Guest guest Posted January 11, 2007 Report Share Posted January 11, 2007 Doc: I was thrilled to see you post info about one of the " medical suggestions " of Cayce. (Psorisis). Brad is a " Cayce referral " doctor for individuals who want to use the thousands of " Individualized Readings " for particular health conditions via Edgar Cayce's health treatment recommendations. Both Brad and I have been Cayce health speakers as well. As most of Cayce's recommendations are in a multi- directional approach, we try to have on site educational materials for patients re Cayce's primary health recommendations: or CARE (Circulation, Assimilation, Relaxation and Elimination). In the numerous cases of psorisis the office has effectively treated, adequate eliminations and assimilations has always been a factor, and the number one factor, as in the Cayce readings and recommendations you quote. Other " reasons " from the Cayce " Psorisis Readings " which we have used as treatment modalities are: 1)Existing nerve interference or blockages in the nerves in the spinal area which affect the digestive system,- Chiropractic or Orthopedic or Energetic manipulative techniques, including specific exercises, will assist here 2)Food allergies, or sensitivities, which create toxins in a particular individual, and may lead to an over sensitive system - of interest is tomatoes and tomato products - spaghetti sauce, ketchup, etc, and other foods in the nightshade family - eggplant, white potatoes, green peppers, etc, and grain - particularly gluten (wheat, oat, rye, etc) sensitive individuals. PS - we have found many a child who suffer from psorisis are manic ketchup eaters - with eggs, with potatoes - with everything!! Using cellular detoxifications, including water treatment, which you stated, as well as ionic foot baths with either sea salt or Epsom Salts and Energetic Allergy treatments (which are easily learned for self- treatment) using verifiable muscle testing (which your DVD's and seminars teach) along with meridian clearing and reprogramming - again, easily self learned techniques using bladder meridian tapping, or the Kahuna Red Crystal, or a 395nm Red LED or Low Level Laser. This area also involves heavy metal detoxification, which requires a little more knowledge to effectively remove or desensitize (knowing about oil bonding of metals and chemical vibrational " pull " vibrations of particular heavy metals are important to not have the body rebel with detox effects. 3)Lack or low levels of active digestive enzymes or HCL and probiotics - which the majority of individuals have due to popular and convenient eating habits which are easily rectified by active supplementation - again, testing (and clearings)can be done through verifiable testing techniques 4)The effect of sunlight, Vit D and ultraviolet light on the regeneration of new skin, - using sun, Cayce's Unltrviolet Ray, or again, Low level laser 5)for topical relief, either Castor Oil- a Cayce Standard recommendation or a product with Coal Tar used individually or rotated, has been used with great results. 6) Supplements or foods to repair the " leaky Gut " , like Cat's claw, milk thistle, and others. We carry an array of products, some from Home Health Products, which carry Cayce original formula products, and others from other verifiable sources. This point is so important. The " reason " that the psorisis " scales " exist on the skin, is just as Doc noted - but he did so very kindly - the scales are where the body's digestive toxins (feces, etc) try to exit the body. Leaky gut is minute tears in the mucus and outer membranes of the intestines. Toxins spill into the blood stream or are taken up via lymphatic drainage system away from important body organs and dumped via another body drainage system - the skin. As a side note, psorisis is an inflammatory condition in the body. It is often present with other conditions like Rhumatoid Arthritis or severe allergies. Many times when the inflammatory conditions are treated, the psorisis " disapears " or heals. Sometimes these " allergies " or sensitivities are not easily aware. IE: one young lady we treated for itchy spots (almost pre-psoriatic) and RA which had been verified by blood factors, we traced back to a heavy metal sensitivity to titanium - which the doctors had used when they removed her gall bladder years before - yes, she had been suffering from digestive and elimination problems for years before we saw her for the condition - So, as we treated her HM sensitivity, her skin spots, her digestion and eliminations, her RA blood factors " disappeared " - as well as the other " inflammatory " conditions her body had. She just has to watch her diet, grain intake, keep her body hydrated and clear of any nerve interference. 7) Exercise is important, as Doc notes, but for many reasons many don't understand. The lungs, via breath, is also another elimination channel. If the urinary tract (Kidneys, bladder, etc) and the Digestive tract (stomach, Intestines, Liver, etc) are not functioning properly, the skin and breath become ways to transport toxins out. As such, exercise and baths and dry rubbing skin and even spas and saunas become important as Elimination channels. The only area I differ with you, is the role that Emotions play. Even Cayce's Readings on Psorisis emphasize the need of a regular modality to limit or eliminate stress. (the R part of Cayce's CARE). Meditation, Prayer time, Visualization, Alpha-Theta Training, as taught in some of your products, are all great suggestions. Getting adequate amounts of sleep, time for exercising or developing the creative impulses of the mind (hobbies, sports, etc) are all important to clearing issues with psorisis, especially where the sensitivites develop. I used to say " many " , but now I say " most " allergic and sensitivity reactions (and thus, the start, of many inflammatory conditions) start when the body is in stress, mostly emotional stress. The body seems to clear the toxins to a greater state when you " stack " the clearings by accessing the emotional state the body was in when the allergin state started. But in clearing these " toxic " body responses, you need to be sure they are " clear " when accessing the emotional body as well as the physically stressful body (just another level of clarity in muscle testing that I use). Thanks Doc for letting me talk on a subject we practically deal effectively with every day. PS - See you in Feb Genevieve Metro - Corbin Chiropractic. healingenergies- essentialskills , " docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001 wrote: > > > > Hi everyone, > > > I am tapping with an 11 year old boy who has psoriasis, a skin > > > condition in the arm pits of both arms. I would greatly > appreciate any > > > advice on what to tap on. He has had this condition for 3 years > and > > > cannot recall anything happening around the time it occurred. > > Jo, psoriasis is NOT an emotional issue but an issue of assimilation > and elimination of toxins in the body. > > Now you can have emotional issues about psoriasis, but it is NOT > caused by them. > > Again it is most often caused by the lack of proper coordination in > the eliminating systems. It is always caused by a condition of lack > of lymph circulation through alimentary canal and by absorption of > such activities through the body. There are accumulations of toxic > forces and the lack of proper eliminations through the alimentary > canal. This strain from fecal forces in the system tended to make for > a thinning of the walls of the intestines hemselves, making a > secretion that, having to be taken up by the lymph and emunctories, > and the blood being impoverished, produces a rash on the exterior > forces of the body. > > Psoriasis has been cleared up 100% by people using the Edgar Cayce > method. (google) > > Psoriasis has also been cleared up by doing EEM, especially paying > particular attention to the lymphatics, to the meridians to do with > Liver (hormones), the stomach meridian, and the spleen meridian. Also > included in that mix are diet, exercise, and methods to enhance > eliminations. > > One client was able to get rid of his Psoriasis by simply switching > to drinking water (instead of carbonated drinks), eating more ruffage > (ie, salads 2 meals a day), and exercising 30 minutes a day by > RUNNING on a treadmill. > > Have fun. > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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