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I suffered from ptsd for years after a traumatic car accident where I broke my

pelvis in 3 places including sacrum, tailbone, pubic bone, etc. I also lacerated

my liver and burst my bladder along with other stuff like landing on my chin and

getting severe TMJ, Carpal Tunnel, I was having flashes of bad things happening

at every turn.


It happened for over 13 years, until I went to a Vipassana retreat

http://www.dhamma.org these are free charity retreats offered worldwide to

alleviate suffering, what it actually did for me was erase the karma of that

accident so that I did not have to relive it anymore (although I did relive it

there a number of times in a safe and compassionate environment). It never came

back and they say it cannot be cured., The next time I went to a retreat (I go

yearly now), I was so sure that when I started getting deep my body would throw

that memory at me, WRONG. It was a very peaceful experience to know that once

you work through that stuff with this technique it is in fact erased.


I hope any number of you will look into taking the time for this retreat as it

helped me get through my breast cancer diagnosis with grace.



Please look into a retreat near you and keep us posted.





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  • 9 months later...



i'm new to the group, and have found the posts are very interesting.

being a novice at all this, i was hoping to hear from others who have

found some successful treatment for severe trauma. i am 54 years old,

and boy i sure would like to find out what others have done to

successfully recover.


best wishes to all,


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Hi Gail,


Welcome to the group there is a wealth of information in the archives

which will help you clear trauma. Search for IDD and EFT and see where

that takes you.


If you go to www.emofree.com, Gary Craig has loads of articles which

are organised into sections where you can read about all the different

applications of EFT. He also has a free manual to learn EFT.


Search those two places first, it will be very benefical to you.


Also if you like audios as a way of learning then Carol Look

(www.carollook.com) has an archive of radio shows where she talks about

EFT and interviews people like Gary Craig, David Feinstein etc. This

doesn't contain much how too, it does give you many ideas on how and

where to use EFT. For me it is also a nice reminder how powerful

Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology is.


Doc's mantra is 'Do the drills to get the Skills' - and he is right.






, " h9wws123 "

<h9wws123 wrote:


> hi,


> i'm new to the group, and have found the posts are very interesting.

> being a novice at all this, i was hoping to hear from others who have

> found some successful treatment for severe trauma. i am 54 years old,

> and boy i sure would like to find out what others have done to

> successfully recover.


> best wishes to all,

> gail


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  • 4 months later...

, " h9wws123 "

<h9wws123 wrote:


> hi,


> i'm new to the group, and have found the posts are very interesting.

> being a novice at all this, i was hoping to hear from others who have

> found some successful treatment for severe trauma. i am 54 years old,

> and boy i sure would like to find out what others have done to

> successfully recover.


> best wishes to all,

> gail


Hi, I have helped myself with PTSD type symptoms with a technique

called emotional freedom technique (EFT). EFT is a technique that

anyone, including children can do and it helps for emotional as well as

physical problems. You can read all about it and see some videos of it

being used at emofree.com Some people even learn to do EFT just from

watching the short videos on the website. If you are interested after

you check out the website, you can contact me and I could copy some of

my dvds for you as the creater, Gary Craig, allows the original

purchaser to make up to 100 copies and GIVE, not sell, to others. You

can also download the complete booklet off the website for free. Let me

know if I can be of any assistance. Have a blessed day.

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I am also new to this group. I've seen the videos at the eft site and

have recently started getting the newsletters. What started my

interest in energy work was a local acupunturist. I started getting

some treatments done and have noticed some subtle differences. I've

always been pretty physically healthy - I'm 50 with not a lot of

sicknesses, aches or pains. But mentally, situations seem to affect me

very tramatically - like a job layoff. I seem to hang on to things

metally for a long time.


Right after my job layoff, I did some emdr work and had read about

it. I would love to learn more about eft. What is the best way to

start on this journey - the tapes from Gary. Are there particular

books that are better for a newbie? I would love to get copies of

some of the beginning tapes. Can I contact you off line?

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Hi, I am glad you are doing some better. EFT is definately an amazing protocal. Have you downloaded the free manual yet? It is very comprehensive and should answer most of your questions. And yes, feel free to contact me offline. You can send me an email to rwtaylor or i am online sometimes on . My screenname is massageguy72732 on messenger. When we talk, i can give you my phone number or address if you need it. i hope this helps you. Have a blessed day. Robertnettiettt <atrnka1 wrote: I am also new to this group. I've seen the videos at the eft site and have recently started getting the newsletters. What started my interest in energy work was a local acupunturist. I started getting some treatments done and have noticed some subtle differences. I've always been pretty physically healthy - I'm 50 with not a lot of sicknesses, aches or pains. But mentally, situations seem to affect me very tramatically - like a job layoff. I seem to hang on to things metally for a long time. Right after my job layoff, I did some emdr work and had read about it. I would love to learn more about eft. What is the best way to start on this journey - the tapes from Gary. Are there particular books that are better for a newbie? I would

love to get copies of some of the beginning tapes. Can I contact you off line?

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The other great technique/protocol for dealing with PTSD is called TAT

(Tapas Acupressure Technique)<www.tatlife.com>. It is very gentle,

beautifully simple and deeply healing. The protocols are available on the



It has been used in the Mexican earthquakes, in post-tsunami situations and

more recently, in 2006, my partner and I went to Pakistan and taught it to

medical professionals, community workers and children in the earthquake

region of Northwestern Pakistan and Kashmir. If you go to Google Video (not

YouTube) and search Pakistan and Paul O'Connor you'll find it an Energy

Psychology video showing us teaching it in a school there.


It is also being used to help US troops returning from Iraq, or who are home

on leave, to take the edge of the 'stuff' they are bringing home.


I have used it to treat clients who were sexually and physically abused.

Once they were taught the basic protocol, they were able to use it on

themselves to clear their own traumatic memories.



Paul O'Connor

Energy Psychology Trainer



e: oconnor at iol.ie


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Hi Paul,


I have used the Tapas acupressure technique as well, although certainly not in the situations you have done. It's a very interesting procotol, but I stopped using it a few years ago, simply because I found it wasn't as effective as EFT for me. I suspect that this is because TAT's primary change mechanism is the chakra system and the meridian system needs to be involved, as well. And I haven't done EFT for at least a year since I learned Doc's Inner Demon Destroyer.


Well done for spreading the word about energy therapies, Paul.


- Joe Wadsworth


"oconnor" <oconnor Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 5:30:26 PM Re: PTSD


Hi,The other great technique/protocol for dealing with PTSD is called TAT(Tapas Acupressure Technique)<www. tatlife.com> . It is very gentle,beautifully simple and deeply healing. The protocols are available on thewebsite. It has been used in the Mexican earthquakes, in post-tsunami situations andmore recently, in 2006, my partner and I went to Pakistan and taught it tomedical professionals, community workers and children in the earthquakeregion of Northwestern Pakistan and Kashmir. If you go to Google Video (notYouTube) and search Pakistan and Paul O'Connor you'll find it an EnergyPsychology video showing us teaching it in a school there.It is also being used to help US troops returning from Iraq, or who are homeon leave, to take the edge of the 'stuff' they are bringing home.I have used it to treat clients who were sexually and

physically abused.Once they were taught the basic protocol, they were able to use it onthemselves to clear their own traumatic memories.------------ --------- ----Paul O'ConnorEnergy Psychology TrainerDublin IRELANDe: oconnor at iol.ie------------ --------- ----

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