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It is ETHICAL to communicate with difficult people in a way they understand

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So do you also take offense at your attempt to change me without my consent?


Which part(s) of my post did you " mind read " as me attempting to get personal



If, as you say, you do not know my burden, only your own burden, how can you

" mind read " anything I said to be an attempt to get personal gain?


WHAT, specifically, are you accusing me of " gaining " ?


What are YOU gaining by condemning me and mind-reading your own fears in to my

post and trying to change me?


What SELFISH intent did you " mind read " in to my post?


A person was RUDE and DISRESPECTFUL, and I communicated something better to

them, and when they communicated correctly, I sent them blessings. They learned

a valuable lesson.


And when someone uses what they know to make their own world around them a

better place, and leaves those they meet better off than they were before, where

are YOUR ethics in condemning that?


Perhaps you would like to nail me to a tree for helping another human being?


I never placed my hands on anyone. I never " did " anything to them. I had

rapport with their energy field.


Aparently you are not aware that energy fields do, in fact, influence those

around them. Is it " ok " to allow a sour person to contaminate the energy fields

of others around them, just because they have a burr up their butt?


And as for the things you claim " can't " be known about a person, perhaps you

missed the places in Donna's book where she accessed a person's energies and

knew their intentions, their character, even specific details about their life



Just today, I saw a woman who was walking crooked, slow, and her energies were



I asked the question that the psychic healer Ambrose Worral used to ask whenever

he saw a person he knew he could help, " What do I need to do to help this

person? "


As I accessed her energy field, because she and I were in close proximity, and

her energy field and mine were both influencing all those around us anyway, I

saw " sick yellow " in that energy field, and it was a dense color, yet it had not

completely developed into something more serious.


So I used energy techniques to intend for her to learn what she needed to learn

AND at the same time, I cleared her energy field for her and telepathically

communicated my caring and appreciation for her. SHE IS ABSOLUTELY FREE TO DO

WHAT SHE WANTS from that point onward.


I did notice after I did that FOR her (instead of " to " her, and not for any

personal gain on my own part, but because I sensed she was a real nice lady, and

I wanted to help her, because I sensed she was a good mother and I appreciate

that about her), I saw one of the most beautiful purple / violet colors in her

throat chakra that I have never seen in a throat chakra before. To compare it

to the most beautiful african violet I have ever seen would be completely



And I had a deep sense of connection and CARING for that lady.


She was and is a nice lady. That was the least I could do for her.


Her posture improved.


Her skin tone changed.


Her facial expressions relaxed.


And I am unethical because I didn't let her rot in her own scrambled energies.





Evil Selfish Bastard Jim


P.S. Thank you for your " ethical " spirutual counseling that I didn't ask for :)

Huggs and Kisses to ya!

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