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FREE $3,000 Kahuna Ho’omanamana Intensive

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Do you want to know why" your huna is NOT working", why you were taught wrong and what to do so it will work?

"Be Careful of Who You Do

Your Kahuna Trainings With Because

They can Rob You Blind, Teach Fake Stuff &

Brain Wash You at the Same Time!"

"Real master keys of the lost Kingdom of Ho'omanamana Kahuna Magic™!"


, Ph.D. Sports Psychology

Healing Energies Trainer, Kahuna Ho'omanamana™ Trainer and Kumu,


Many who practice a form of Hawaiian magic will NOT want to hear this…and some who have already noticed the inconsistencies will want to hear this. This letter is for them.

The purpose of my upcoming "The LOST Ho'omanamana Secrets of the REAL Kahuna" is to teach you and 34 other people the real secrets of that suppressed wisdom of Ho'omanamana, and to show you the verified step-by-step processes to build your intellectual tools, your energy tools and your Kahuna ESP Psychic Skills for any purpose you desire.

Though the work of Ho'omanamana has been kept secret for much of the last eight hundred years, it offers history's most valuable insights into the science of personal power. These powerful secrets of the Kahuna can be used not only in physical healing, but in advancing your position in all aspects of life.

"Call now" 541-535-3188 FREE $600 BONUS for the first 19 people that reserve their seat (or email Jack at thespeedman) right now! I am throwing in a FREE DVD set, valued at $600. Reserve your seat now before someone else takes it from you! Only $197 for this $3,000 Ho'omanamana Intensive for 7 days only!

The Kahuna Ho'omanamana™ teaches a pragmatic approach to success because it recognizes that "trying harder" and using "will power" are self defeating. In contrast we describe the methods of the Kahuna as using various energy forces on ourselves, on others and on the projects and outcomes we wish to achieve.

"Why this knowledge was suppressed!"

Since around 1200 access to the Kahuna secrets were severely restricted. Before the arrival of Pa'ao these focused mind technologies were studied by both men and women. Pa'ao, who led the overthrow of the Hawaiian royal class (1200), decided that its information was too valuable and too dangerous to be allowed in the hands of the common folk. So he killed off the opposition. Here's why.

Why should you listen to Dr. La Tourrette? He has been studying Hawaiian Kahuna teachings since 1966 and teaching them worldwide since 1997. He is an NLP Master Trainer, a Healing Energies Trainer™, a Certified Huna Kumu and Huna Minister, a member of the Huna Board of Directors until 2007 (retired), the co-developer of the Silva UltraMind ESP Systems Remote Viewing/Remote Influence course, the founder of the Kahuna Mind™, the Kahuna ESP Mind™, the Kahuna Mind Bridges™, the Kahuna Mana Accelerator™, the Kahuna Kundalini™, the Kahuna Dream Invader™, and much more. Walter Hurlbut, Ph.D. Physics.

"These Kahuna skills enable the weak to overcome the strong!"

Because of that these Kahuna mind skills were a threat to those in power. Between 1200 and 1818 the Hawaiian ruling aristocracy buried the specifics of this technology by denying its use to women and the common people. Only the very intelligent, willing and disciplined male children of the Ali'i (ruling class) were considered for the intense training of the Kahuna. This rule was enforced by killing those who did not adhere to the Taboos and the restrictions.

More importantly, the deeper knowledge of the Kahuna was actively restricted and suppressed very harshly as a Christian missionary vendetta from 1820 to about 1880. They did not like the competition nor were they able to duplicate the feats of the Kahuna so they passed laws to stop them. Up until 1989 the use of Ho'omanamana was suppressed by laws passed by the United States government. Those laws were not rescinded until the Religious Freedom acts of 1989 and if anyone was caught chanting or blessing a new building, or doing a Kahuna Manifestation drill, they were sent to prison.

Listen up! On the weekend of July 21-22 (for two full days!), The Kahuna Maker is offering a $3,000 "The Lost Ho'omanamana Secrets™ of the Kahuna" seminar to only 35 people for a `seating' fee of $197. Call 541-535-3188!

Down through the past 800 years (since 1200 ad.) the knowledge on which modern day huna is based, known originally in Hawaii as "Ho'omanamana" (NOT as huna), has been suppressed. Any of the secrets that did survive went underground and became totally secret, lost and distorted.

Much of this secrecy is because it is known that knowledge, emotions, wisdom and psychic skills training are the most powerful weapons of all. The Kahuna Ho'omanamana teaches how-to-use mind and energy in such a way to discover your opponent's secrets and to leverage their intentions against them.

Ho'omanamana skills allow your eyes to see what others do not see, and how to easily use that knowledge that others do not have as an unfair advantage. Given this fear of abuse it is only natural that those who fear Ho'omanamana would want to keep its methods secret, and only allow their own higher ups to know these skills, and that has happened.

Most of the teaching that now exist have been renamed huna then totally dumbed down, or whitewashed with a thin coat of Christianity.

"Call now" 541-535-3188 FREE $600 BONUS for the first 19 people that reserve their seat (or email Jack at thespeedman) right now! I am throwing in a FREE DVD set, valued at $600. Reserve your seat now before someone else takes it from you! Only $197 for this $3,000 Ho'omanamana Intensive for 7 days only!

The word huna did not even exist in today's usage until 1949 when researcher Max Freedom Long coined that term meaning "secret" from the Hawaiian language and used it in his second book. His first book, written in 1936 did NOT use the word huna, but taught about the Kahuna. The Hawaiian's do NOT use "huna" to mean a philosophy and when it is used that way they do not understand it. Max came up with a system of positive thinking by back engineering huna skills from other existing mind technologies.

Myth #1. Max's work has many inconsistencies mainly because he "accidentally" added Christian concepts to the Kahuna teachings. He stated that his brainchild combined magic with positive thinking and with religion.

The Kahuna did NOT do that. To them it was Ho'omanamana, which means "Concentrated Thought Power". And this "Concentrated Thought Power" can be used for making money, having better relationships, contacting others using telepathy, healing your self, healing others, etc.

Myth #2. Max taught prayer in the Christian way. Its been proven that normal prayer does NOT work. For prayer to be effective, 11 special steps must be followed in sequence from a certain level of mind, using specific mind bridges. Max did NOT teach them or even know about them.

Myth #3. Max did not know that the Kahuna never prayed for anything like Christians pray, in a beseeching or a begging manner. What the Kahuna did was "tell" his Po what to do and his Po did it. You do not wish for a glass of water, you get up and get the water. It's the same with manifestation. You make the plan and then you install the seeds of that plan in both the non-local universe (using certain technologies of the mind) and then you take specific action steps in this objective world that enhance the miracle.

In fact American missionaries complained that the Kahuna "ordered" his god to do this or that, instead of petitioning, which is one of the reasons Ho'omanamana was originally outlawed.

Dr. La Tourrette is a genuine, one of a kind, world class Kahuna trainer. I've learned more about Psychic Skills, healing and vital energies in the past year from him then I learned in the entire decade of study before him. How I can heal others. I can see auras. And I do get what I want. Doc, you are the best. Lori Mitchell, Engineer & Certified Kahuna Trainer.

Myth #4. Today some are giving cute little quotes like, "if you ain't doing huna you are working too hard". Their hidden meaning is, "you can be a lazy good for nothing bastard, with no skills, no will power, and no goals, and you will still be successful because your high self will do everything for you". Sorry, it's an insidious myth used as a sales pitch that never has worked, does not work now, and never will work. It's a hallucination…or they are outright lying to you.

The good news is, with the "Kahuna Concentrated Thought Power™" secrets, the use of the Kahuna Mind Bridges™ and the "Kahuna Mana Generator™" you can get what you want.

In 1969 another group pretended that the real teachings of the Kahuna do not exist, and attempted to deemphasize the more aggressive Ho'omanamana practices in favor of spiritual and physical healing by prayer (calling) and the application of herbs. Unfortunately when you dumb down any magical mind/energy technology to get rid of what a few condemn as bad you also get rid of the good. You can't know what good steak tastes like unless you've eaten a bad steak.

The truth of the matter is most huna teachings, as they are taught now, really do not work for over 90% of most who attempt to use them, and is isn't their fault! It's someone else's fault! It's because most people do NOT know the 38 Secret Kahuna Ho'omanamana Master Keys of success.

With a small `seat' deposit of $197, you get totally FREE a DVD training course ("The LOST Kahuna 101 Trainings™) that sells for $600 dollars. It will be waiting for you at the door! The $3,000 seminar is FREE!

Let me give you 15 reasons huna has failed many & does NOT work for most people.

Reason #1. Because they learned from someone that could NOT do the skills themselves. FACT. Someone with inferior abilities can NOT transmit anything but inferior technologies.

Reason #2. Because they purposefully "omit" several of the REAL steps. They want you to keep coming back to them for more and more. There purpose? To get rich off of you. One enterprising huna hypnotist charges $15,000 for a five day training!

Reason #3. Many attempt to use huna with just their will power. REAL Ho'omanamana cannot be done effectively that way. In fact, when attempted with will power alone, you actually receive what you don't want instead!

Reason #4. Many people are falsely taught to "let go and let god do it". Those that profess that philosophy still believe in the Easter Bunny. There ain't no bunny, nor is there a basket full of goodies waiting for you to find under the grassy knoll. There are higher forces but they cannot be accessed by sitting on your butt doing nothing.

Why is Dr. La Tourrette giving you all of that for peanuts, and a FREE $600 COURSE to boot? Because he is mad as Hell at the buckets of hogwash that are being sold as huna trainings & he wants you to experience real training!

Reason #5. There is a hidden scientific method of concentrated thought power (Ho'omanamana) that is 1,000 times MORE powerful than just using the conscious mind. When the conscious mind and the imagination are not working together, the imagination always gets its way.

Reason #6. Some trainers are fake, and don't deserve the title. One female "trainer" we know of has been awarded her "credentials" because of sexual favors. Last June a single male "trainer" was bragging to the boys about how he had gotten a certain female to do certain things to him. The next thing we know she is a "certified" trainer. Another certificate was awarded to an MD with NO KNOWLEDGE, who is also brain damaged due to an automobile accident. They wanted to use his medical credentials to falsely enhance their own credibility. Dubious credentials at best.

Doc's seminars are the best I've ever attended. The Kahuna Telepathic Dream Invader™ gave me skills I never dreamed existed…I thank all of you. The Kahuna group energy is great. Christoph Herr, NLP Trainer, Germany

Reason #7. There are three deep self attributes (Po) that must be learned and practiced BEFORE you can work your own miracles in your own life. These are NOT taught elsewhere.

Reason #8. If these four invisible "conflicts" are NOT cleared first on the inner workings of the mind, and on all levels of the mind, miracles cannot occur for you!

Reason #9. Your thoughts must be powerfully charged (the Kahuna Mana Generator™) in a manner that is congruent with other hidden emotions, wishes and fears.

Reason #10. If you do not operate psychically and behaviorally along with the accumulation of Mana, then the proper focus of that Kahuna Manifestation Energy™ in the three worlds of the Po, Ao and the Aumakua, nothing positive occurs.

Reason #11. If anyone of your three consciousnesses has an unknown and unconscious black box from this life time, from others, or from a past existence, and any one of them believes that what you want to achieve with your Ho'omanamana Manifestation™ is NOT reasonable, that specific miracle cannot occur. We check for that and fix it at the seminar.

Reason #12. Many people are just NOT willing to do what it takes to get what they want. If the horses are loose they pray to god that the horses will NOT run loose, instead of fixing the fence.

"Call now" 541-535-3188 FREE $600 BONUS for the first 19 people that reserve their seat (or email Jack at thespeedman) right now! I am throwing in a FREE DVD set, valued at $600. Reserve your seat now before someone else takes it from you! Only $197 for this $3,000 Ho'omanamana Intensive for 7 days only!

Reason #13. When other unconscious thought forms that are incongruent (resistant) to your Pule are not searched for, found and then erased, or had the bad Karma relieved thought the proper learning's, Ho'omanamana will NOT work.

Reason #14. If your energies surrounding your body (the aura) are too loose, others will easily control those energies more effectively than you can. Do you feel drained? Do you feel like you are being psychically attacked? We can help you learn specific Kahuna Psychic Self-Defense™ quickly and easily.

Reason #15. If your energies have been disrupted in a way that your spirit has been psychically damaged, Ho'omanamana will NOT work for you until that energy hole, that energy tear, those energy disruptions have been discovered and repaired.


I've told you what we are NOT going to teach you and some of what we will teach you.

Let me tell you what the Secret Teachings of the Kahuna (Ho'omanamana) really are.

They are a "Secret Mind Training Science" used by Kahuna and purposefully denied to anyone else.

Thank you Doc for the best seminar I have been to in my life. I had a 17 year problem that you fixed. Then I learned your four Secret Kahuna Powers™ for "getting shit done" so I could get on with my life in a fun, enjoyable way. Zena, Warrior Princess, Hawaii.

The ancient name of this secret mind training science is "Ho'omanamana" which translates in English roughly to "Concentrated Thought Power!" It is a scientific method to endow with Mana (Vital Force) to any activity you choose to use it on.

It is used to intentionally influence others at a distance.

It is used to stop others from influencing us intentionally, or unintentionally, whether they are using remote viewing, mind control, accidental thoughts, black magic, righteous prayers, hexes or wishes.

Did you know that people can harm others telepathically and energetically, even if they don't believe in it?

Did you know negative mental intentions to your own Po are four times more powerful than any one positive thought?

Did you know that normal people are being victimized by 3 types of energy vampires daily, causing depression, weakness, and loss of positive energies, harming your mental body, harming your physical body, harming your emotional body, UNLESS you know how-to-stop them?

A white light with NOT work! Not even the Tower of Light.

Religion cannot stop them.


I was born into huna and I've been doing it all my life. The only problem is sometimes I could heal others. Most times I couldn't. Some times I could remote view. Most times I couldn't. I was missing something. Dr. La Tourrette started training me in 1998 and now my healing works all the time. Now I can remote view all the time. Mr. J. Wingo.

A protective prayer (almost all of them are done wrong) will NOT work! Not even the Lesser Banishing Ritual!

In fact, when a protective prayer is done wrong (and most are), those prayers become "curses" to yourself that makes it even worse.

There are sorcerers and sorceresses among us!


Because "thoughts are things" and those who have powerfully controlled thoughts can affect us whether you believe they can, or not. Easily verifiable to the biggest skeptic.

Did you know that most churches healing groups actually HURT the one they are praying for? We'll teach you how to fix that.

Be careful of those that pray for you, because they might be helping kill you. Be careful of who you share with because they will become jealous of you.

Is your girl friend (boy friend, husband or wife) attempting to use distant thought control on you to radically change your thinking, to change your behavior, and to install their view in place of your own?

It happens all the time. Governments even use some of these secrets now.

Call 541-535-3188 now & get your seat! FREE $3,000 Ho'omanamana seminar! $197 `seat fee'. Only 11 seats left!

Are they using the negative energies of guilt, fear, and shame through distant influence to get things their way?

Now here's the good news.

You can learn these Kahuna Ho'omanamana skills.

You can use these skills after you learn them for any purpose you desire.

Warning! One thing that I do require of all coming to this Intensive is that they have a minimum of 200 HS. That simple means that we screen the ones that are criminally insane, and those that will not fit into the training group for any reason.

NOTICE! Dr. John always films his Kahuna Intensives for the attendees only! None attendees will NOT have access to these materials. They will NOT be sold to the general public. So the only way to earn the right to have the DVD's is to `go to the seminar'. The price is FREE, not $3,000 for this week only, with a $197 `seat' fee. If you call right away you will also receive a $600 FREE GIFT! If you wait, the price goes up to $1,497, then to $3,000. You will also receive a priceless Kahuna Energy disk for being here.

When your score in 200 HS or above you will fit in with the other attendees so you can feel safe with each other during the Kahuna Ho'omanamana training Intensive.

Then after these skills are acquired you can do neat things, things BESIDES know when you are being psychically attacked.

Good thing #1. Did you know that, as a Real Estate agent, you can use Kahuna ESP to find out what a client wants in a home and then sell them that exact type of house? They will love you for it.

Good thing #2. Did you know that you can "talk" with a person during Dream-time, to find out if you and they are compatible, or not, so you both can benefit from the relationship?

Good thing #3. Did you know that you can build a mind bridge that will make your thoughts 1,000 times more powerful, and you can use those powerful thought forms to have a better memory?

Good thing #4. The key to harnessing your metaphysical power for controlled miracles.

Good thing #5. How to make room in your life for "lady luck".

Good thing #6. A system for expanding your powers day after day for even greater power, infinite victories, and abounding success.

Good thing #7. How to attract wealth faster than you can spend it.

Good thing #8. How to know other people's thought and feelings from miles away.

Good thing #9. How to make decisions and to know in advance those decisions are good for you.

Good thing #10. How to go inside your own body, relax the body, and turn on your immune system for better and more effective self-healing.

"Call now" 541-535-3188 FREE $600 BONUS for the first 19 people that reserve their seat (or email Jack at thespeedman) right now! I am throwing in a FREE DVD set, valued at $600. Reserve your seat now before someone else takes it from you! Only $197 for this $3,000 Ho'omanamana Intensive for 7 days only!

Good thing #11. To become smarter, more educated and more intelligent in whatever field you choose.

With the Kahuna Ho'omanamana Master Keys™ you are able to make incredible happenings become common-place, and get the things you want from life…money, power, social prestige, love, ESP development, clairvoyant powers…and much more.

Kahuna Concentrated Thought Power™ carries your decisions, obeys your command. Electricity did not begin to work for man until he knew it was there. Bring a native in from a remote jungle to a city and electricity will not work for him either until he realizes that this button turns on that light and that switch turns on this radio.

How 60 seconds at the center of the "Kahuna ESP Mind™" made me $60,000 profit in 5 days, removed all anxiety and blessed me with profit. I use it all the time for sales & communicating. Lillie Reibold, Real Estate Broker.

Your Kahuna Concentrated Thought Power is juiced by Mana and I will teach your power to you and show you how-to push the buttons and turn on the switch. As you do, you get immediate proof that you have the power just as immediately as the light turns on when you flip a switch.

Right now this road is open to you. You can begin this cavalcade of miracles…just pick up the telephone now and dial 541-535-3188 to nail down your seat for the upcoming Kahuna Ho'omanamana Skills Intensive.

Can you keep a secret? If you let people know that you are learning the "lost Ho'omanamana Kahuna Secrets™ they'll fear you, they'll hate you & they'll envy you. Because of fear, they will avoid you, think that you are crazy, and attempt to discredit you. There are also psychopaths & leeches. The con man, the lazy bum that wants everything for nothing. That's why we energy test all students. People desire these secrets for their own selfish needs and wants. Call now 541-535-3188 to reserve your seat (a $197 seating fee) and to see how you can qualify right now, before all seats are gone, for this FREE $3,000 seminar & the FREE $600 Bonus.

The deal is real simple. For $197, a "seating" fee, you get…

1. You get the complete $3,000 Kahuna Ho'omanamana Intensive

2. You get the FREE $600 BONUS "The Lost Kahuna 101 Secrets" DVD set



3. And as an ADDITIONAL FREE BONUS. I'll show you where the Max Freedom Long huna system was made up from. Max did a good job from the resources he had.

Okay. What I'll be teaching you is NOT found ANY WHERE else, no matter what they "promise" you. My researched Kahuna Ho'omanamana™ technologies can literally make you into anyone you wish to be.

And in only two days you are getting the real master keys to the "Kingdom of Kahuna Magic™" that I've spent decades and hundreds of thousands of dollars researching, learning and building. And you get it almost free.

If you can't see the value of what you're being offered, to be honest, you probably aren't ready to apply these proven Ho'omanamana strategies and techniques of the mind and of the body's energies. I am not saying that to be negative and YOUR mindset is a HUGE part of your secret Ho'omanamana energies of success.

I have only 19 sets left of these rare $600 DVD's on "the Lost Kahuna 101 Tapes!" sitting in front of me on my desk right now just waiting for you to call 541-535-3188 so you can get them FREE. Reserve your seat now. Jack Williams, Office manager.

Successful people DO think differently. Their energies ARE different. Their knowledge base is different. They ARE willing to pay the price of study, early on, to better themselves and lay the foundation for a solid and productive life. And that is what these Lost Kahuna Secrets of Ho'omanamana literally puts into your mind and your energy fields.

I believe I've said enough for now. And as you are sitting there reading this, isn't it great to realize you could be one of only a handful of highly trained people who have really mastered the art of Kahuna Ho'omanamana for a more successful life? Ah…sounds good doesn't it?

It is being held on July 21-22 here in Medford, OR. Because I really love teaching these skills I have a $600 set of DVD's here on my desk waiting for you, as my gift to you to help you acquire these secret skills.


, Ph.D. Sports Psychology

Healing Energies Trainer, Kahuna Ho'omanamana™ Trainer and Kumu

Ps. #1. There are only a total of 35 seats available. Already 11 of them are gone by pre-registration. So if you want that $3,000 seminar for a "seating" fee of $197 call 541-535-3188 right now. If we are not in the office, leave a message or email us at thespeedman.

Ps. #2. We have sitting on my desk waiting for the first 19 people that call right now a FREE $600 BONUS. A rare and very valuable set of Kahuna DVD's on "The Lost Kahuna 101 Secrets", that completely goes over an improved huna, which you'll receive at the door when you attend.

Ps. #3. When Max Freedom Long made up his huna, he had 4 primary resources that he researched from. We are making that hidden information available to you ONLY at this upcoming event. I've shown this material to others before and they were amazed that he got positive results from so little.

Ps. #4. SPECIAL FREE BONUS! For all attendees a FREE Kahuna Energy Disk™ that costs too much to sell. So I've had 35 disks made up and blessed by a real Kahuna and I'm giving all attendees one for FREE. The Kahuna Energy Disk™ automatically boosts your body's immune system through your Chakra (vital force transducer energy system) system so you enjoy abundant health and vitality.

Ps. #5. Today, right now, this $3,000 seminar is a virtual give-away (only a $197 `seating' fee) for the next 7 days I must warn you that after the 7 days, the price goes up to $1,497. After 14 days the price goes up to $3,000. So call us now (541-535-3188) to reserve your seat before you lose it.

I am looking forward to greeting old faces and meeting new faces.

It's going to be really fun.



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