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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is also known as: polycystic ovaries;

sclerocystic ovarian disease; polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD);

Stein-Leventhal Syndrome. PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

PCOS is actually a misnomer, because it onlyrefers to one of many

symptoms associated with this disorder. It affects between 5 to 10%of

all women and is one of the leading causes of infertility.


Hope that helps.



One fourth of what you eat keeps you alive.

The rest makes your doctor a rich corporation.




" sirona71 " <vze4dm6p

<herbal remedies >

Monday, March 24, 2003 9:46 AM

[herbal remedies] Re: Pain



> Hiya Becky...what's PCOS?


> Kim





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Becky, make up some Intestinal Cleanse 2 from the files. It is very soothing and nourishing. Immediately though I would be concerned about your appendix.





doodle bug

herbal remedies

Monday, March 24, 2003 6:42 AM

[herbal remedies] Pain


Hi all, I need a suggestion for pain. I have some trouble w/ PCOS, I will be treating it during the cleanse, and this weekend it has been very painful. To top it off my son punched me in the stomach yesterday. He didn't mean to do it, but it was extremely painful and I had a very hard ime sleeping last night. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Becky



Platinum - Watch CBS' NCAA March Madness, live on your desktop! Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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  • 2 years later...



May want to try:-

I intuitively felt that you would be best to use translucent crystals they

have a lighter feel, and small amount, by translucent i mean the gemmy crystals

as opposed to stones which are not " see thru " i would try light colours too

like clear or milky quartz, lighter amethyst and even sometimes blue lace

agate which is more of a stone but has lighter and almost see thru parts, i

think it will work on the ethereal level, to relieve baggage that might be

interfereing on the physical level, they will elevate the mind and spirit which


turn will " lighten things up " and connection to physical pain will be

alleviated a little or a lot depending on you. try just holding and meditating


these kinds of crystals/stones and outdoors would be good to allow elements

to sweep away " pains " spiritual or physical or emotional etc and warmth and

light to also give you a bit of expansion away from the problem. More attempts

will accumulate this experience.


Also, you could try Reiki or spiritual healing.








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i forgot to say i am a reiki practioner who uses

crystals. i have used intuitive services from my

master. tradional and intuitive medicine has not

worked. i am considering all recomendations. thanks









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  • 2 years later...

Can anybody think of anything else to try / help me spot something I

may have missed regarding a pain issue.


I am helping somebody who has had migraines and head pain for about

15 years. To try and combat this he has taken prescribed medication

but it does not really do much for him. We are using EFT to get the

migraines and head pain to stop so he is not only pain free but

medication free. Naturally I have advised any reduction or stopping

of the medication should only be done after consulting his doctor.


We had our first session last Saturday. To save time and maybe

having to go back later I first checked there was no writing's on the

wall or things getting in the way of EFT working. Things like I

don't deserve, it's not safe, who will I be without it, any reason

why having it is a good thing for example as an excuse to get out of

things they don't enjoy doing etc. There was nothing there.


We then looked at what was happening around the time the migraines

and head pain started. The only thing he could think of was worry

about possibly losing his job which turned out that he had no need to

worry after all. We tapped around that and a couple of associated



At the time of doing the first session he had no head pain or

migraine to work on. So we worked on any current worries, anxiety,

stress etc. We then worked on the pain and migraine problems in

itself. We also tapped in some positives about the body having the

ability to heal itself, choosing and allowing the healing to be done

etc. We then finished the session and I asked him to let me know how

things go on.


He got in touch and told me that since the first session he had not

had a migraine but had had in his words constant residual head

pain. The head pain has also been going on and off (mostly on) for

about 15 years.


We arranged another session and again checked for any current

worries, anxiety, stress etc. Then we tried working on the head

pain. As he said the head pain moves to different areas of his head

I first tried using his words and tapped " Even though I have this

constant residual moving head pain I deeply etc " it did nothing at

all. So we then tried being more specific and describing the pain

more precisely and being more precise in where the pain was located

in his head. Again this done nothing to ease the pain. I asked him

if he could put an emotion on the pain or if there was an emotion

behind the pain what would it be. He could not think of anything. I

asked how he felt about having this pain all the time. He told me he

felt frustrated and it was 8. We tapped it down to 0. Then he told

me gets upset when he gets a migraine because his wife gets in

distress about him having the migraine. We tapped that one away

also. As the pain had still not budged a bit we went back and had

another go. Nothing we tried worked. No amount of re-wording or

being more precise about the pain helped.


Has anybody ever came across a pain that appears nothing will make it

go away? This is the first time I have an issue with getting the

pain to stop

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Do you have Donna Eden's Energy Medicine book?


A few years back we were all going to the beach, even the outlaws.

My Mother in law woke up with a migraine from hell, I asked if she

wanted my help, she agreed. So I got my Energy Medicine book and

went to the Triple Warmer section and got to work on all the drills

to reduce it. Back flushing, sedating, Donna's neck drill, spinal

flush etc...


After about 30 mins she was fine (probably before then, I continued

because I wanted to practice a few other drills :>) as she could talk

and move her head fine, something she couldn't do before without a

lot of pain.


Sometimes asking him what was going on in his life leading up to him

getting the head pain may help. He probably will need help linking a

certain emotional incident to his head pain (if that is the case).


I remember reading about a lady having a tooth pain issue, which

coincidently happened after her father died. She said she is

spiritual and understands that he is in another place etc and has

dealt with the greif issue, but she didn't understand that there was

probably some aspects there that could be related to her tooth pain.


You could also try holding his NV's front and back (or get him to do

it) for a few minutes, reduce TW (several drills), crown pull, maybe

the neck drill then once he is relaxed asked him some questions to

find out the cause of his pain.


Good luck!








essentialskills , " alternativehealing5 "

<alternativehealing5 wrote:


> Can anybody think of anything else to try / help me spot something


> may have missed regarding a pain issue.


> I am helping somebody who has had migraines and head pain for about

> 15 years. To try and combat this he has taken prescribed


> but it does not really do much for him. We are using EFT to get


> migraines and head pain to stop so he is not only pain free but

> medication free. Naturally I have advised any reduction or


> of the medication should only be done after consulting his doctor.


> We had our first session last Saturday. To save time and maybe

> having to go back later I first checked there was no writing's on


> wall or things getting in the way of EFT working. Things like I

> don't deserve, it's not safe, who will I be without it, any reason

> why having it is a good thing for example as an excuse to get out


> things they don't enjoy doing etc. There was nothing there.


> We then looked at what was happening around the time the migraines

> and head pain started. The only thing he could think of was worry

> about possibly losing his job which turned out that he had no need


> worry after all. We tapped around that and a couple of associated

> issues.


> At the time of doing the first session he had no head pain or

> migraine to work on. So we worked on any current worries, anxiety,

> stress etc. We then worked on the pain and migraine problems in

> itself. We also tapped in some positives about the body having the

> ability to heal itself, choosing and allowing the healing to be


> etc. We then finished the session and I asked him to let me know


> things go on.


> He got in touch and told me that since the first session he had


> had a migraine but had had in his words constant residual head

> pain. The head pain has also been going on and off (mostly on)


> about 15 years.


> We arranged another session and again checked for any current

> worries, anxiety, stress etc. Then we tried working on the head

> pain. As he said the head pain moves to different areas of his


> I first tried using his words and tapped " Even though I have this

> constant residual moving head pain I deeply etc " it did nothing at

> all. So we then tried being more specific and describing the pain

> more precisely and being more precise in where the pain was located

> in his head. Again this done nothing to ease the pain. I asked him

> if he could put an emotion on the pain or if there was an emotion

> behind the pain what would it be. He could not think of anything.


> asked how he felt about having this pain all the time. He told me


> felt frustrated and it was 8. We tapped it down to 0. Then he


> me gets upset when he gets a migraine because his wife gets in

> distress about him having the migraine. We tapped that one away

> also. As the pain had still not budged a bit we went back and had

> another go. Nothing we tried worked. No amount of re-wording or

> being more precise about the pain helped.


> Has anybody ever came across a pain that appears nothing will make


> go away? This is the first time I have an issue with getting the

> pain to stop


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