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I have MS and need your help

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Hi I have MS and I do believe the mind can heal the body, but how? I'm

a 45 year old quadriplegic. I have tried before to have a positive

attitude and have been able to flex my leg muscles pretty good but I

have very little will power to stay focused on my projects to one day

being able to get up and out of this wheel chair. How does the mind

heal the body and if possible how can I stay focused on getting out of

this chair. I hope somebody can enlighten me in how I can improve


Thank you


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> 1. I have MS and need your help

> Posted by: " Thomas Milke " ttdjm ttdjm

> Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:03 pm ((PST))


> Hi I have MS and I do believe the mind can heal the body, but how? I'm

> a 45 year old quadriplegic. I have tried before to have a positive

> attitude and have been able to flex my leg muscles pretty good but I

> have very little will power to stay focused on my projects to one day

> being able to get up and out of this wheel chair. How does the mind

> heal the body and if possible how can I stay focused on getting out of

> this chair. I hope somebody can enlighten me in how I can improve

> myself.

> Thank you

> Tom


[Paul says:]


Hi Tom,

Here is a Case History I received a few years ago from a therapist in the US

who is using Energy Psychology techniques with her clients.

I hope you find this useful

Best Regards,



Paul O'Connor



e: oconnor





" In February 2001, I stopped by my neighbours house to introduce myself and

offer my help wherever needed -- bringing in mail, etc. She cried and told

me she'd had MS for 20 years and the doctor told her she'd never get any

better, only worse. He had just upgraded her condition to the most serious



I told her although the doctor couldn't help, maybe someone else could. I'd

told her about the one-day workshop I'd just attended at our local Wellness

Center where I learned two different self healing techniques -- TAT(Tapas

Acupressure Technique <www.tatlife.com>) and EFT (Emotional Freedom

Technique - <www.emofree.com>). Even though she'd been a nurse, she was

willing to try anything and had been open to alternative medicine for

sometime. She had told her neurologist that she was going to try alternative

medicine and he had threatened to not see her again.


I called Tapas, and asking her if she'd ever worked with an MS patient

before and how should I proceed? I didn't know if we should start with the

statement " I have MS. " Tapas told me to start chipping away at things a

little at a time instead of making the one major statement.


So, I worked with her for three months, every day. On alternating days, we

would work on releasing an emotional trauma, then on the other days, a

physical condition. Some of the issues were: she was raped when she was six,

she hated the rapist, her father died of MS at age 31, she had been

physically abused by a husband, one of her babies died, she didn't want to

see or hear from her sister again, etc.


On the physical level, we worked on getting feeling into her hands, legs and

feet; alleviating muscle spasms when reclining in her recliner; alleviating

aspirating when she ate and drank; getting more energy into her body;

opening her veins for weekly injections (her veins had collapsed and

sometimes the nurses tried 6 times to give an injection); headaches;

allergic reaction to my dog, regaining bladder control, memory retention

that would allow her to read and know what she was reading for more than a

few sentences or minutes (so that she could read a book or a magazine

article or watch a movie).


Most of these healings took place immediately and the symptoms stopped. It

took some time (about a month) for her to realize that she had feeling in

her hands and could actually hold a needle and sew.


We didn't stop there. We felt that absolutely everything was possible, so we

started working on healing the lesions on her brain and disintegrating the

plaque on her central nervous system.


When she went to her neurologist for her 6-month checkup and he ran the

instrument along the bottom of her feet and she had feeling, he was shocked

and ordered an MRI. When the results came back, he said he was looking at a

totally different brain. Out of the 11 lesions on her brain, 4 had healed,

the others were healing and the plaque was disintegrating. She said " So this

is totally unheard of, right? " He said " yes " . He wanted to know what she had

been doing different, and because he had threatened to not see her again if

she went alternative, she said " Just having coffee with my friend, Janet

every morning. "


We also used EFT to alleviate headaches and to totally release the hate she

held for the rapist, we did EFT and he left her body through her feet.


While she held the pose, she experienced something that was quite out of the

norm, and I called to confirm this with Tapas. She didn't just feel a slight

movement of energy, she felt lighting bolts shooting through her body.

Sometimes they would come out the front of

the head, down her spine, sometimes down into her legs, arms, hands. Her

face would contort as if she was in tremendous pain and she would hold her



She said it felt like labor pains, but she welcomed it and just loved having

the ability to finally have feeling in parts of her body that she had not

for at least five years. Also, as a result of working on all of this, her

blood pressure was normal for the first time in 10 years (her blood pressure

had been way below normal since her hysterectomy). This woman has an

incredibly strong intention to heal herself. She taught me what is possible.



So that's it in a nutshell. I feel that I was chosen to do this work. It

just came to me so easily and I hadn't even read the whole book yet. It came

to me intuitively. "


Janet (U.S.)

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, " Paul

O'Connor " <oconnor wrote:



> > 1. I have MS and need your help

> > Posted by: " Thomas Milke " ttdjm ttdjm

> > Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:03 pm ((PST))

> >

> > Hi I have MS and I do believe the mind can heal the body, but





That's a biggie.


I suggest you go to innersource.net and check on the files there.

Also go to the Edgar Cayce sites. He's got some great materials there.


You can search our back posts because I've posted here on that same




> > a 45 year old quadriplegic. I have tried before to have a positive

> > attitude and have been able to flex my leg muscles pretty good

but I

> > have very little will power to stay focused on my projects to one


> > being able to get up and out of this wheel chair. How does the


> > heal the body and if possible how can I stay focused on getting

out of

> > this chair. I hope somebody can enlighten me in how I can improve

> > myself.

> > Thank you

> > Tom


Do you have someone that can assist you?


Again, Donna Eden used to have MS. Doing her energy drills on

herself, sometimes 5-10 times a day, reversed that disorder.



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