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FW: [mindmastery-essentialskills] A FIGHT broke out and once again it happened...

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9/9/2007 4:07:30 AM

[mindmastery-essentialskills] A FIGHT broke out and once again it happened...



Hi Doc, everyone,


Tonight, while on the way home from renting videos, a fight broke out!


I did something that felt natural and probably helped a bit.

( I've had Martial Arts training and I am a Hypnotist and that often involves

acting calmly even in a storm... )


So I did what I did and it pissed off someone "close" to me and they

threatened and accused me of all kinds of things. Seems totally irrational to me.


Blaming me for many things including "playing hero" again. Sigh!


According to some of these "close friends" I should just mind my business

and run away from these situations because I am not a cop, or boy scout, etc.

( my father is and I was considering it years ago )


Quite a while ago I experienced something similar and frustrating!


Long story short, I did something that I felt was a good thing and something I

just did and would do again. Some people "close" to me somehow found

great fault in what I did,

while others were thrilled and happy. What the F@#^!


This was around a similar time where I did a nice thing FOR someone "close" to me.


Apparently, these "awful" qualities of mine become rather useful to some of these

"close friends" at least once in a while but other times I am "evil" or a "lazy bum"


They barely appreciated it and since then I have been doing much, much less

for them ( reminds me of Doc's recent post about the "handy" man with the hurt hand that

he helped and who then flaked on him and acted all weird )



And now that I am far more selective in what "friends" I help I am even more "evil"


This has been a hard lesson for me to learn.


So anyway, in between that time and now I did something else that I felt was good and

it left me with a few physical scars on my inner forearm. No big deal and I heal quickly.


I would have done the same thing again if I had it to do over again.


However, this time I was smart enough NOT to share the details with these

"close" persons. Of course this means I am keeping "secrets" right? And I MUST be guilty of SOMETHING.

Sure thing. And I must have had bad intentions for doing this, right?


And tonight, on the way home from renting videos a fight broke out and I did what seemed natural and

helped things from getting worse. Not much, just something. And again I did not want "credit" I just did what I did

because it felt right. So I must be one really F@#^ up individual, right???


Anyway, thanks for letting me vent a bit.


Michael Twomey


P.s. Much of Doc's ( and Donna's ) stuff helped me in many of these situations where at least

some people feel I did the right thing and did it well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> And tonight, on the way home from renting videos a fight broke out and I did


seemed natural and

> helped things from getting worse. Not much, just something. And again I did

not want

" credit " I just did what I did

> because it felt right. So I must be one really F@#^ up individual, right???



Not sure if this was a physiscal fight or a verbal one, but anyway..


Most of the New age thought is that by the " Law of Attraction " if you do good

things and

think good things and exhibit good things, you only attract good things. And

that's true to

an extent.


But it has definitely been my experience that as much as " like attracts like "

may be a

natural law, metaphysiscally speaking, so is " opposites attract. " I've

expereinced that being

a good person & doing the right thing will ALSO attract a certain kind of

negativity or

negatively minded persons. I mean, if you win the lottery and get a lot of

money, and

really become the abundance of it all, you'll probably attact some good new


but you will definitely also attract a lot of jealous attention and probably

some friends with

their hands out.




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> Most of the New age thought is that by the " Law of Attraction " if

> you do good things and

> think good things and exhibit good things, you only attract good

> things. And that's true to an extent.



OK. That is part of it. I do not agree with the part " to an

extent " .


> But it has definitely been my experience that as much as " like

> attracts like " may be a natural law, metaphysiscally speaking, so

> is " opposites attract. "


Hmmmmm....in one of the LOA recordings there was a similar questions

on opposites attract.


....it was clarified explained in terms of HARMONY.


> I've expereinced that being a good person & doing the right thing

> will ALSO attract a certain kind of negativity or

> negatively minded persons.


Hmmm...I do not agree with your statement above.

From listening to the LOA recordings, there was one where one CAN

choose to have the experience they want from a particular event.


The example given was that of a RICH$$ man who was divorced, and all

these other bad things happening to him.


....and A-H recording said that ou can choose to have the RICHES that

you are WANTING and leave the OTHER stuff that the other preson is

having in their experience of reality/physical life.


Now some people might think that I am some BIG LOA FANATIC....but

....the ideas presented in them I find very useful and

....I use it to get what I WANT.


Funny how some of the concepts that DOC even mentions such as

Thoughts, Words, Action are all related in them and

....althought the intellectual conceptualization of it is cool.

....I prefer the application of them



> I mean, if you win the lottery and get a lot of money, and

> really become the abundance of it all, you'll probably attact some

> good new experiences but you will definitely also attract a lot of

> jealous attention and probably some friends with their hands out.



I disagree with this. People create their own reality. They make

their bed and sleep in it too.


Hence, you can choose the thought you want....

....the words you want

....the actions you want


....in the end it is the ENERGY...I guess Homanamana Mana that makes


(kicking self in the butt for missing the homanamana intensive.


....regardless it happened that way.


I would like to point out that it is an acuired skill to have

thought forms and pre-think each pat of your life in each segment.


In the upcoming seminar, that is my intention.


Learning to us the Law of Attraftions, Allowing, Deliberate Creation

and Segment Intending to the material that Doc will be covering.


He already mentioned belief as one of the things and I am glad that

that is one of them. This desire, belief, and expectancy is a

powerful idea that is really needed when doing things...at least





....playing with IDD and S-I.

....INTENDING to learn the use of LOA in the Nov Intensive.


> Cheers,

> Jeff


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