of my flight..I made it to the motel, but I never did find my room..I just wandered endlessly, hands gripped tightly to my carry on luggage... searching & searching, room key in hand, down hallway after hallway, nope not that way...nope not that way either....sleep deprived & bleary eyed trying to find room 3068, disoriented & with an inexplicable mounting desire for a piece of cheese, I finally came upon the elevator and made my way back down to the lobby where I was right on time for the shuttle bus back to the airport... Being dropped off at the wrong terminal and having to walk 5 miles through construction dragging two suitcases to the right terminal would have made a 'pre-Dr. La Tourrette Kahuna ESP Mind' Aileen finally give in and fall apart ....But "I" was the carrier of the keys to my own kingdom and I decided to stop right there and thump my thymus and k27's instead....I sat on my suitcase, held my neurovasculars, and didn't care how many Drag Queens watched as I did the 'Wayne Cook' and Separated Heaven & Earth. Afterwards, I marched on, found the terminal and my ticket counter...As luck would have it, I did NOT miss my flight as it was delayed because of the giant oil spill on the tarmac :-) Made no never mind to me, I sat at the gate and listened to the tape of Doc's & my one on one over & over again picking out more and more golden nuggets with each listening... Finally in flight on the last leg of the journey, we endured violent turbulance from massive unavoidable thunderstorms or more accurately, we endured the simulated 'bronco bull riding' flight complete with Rodeo Bull Baiting Clowns(flight attendants) where those of us who were not buckled over puking our guts out, helped those that were. It was a fine time for me to try out the 'Inner Demon Destroyer' on a fellow passenger..."Even though I'm terrified of a fatal crash, I deeply love & appreciate myself." Tap..tap..tap..fatal crash...fatal crash...fatal crash...tap..tap..tap...I remained in a state of peace & calm, after all...I was still the 'key carrier'....and there was NOTHING that was going to stop me from bringing this information all the way home.... We landed safely hours later...Well, my carry on bag & I did...My checked luggage apparently has decided to stay on 'tour' a while longer...but that's alright...I packed all of Doc's 'priceless' stuff, piles of hand outs, bonus dvd's and such, in my carry on :-) I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat, just as it happened, to ensure receiving those learnings from . More precious to me are his teachings than all the jewels that I can own. Thank you Doc for qualifying me for your trainings. Your faith in me spurs me forward. Most Sincerely Thankful, Aileen W. Donovan Attachment: vcard [not shown] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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