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FXXXK Him! Gary is mad as Hell because I refused to give him rare Kahuna book for free!

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I don't know if he's on my list or not, BUT...


You do have moderator and " delete " status in the group set up, so if he's on my

list, feel free to boot him from there, too, if you booted him from your lists.







>docspeed2001 <docspeed2001

>Oct 10, 2007 3:36 AM


> Gary is mad as Hell because I

refused to give him rare Kahuna book for free!


>Gary is mad as Hell because I refused to give him a rare Kahuna book

>for free!




>I just read a vile post from a guy named " Gary " that was mad as Hell

>because I wouldn't give him the " Rare Book " that is a small portion of the

$4,700.00 dollars worth of FREE GIFTS that I'm giving my attendees at my

upcoming Kahuna Miracles Intensive.


>He doesn't 'want the seminar'. He's never 'gotten' any of my DVD's,

>audios, or books.


>He told me he should 'get' that " RARE LOST BOOK OF THE KAHUNA " for free because

he'd been a member of this group and my other 3 groups for 4 years.


>So I went and checked.


>He was correct. He " WAS " a member for 4 years.


>Want to know how many times he posted in the last 4 years?


>Here it is. The vile mouth Gary has posted ZERO times in the last 4



>So what Vile Gary is, is nothing more than a bloodsucking leech.


>What do you do with a bloodsucking leech?


>Do you welcome it, open up your thighs and say, " suck here " ...


>...or do you pluck it off your skin and out of your life and throw it back in

with the otherleeches?


>My seminar ATTENDEES are getting $4,700.00 dollars worth of FREE

>GIFTS because I " feel " they deserve all $4,700.00 dollars worth

>because they have gotten up off of their asses and are doing

>something proactive!


>1.They MADE A DECISION to learn skills that no one else knows!


>2. The KNOW they want those skills and TOOK ACTION to learn them!


>3. Those who come to my Intensives and " DO THE DAMN DRILLS DO GET THE

>DAMN SKILLS " , and they know that because people who do go to my

>intensives have given their reviews of those intensives here, on this

>free site.


>4. Many of those that " come to my intensives " also email me privately

>on the " deals " that they are manifestating in their lives, and they

>love the FREE assistance I give many of them because they are actually doing

something for themselves.


>I love people that actually roll up their sleeves and " get shit done " !


>Anyway group,


>What do you think about what Vile gary said?


>Do you think he is correct and that I'm a vile bastard because I am giving my

Kahuna Miracles Intensive attendees $4,700.00 worth of FREE GIFTS?


>If so, validate your opinion with good reasons and fair judgements.


>It might be a fun thread.


>What should we title it? " Secrets of Getting Beyond Poverty Consciousness? "


>Group, what would you have done in the above situation?


>I'm just curious.




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