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Even God Won't Give The Poor Whiner The Technique

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Hay, Doc! This whiner don't believe you taught us what I said you taught us.


Anybody there at the seminar remember when I was up front and Doc showed me how

to fix what I was doing?


Oh, geez, I suppose I would have to be more specific, since he helped me with

SEVERAL projects...


There was the one when we did the group exercises on Trainer's Day...


There was the one where he showed me how to fix hesitation and fear...


There was the one where he showed me how to instantly get rid of guilt installed

by others so I wouldn't have to be like the poor victim who posted that they are

angry because God didn't give them the technique.


I wonder who is REALLY at cause in their life?


I didn't tell them the technique and they are mad that God didn't give them the



I wonder what type of " God " they have created in their own helpless image?


I used to have that problem too. I'm sure glad I went to the seminar and

learned how to fix it so I could actually get what I want in life instead of

having to bitch and moan about how much God must truly hate them... LOL


The amazing thing is, I got ALL the answers for the questions I took with me to

the seminar... Some of them before the seminar even started. Many more on the

very first day. Then the rest of the seminar was just icing on the cake.


I went to the seminar. I did the drills. I learned from them and earned the



And if anyone expects I should give them a free morsel, I got something they can



If they want free, they should go study the archive. Lots of real good free

stuff. Most people are too damn lazy and helpless.


And that's fine with me. I really DON'T care.


I take care of MY people, and that poor whiner ain't one of ME. I don't recall

them ever posting before, ever sharing anything helpful with anyone else on

here. And if they had bothered to study the archive, they would have seen my

MANY helpful posts, and noticed they themselves have zero helpful posts. So

aparently they're nto one of your people either. They're just a lech.


By the way, as you read their post, notice how as their anger toward me grows

and grows, the Hand Of God tightens on their chest, getting tighter and tighter

the more they try to curse me.


They already have the first answer on how to begin to heal themselves, and they

don't even know it...


Huggy Feely Jim Who LOVES it when goats try to attack him for being ME.


P.S. Those who were at the seminar, check your notes and NOTICE how the goat

actually HELPS you, even though the goat don't know it!







>Nov 16, 2007 2:12 PM


>Upset over post


>I just read the post by " James R. Knippenberg. "


> " Are You Cripled By Hesitation And Fear? "


>I tried but I couldn't find anywhere in his post where he fulfilled the first

sentence of your mission statement.


> " For those into self-help healing energies to respectfully discuss HEALING

ENERGIES secrets that WORK! "


>All he did was talk about going and learning this " technique. " He never

described what it was. So how do we know it will " work " according to your

opening statement?


>And then he violated the " respectfully " part by this statement, " If you missed

out on the seminar, it sure sucks to be you... "


>Now, I am left wondering if this group is the right group for me.


>I have enough rude people in my life. I don't need to have to deal with it in a

group that I came to for help.


>I almost simply hit the button. But God stopped me. No matter how

hard I tried to do it I just couldn't push my left mouse button.


>So I asked God why should I stay here with someone like this? I didn't get any

answer other than to tell you how I feel.


>All I felt during his rant was a tightening in my chest. I felt like I was

being yelled at. I felt like I was being belittled. And ridiculed.


>I can tell you I didn't feel fear. What I felt was anger. Bordering on

something even stronger.


>I was instructed to state how this post made me feel. Instead of simply

unsubscribing. So I've done that.


>What is my next step? I don't know. God didn't say. Yet.




> " It's a very rare person who is taken for what he truly is. "

>Schmendrick from :The Last Unicorn (1982)


>Los Ninos in Dios

>“Children of God "

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> >PoorHelplessVictim

> >Nov 16, 2007 2:12 PM

> >-owner

> >Upset over post


> >I just read the post by " James R. Knippenberg. "


> > " Are You Cripled By Hesitation And Fear? "


> >I tried but I couldn't find anywhere in his post where he

fulfilled the first sentence of your mission statement.


Sorry whiner but it was a title that Jim wrote and not a how-to

statement. Read it again and notice it is a question.


> > " For those into self-help healing energies to respectfully discuss



I'm pretty sure that Jim was giving a preconditioning for the rest of

his post.In writing it is called a preface.


> >All he did was talk about going and learning this " technique. " He

never described what it was. So how do we know it will " work "

according to your opening statement?


You won't if you mismatch.


If you really " want to learn " , you would have asked questions of

possibility instead of purposefully attempting to install doubt.


> >And then he violated the " respectfully " part by this

statement, " If you missed out on the seminar, it sure sucks to be

you... "


So, I'm assuming " that it sucks to be you " and that you are feeling

some sour grapes because you were not there?


Let me be clear.


You attempting to whine about what you didn't get for free is not

going to help anyone on this forum to come to your defense.


Be a bit more proactive.


Ask yourself the magic question.


If you do not know the magic question, then go back through the

archives and find it.


> >Now, I am left wondering if this group is the right group for me.


Well, I guess that was your magic question.


So here's the answer.


No, it is not. Good by.


> >I have enough rude people in my life. I don't need to have to deal

with it in a group that I came to for help.


I appreciate your very pointed rudeness.


I find it very amusing that those who accuse others of rudeness are

really very rude and just don't realize it.


> >I almost simply hit the button. But God stopped me. No

matter how hard I tried to do it I just couldn't push my left mouse



That is okay.


I am God and I did it for you.


BOING! you are now gone.


> >So I asked God why should I stay here with someone like this? I

didn't get any answer other than to tell you how I feel.


How you feel is how a whiner feels.


I suggest you do the Inner Demon Destroyer and take care of it. And

doing it someplace else is fine.


> >All I felt during his rant was a tightening in my chest. I felt

like I was being yelled at. I felt like I was being belittled. And



We cannot belittle you.


Why not?


Because you are DOING IT TO YOURSELF, very big time.


Enjoy that tightness in your chest, because it validates on a

subconscious level your whining.


> >I can tell you I didn't feel fear. What I felt was anger.

Bordering on something even stronger.


Good for you.


Make it bigger.


Make it come closer.


Now color it black.


> >I was instructed to state how this post made me feel. Instead of

simply unsubscribing. So I've done that.


Thank you for emailing me and everyone else that you felt you could



> >What is my next step? I don't know. God didn't say. Yet.


Well I'm God and I say, " good luck, elsewhere " .


> >PoorHelplessVictimEvenGodCan'tHelpThem


If anyone else wants to know more details about Dr. La

Tourrette's " Kahuna Miracles on Demand " Intensive, and they ask in a

respectful manner, I am sure that he and the other attendees may



Sandy Godheart

A big bright beam of light

Who is a part of God

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