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Mental Training Secrets of a Kahuna UPCOMING INTENSIVE details!

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Mental Training Secrets of a Kahuna! UPCOMING INTENSIVE!


Hi Group,


This is just a brief note to let you know about Dr. La Tourrette's

upcoming 3 Day Intensive.


The name of the Kahuna Intensive is, " Mental Training Secrets of a

Kahuna Trainer, The REAL Lost Secrets Behind Miracles &

Manifestation™! "


It starts on Nov 9, starting at 6 pm, and goes all day Sat and all

day Sunday, ending at 5 pm.


It will be held in Medford, OR, which does have its own airport.


For a 20 page letter on the Upcoming Kahuna Trainer's

Intensive " click on the files section " to the left of this page. Then

click on the file titled " Mental Training Secrets of a Kahuna! "


I helped write the letter and it was fun to write.


So if for nothing more than a look at great advertising copy that can

help you make millions of dollars, I suggest you go to the files

section and read every word at least 3 to 5 times.


And the class is already 1/2 full and this is the first we've

announced it to any of his Inner Circle Members.


All you need to do is call 541-535-3188 and reserve your seat with a

$100 " seat fee " (NF), okay?


Thank you,

Jack Williams

Ps. if you have any questions you need answered before signing up,

email me, or Dr. La Tourrette at the following two addresses,

warriorpublication, or williamsspecialty, or


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