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Jack mentioned that he turned away (with regret) 37 people...

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mindmastery-essentialskills , Richard Cinta

<richardc wrote:

> A couple of weeks ago, I took a chance. A big chance. I wanted to

> attend Doc's last minute FREE Customer Appreciation seminar so bad,

>but there was no possible way that I could afford a plane ticket on

>such short notice. So I gave up and told myself, that if it was

>FREE, he probably wouldn't be sharing too many valuable secrets and

>it should be something that I could just blow off.




That is what happens with many people when you don't put a price tag

on it.


But then again, I did put a price tag on it. $2,500, and the seminar

was worth much more than that. Many of the attendees stated it was

the best healing seminar they'd ever been to. Others, who've been to

many of my events where amazed that so much had been crammed into

that 30 years of time (I use time distortion when I teach).


I also charged a minimum of $100 bucks for each attendee, just to

confirm and hold that seat for them.


We were filled up in 3 days after announcing it.


Jack mentioned that he turned away (with regret) 37 people.


Because we were doing much hands on work, and we needed the floor

space for meridian work, chakra work, Radiant energy work, Hypnosis

drills, blab, blab, blab, we had to keep the numbers down to 25



Glad you chose to come Richard. We needed your help getting all those

DVD's out to the attendees. Thank you.


What I find very interesting is that many many of the attendees told

me that they learned more about Healing Energies FOR REAL in that

weekend Intensive than they'd learned at other much longer events.


And they were very excited that I added in Secrets of Covert

Influence, Secrets of Covert Hypnosis...


We had 3 professional hypnotists there that had their socks blown off

will all the advanced covert hypnotic technologies I was using AND

THEN I'd explain to the class what they were and how to use them with

Healing Energies for the health acceleration of their clients!


....Secrets of Remote Healing and much much more!


Everyone of these professional hypnotists have already told their

kudos on the seminar and how they've added in those Secret Healing

Energies Technologies to their own practices.


> Then, in the middle of the night, I woke up with a cold sweat on my

> forehead. I was tossing and turning and couldn't go back to sleep.


> felt like my soul was trying to tell me something, but it was in a

> diffferent language, that I couldn't possibly understand, even

though frustration mounted,

> It was as if, A Sword with Ancient Inscriptoins of deep wisdom had

>drank deeply of the blood of storms of confusion. Its magic trapped

>all my fears and I discovered that if I really wanted to go bad

>enough, that If the universe really wanted me to attend Doc's

>training, that it would happen.


> So then and there, I made plans to do whatever I could to make it

>to Doc's training. and after being on the road for 2 weeks, I am

> definitely glad I did.


So am I Richard.


> Doc basically took a 5 day course taught by Donna Eden and refined

>it, to get verifiable results, laced with specifics and proper

>motivational strategies anchored toward spatially-anchored goals,

>with tons of hands on practice.

>The only FREE training that Doc has ever given, to my knowledge.


> Ya see, it all comes down to technique and goal setting. Donna

>Eden's Goal in teaching is to get her message and experience of how

>energy medicine tools has worked for her and how you can also learn

>the basics, to apply in your life. as you so choose.


I'm glad Donna is out there. Her knowledge and verification processes

are probably the MOST IMPORTANT concepts that I've learned in the

past 9 years.


She taught them. I PRACTICED them and ASSIMILATED those SKILLS into

my unconscious mind so I can now USE THEM consciously and

unconsciously where ever I choose to!


Wisdom without " doing " is virtually worthless.


Everything I now do, in the Martial Arts, in my healing energies, in

my self-help NLP and EP seminars has much of her Energy Medicine

imbedded in it.


Thank you Donna.


> Doc's goal in teaching is not only teach the tools, but he

>personally goes around to each group, and makes sure everyone is

>doing the drill properly and steps in, when he sees someone messing

>up, and fixes them, to do it more or less, how he taught it. He has

>standards for which one MUST HAVE THE SKILLS which all must pass,

>before they are able to graduate to the next level.


> I guess as a Wood Element, He makes sure through testing in and

>testing out, that everyone that gets in, does the drill, or else,

>They are invited to leave, given several chances to participate...




I did kick out another person AFTER my last event. Again it was a

kung fu student that wanted much for virtually nothing. So I refunded

his measley $100 buck seat fee and banned him from my events (any of

them) for life. He's a nice person but his underlying values and lack

of personal responsibility are so far from mine that he belongs

elsewhere. I was happy to assist him in going elsewhere. I also

banned him from all 4 that regularly participate in. The

gentleman was wasting my time and I choose who I spend time with and

whom I share what I know with. Regardless of his desires in the

matter, he is now gone for good.


> Fire or Earth Elements simply do not have the same standards. Im

>sorry to say.


I've a bunch to say on this, but will not say it at the present time.

Suffice it to say that I put up with many Earth elements, not because

I like them (I don't dislike them, but look on in amazement at how

they think and what their criteria are rules structures are), but

because I love the primary presentor, and I ignore them except for

saying, " wow, sure, uh hun, you bet, etc... " whenever in a

conversation with them.


> hahaha...I bet a lot of you are wishing I could offer you more

> specifics.


Actually the REAL reason that you can't is because from a post it is

virtually impossible from them to get those advanced concepts.


The VAKOG is not present enough for them to get the experience.


Now, if the 'get the DVD's', that would be another story.


The value of that informaton is tremendous, way past what most people



There is a possiblility that I might 'make them public'.


I'll let everyone know right after I get back from the Donna Eden

Trainer Certification Graduation Program.



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