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The installation of hope is easy if...

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coachdrgridley wrote:


> I've been thinking about this. One of my biggest

> complaints/discomforts about our lives today is that

> we are exposed via internet and news to every bad thing that


> everywhere in the world every

> day.


Whatever happened to " choice " ?


I've not read the " news " in a " fear paper " for over 40 years.


I do NOT watch the news, ever.


I focus on what is important to me, fun for me and exciting for me.


I am also vastly goal orientated, and I personally choose all my

goals, big and small.


So, what does this have to do with EEM?


Simply this, Donna is also into the INTENTION of installing hope.


In fact, when she (and any of the people she's trained) focus on

blessing the person they are working on, their morphogentic field

interacts with the client's morphogentic field (via the radiant

circuits) and they are much better instantly.


Now the trick is, " what else " needs to be done so that they can take

responsibility for their own energies in such a what that

their " hope " is sustained.



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