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clearing chakras and neurolyphatics while using setup/reminder phrase

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Hi Desi,

I work with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and TAT (Tapas Acupressure

Technique) and I train other people to use these wonderful tools. My partner

and I have taught both techniques in Pakistan and Kashmir to earthquake

survivors and people traumatised by the 2005 earthquake.


When working with any therapy process that involves traumatic memories, the

emotional intensity of the memory may be so big, it is possible for the

client to be re-traumatised by re-living their memory of the event. You

should NEVER ask the client to vividly re-live the memory of a very

traumatic event.


EFT and TAT are two VERY different techniques.


EFT is good for very specific memories of events (e.g. " the time of my tenth

birthday party when he did this, and she said that... " ).


TAT processes memories at a MUCH deeper level than EFT and is very good for

larger issues such as major trauma (e.g. " everything that happened in the

earthquake " .


Each technique handles the problem of emotional memories in different ways.


If using EFT, instruct the client to think about the event and ask " On a

scale of 0-10, how do you feel _NOW_ about what happened BACK THEN " . (For

example, the emotional impact of the event may have been 'off-the-scale'

when it first happened, but today, RIGHT NOW, it may only be 6/10).


When using EFT, the reminder phrase is important because it is used to keep

the client's attention focussed on the process. It is very important to keep

the client in the present time and to talk about how they feel _RIGHT NOW_

when they think about the event or memory. Any suggestion to the client to

" imagine it vividly " should always include the instruction " ...and think

about how you feel about it NOW " .


When using TAT, the client holds acupressure points on the front and back of

the head while they are guided through a series of steps designed to

separate them from the memory of the event.


In Step 1, the client is instructed to " put you attention on what happened " ,

i.e. NOT to re-live the memory, but to think about it as something that has

happened IN THE PAST.


In Step 2, the instruction is to hold the thought that: " It happened, it's

over,...and I survived, etc " , which also deals with the memory as something

that has happened and is IN THE PAST.


I hope this helps to answer the first part of your question.


For the second part of your question...my personal thoughts are...


When working with any Energy techniques, WHERE you FOCUS your ATTENTION, and

the THOUGHTS you HOLD in your INTENTION, affect the outcome. If you are

tracing merdidians, focus your attention, with the INTENTION that you are

'tracing the meridians'. Otherwise, if your mind wanders, you might as well

just wave your hands in the air! I'm curious to hear what other members of

the list think about this.


Best Regards,



Paul O'Connor



e: oconnor




1. clearing chakras and neurolyphatics while using setup/reminder phras

Posted by: " desi_is_happy " desi_is_happy desi_is_happy

Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:23 pm ((PDT))


Hello,to you all:))I'm glad I've find community like this

I'm a newbie to energy medicine(I'm amazed by it though!)

I've read donna's book and also use eft and tat.I have a few questions.

first,in the eft manual it is said that while tapping a person should

tune into the event he/she works on -with repeating reminder

phrase,imagining it vividly etc... In the tat manual on the other hand

it is said that it's not recommended to relive the events,just to

slightly direct your attention there.why is that?

second,I was wondering what are you thinking about while clearing your

chakras,tracing meridians and doing neurolymphatics?-is it ok to

imagine certain problems I want to release(as in eft) or is it better

to focus on the positive outcome. somehow doing it mechanically

doesn't seem right to me.

anyway your answers will be much,much appreciated:)




p.s. sorry if there are mistakes in my post but english is not my

native language

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hi,paul,your post gave me much clarity,anyway I wondered,since you

said eft and tat are very different techniques,will using them both

interfere in some way? actually,I don't work with clients I use them

for myself to process some childhood memories,so will that be

suitable: first tat for the general issue,than eft for particular ones

on which there's still intensity?


, " Paul

O'Connor " <oconnor wrote:


> Hi Desi,

> I work with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and TAT (Tapas Acupressure

> Technique) and I train other people to use these wonderful tools. My


> and I have taught both techniques in Pakistan and Kashmir to earthquake

> survivors and people traumatised by the 2005 earthquake.


> When working with any therapy process that involves traumatic

memories, the

> emotional intensity of the memory may be so big, it is possible for the

> client to be re-traumatised by re-living their memory of the event. You

> should NEVER ask the client to vividly re-live the memory of a very

> traumatic event.


> EFT and TAT are two VERY different techniques.


> EFT is good for very specific memories of events (e.g. " the time of

my tenth

> birthday party when he did this, and she said that... " ).


> TAT processes memories at a MUCH deeper level than EFT and is very

good for

> larger issues such as major trauma (e.g. " everything that happened

in the

> earthquake " .


> Each technique handles the problem of emotional memories in

different ways.


> If using EFT, instruct the client to think about the event and ask " On a

> scale of 0-10, how do you feel _NOW_ about what happened BACK THEN " .


> example, the emotional impact of the event may have been 'off-the-scale'

> when it first happened, but today, RIGHT NOW, it may only be 6/10).


> When using EFT, the reminder phrase is important because it is used

to keep

> the client's attention focussed on the process. It is very important

to keep

> the client in the present time and to talk about how they feel


> when they think about the event or memory. Any suggestion to the

client to

> " imagine it vividly " should always include the instruction " ...and think

> about how you feel about it NOW " .


> When using TAT, the client holds acupressure points on the front and

back of

> the head while they are guided through a series of steps designed to

> separate them from the memory of the event.


> In Step 1, the client is instructed to " put you attention on what

happened " ,

> i.e. NOT to re-live the memory, but to think about it as something

that has

> happened IN THE PAST.


> In Step 2, the instruction is to hold the thought that: " It

happened, it's

> over,...and I survived, etc " , which also deals with the memory as


> that has happened and is IN THE PAST.


> I hope this helps to answer the first part of your question.


> For the second part of your question...my personal thoughts are...


> When working with any Energy techniques, WHERE you FOCUS your


> the THOUGHTS you HOLD in your INTENTION, affect the outcome. If you are

> tracing merdidians, focus your attention, with the INTENTION that

you are

> 'tracing the meridians'. Otherwise, if your mind wanders, you might

as well

> just wave your hands in the air! I'm curious to hear what other

members of

> the list think about this.


> Best Regards,

> Paul

> --------------------

> Paul O'Connor

> Dublin


> e: oconnor

> --------------------

> ______________________


> 1. clearing chakras and neurolyphatics while using setup/reminder phras

> Posted by: " desi_is_happy " desi_is_happy desi_is_happy

> Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:23 pm ((PDT))


> Hello,to you all:))I'm glad I've find community like this

> I'm a newbie to energy medicine(I'm amazed by it though!)

> I've read donna's book and also use eft and tat.I have a few questions.

> first,in the eft manual it is said that while tapping a person should

> tune into the event he/she works on -with repeating reminder

> phrase,imagining it vividly etc... In the tat manual on the other hand

> it is said that it's not recommended to relive the events,just to

> slightly direct your attention there.why is that?

> second,I was wondering what are you thinking about while clearing your

> chakras,tracing meridians and doing neurolymphatics?-is it ok to

> imagine certain problems I want to release(as in eft) or is it better

> to focus on the positive outcome. somehow doing it mechanically

> doesn't seem right to me.

> anyway your answers will be much,much appreciated:)




> p.s. sorry if there are mistakes in my post but english is not my

> native language


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