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how do you help someone that refuses help?

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Well, seems like the other family members are the ones who are frantic for

help and mom enjoys griping. So, maybe it would be more useful to help the

family members learn EM techniques to use on themselves. Now, if they want

to devote time to " treating " her, then that's their time....


I notice that the mom got up when the son DEMANDED it. If they cater to her

whims, she will continue to refuse to get out of bed. Hey, I like breakfast

in bed as well ;)





Sunday I get a frantic wake-up call from XXXX. She is worried that her

mother (old) is dying. She complains of joint pain and she can't get out of


So, because I really care for XXXX I drive about 11 hours and get to their

home. The sick mother is out of bed and walking around. It seems like the

son DEMANDED she gets up and gets moving, so she did.

The next day I do an energy session on her, using a surrogate to test her.

2 of her children are around helping, and taking notes, along with 2 grand

children. Nothing drastic was done. Nothing that could hurt her besides the

normal pain of lymphatics being pressed. When we were done, she was feeling

fine and moving 3 times better than before.

The next day the sick mother was griping to her kids about being sore. It's

now 6 days later, she is still griping about being sore and now refuses to

get out of bed. What would you suggest be done for her?

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Barbara Ann,

My daughter would love an answer to how do you help someone that

refuses help.


Her father, my ex-husband, recently had open heart surgery. And

now 3-4 months later, instead of keeping up his walking and

breathing practices, he just wants to sleep and eat. At 300

pounds his prognosis is a convalescent facility unless he changes

his mind and moves his butt.


Plus he shares a 3 bedroom mobile home with his sister and her

husband. He is demanding with her and not particularly pleasant

to be around. He wants to be waited on instead of doing for



His sister is coming around to letting him take care of himself

more. He will either move or not eat. Food could be a pretty good

propulsion system.


I make an effort to step back myself and don't see them very



Family members can be so much fun.


Mary Nelson




" barbara101ann " <barbara101ann


Monday, July 09, 2007 1:35 AM

how do you help

someone that refuses help?



: The next day the sick mother was griping to her kids about

being sore.

: It's now 6 days later, she is still griping about being sore

and now

: refuses to get out of bed.

: What would you suggest be done for her?


: Barbara Ann



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Well, I can imagine someone being sore 6 days later from lymphatic points being



I remember one time after remembering I found out about the postal points drill

and I went postal massaging and tapping them.


I was sore for about 6 days.






I went home for my birthday and while I was home, I showed my mom some more

energy drills.


We had been talking about some grotesque woman at walmart who is a mean old



(The last time I had been home, that woman chewed my mom out for no reason, then

when I gave her hell for it, my mom was nice enough to slap me in the face by

telling ME to be nice and defending the sour old bitch. SO anyways, sometimes

when I get pissed off, especially when I'm pissed off AND " helping " someone I

care about at the same time, I Remote View real good, and I started remote

viewing that hateful old bitch with my eyes wide open, while walking in WalMart

and I said, " You know why she's got growths (HUNDREDS OF THEM!) all over her

face? It's because she ... " Then I did a " life reading " on the woman, which is

something I didn't know I could do real good lol...)


Anyways, so this time when I was home, I was telling my mom how you can KNOW

things about people just by their energy field (I learned most of it from Doc,

and WISH I'd have written a manual on it sooner!).


So I told my mom that one person's energy field was clogged up and constipated

and the colors I saw, and how ugly it was and HOW EASY IT IS TO FIX IT!


So my mom, being paranoid like she is, asked if her energy field was ugly.


I told her it had some stuff that needed cleared out that would be REAL EASY TO

FIX so it would be real vibrant and healthy.


I gave her a couple of things, and then told her about the neurovasculars.


And for some reason I just blurted out about the ones under the tits getting

clogged up in a lot of people, and she said, " Well MINE aren't clogged up! "


So I stopped and looked at her, and then went, " YEAH! RIGHT! "


She said, " They are NOT! "


I said, " Wanna bet? Can I SHOW YOU? "


She about screamed in pain, from a very small amount of pressure...


She won't do the damn drills, either.


Even though I've used lots of convincer strategies.


It's ok.


Even Jesus couldn't do many miracles in his own home town.


And I'm sure as hell not Jesus lol.


I guess you just let them do what they want to do, and you go and do what you

know you got to do too.


I don't know.


Law of Allowing. Sometimes hard to balance that one with keeping those you

love and care about happy too.








>barbara101ann <barbara101ann

>Jul 9, 2007 4:35 AM


> how do you help someone that refuses



>Sunday I get a frantic wake-up call from XXXX.

>She is worried that her mother (old) is dying. She complains of joint

>pain and she can't get out of bed.

>So, because I really care for XXXX I drive about 11 hours and get to

>their home.

>The sick mother is out of bed and walking around.

>It seems like the son DEMANDED she gets up and gets moving, so she


>The next day I do an energy session on her, using a surrogate to test


>2 of her children are around helping, and taking notes, along with 2

>grand children.

>Nothing drastic was done. Nothing that could hurt her besides the

>normal pain of lymphatics being pressed.

>When we were done, she was feeling fine and moving 3 times better

>than before.

>The next day the sick mother was griping to her kids about being sore.

>It's now 6 days later, she is still griping about being sore and now

>refuses to get out of bed.

>What would you suggest be done for her?


>Barbara Ann



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