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A thrown away treasure of Healing found!

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, " M J Nelson "

<zpp4everyone wrote:


> It's incredible to be able to obtain How I Found Freedom in an

Unfree World for only $9.75 as well as 3 of Harry Browne's other

books for the same price. These are downloadable e-books that you can

have almost instantly.



I do believe more people have picked up that book because of my

recommendations over the years than any other book I've recommended.


Today my wife and I were in a charity shop browsing as we do often,

and I found that book for 99 cents...


....and I found another book I've NEVER even heard of.


It was writen in 1979 by Dr. Walter Fischman and Dr. Mark Grinims and

was titled horribly, " MRT " Muscle Response Test.


And it has much of what Donna Eden teaches in it, BEFORE Donna knew



A nice informative book to have.


It was also 99 cents.



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, " docspeed2001 "

<docspeed2001 wrote:


> > It's incredible to be able to obtain How I Found Freedom in an

> Unfree World


> I do believe more people have picked up that book because of my

> recommendations over the years than any other book I've recommended.


I totally agree. I know it was your recommendation that spurred me to

read it. Lots of " pearls " in it.


> Today my wife and I were in a charity shop browsing as we do often,

> and I found that book for 99 cents...


The pickings are slim in my part of the States. It's either Danielle

Steel or exercise and cookbooks. Either the people around here have no

interest in these topics or they're too smart to give them away. ;-}


On another topic, I'm glad that lady decided not to leave the forum.

Hopefully she's realized what a mistake it would be to " throw out the

baby with the bath water. "


When I first posted, someone took issue with me rather abruptly.

Misunderstanding, whatever, it doesn't matter now. At the time it

stung. Even though leaving could have been an option, I decided to

spend lots of time researching the archives so I'd have a better idea

of the group dynamics. The flip side was a lot of precious learning.

So a word of advice to " newbies " , don't react too quickly, research

the archives and pay attention as some of the " learning " isn't exactly

in " black and white " .


Continued happy hunting,


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, " bbtried "

<bbtried wrote:


> healingenergies-

essentialskills , " docspeed2001 "

> <docspeed2001@> wrote:


> > > It's incredible to be able to obtain How I Found Freedom in an

> > Unfree World


> > I do believe more people have picked up that book because of my

> > recommendations over the years than any other book I've



> I totally agree. I know it was your recommendation that spurred me


> read it. Lots of " pearls " in it.


> > Today my wife and I were in a charity shop browsing as we do


> > and I found that book for 99 cents...


> The pickings are slim in my part of the States. It's either Danielle

> Steel or exercise and cookbooks. Either the people around here have


> interest in these topics or they're too smart to give them away. ;-}


Actually Barb,


What you just expressed is a belief, and it's a belief that has it's

own morphogentic field, a field that will give you on a quantum what

you believe.


Do this instead.


Go in knowing that you are going to find something valuable and

priceless, that you will love to read and study and learn by.


Then miracles happen.



ps. I'd also do it at the Zero Point Energy field, and place it in

the field of YOUR immediate possibilities.

Those at my last Kahuna Miracles on Demand learned how to do that.

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> What you just expressed is a belief, and it's a belief that has it's

> own morphogentic field, a field that will give you on a quantum what

> you believe.


Funny, I thought I was just making an observation from experience.

I didn't realize how my memories were influencing my possibilities. I

do understand what you're saying though. So how do I keep those

memories from becoming beliefs that shape my future? Is this an IDD

task or is there a better way?



> ps. I'd also do it at the Zero Point Energy field, and place it in

> the field of YOUR immediate possibilities.

> Those at my last Kahuna Miracles on Demand learned how to do that.


As I wasn't able to attend the intensive, I didn't learn how to do

this. Even so I'd like to follow your suggestions. I'm confused by the

term " field of YOUR immediate possibilities " . Are you referring to

TimeLine work here?


What I know about ZPEF is primarily from Lynne McTaggart's work. Toni

Elizabeth Sar'h Petrinovich, Ph.D. writes " This is a state of absolute

potential, the realm of all possibilities - that from which all comes

and to which all goes. Within this photon-ridden non-place is the

light that oscillates off and on creating each point of manifestation

and each wave that becomes the particle. "

(http://ezinearticles.com/?Creation-in-the-Zero-Point-Energy-Field & id=814805)

This is not a technical description and yet it does make an

interesting point.


Is the process for accessing this field the one taught in the RV\RI



Recently while meditating, I experienced an unusual state of

" nothing-ness " It was peaceful and cool - much too short-lived. As

soon as I became aware of it, it passed. I was able to reproduce it

one more time and again it was very fleeting. Is this ZPEF and if so

how does one learn to maintain and work with it?


Doc, you've been so generous with us. Thank you. I realize a lot of

people invested time and money to learn this and so much more. So if

I've gone to far with these questions, I apologize.


Wishing you and yours a happy holiday,


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, " bbtried "

<bbtried wrote:


> > What you just expressed is a belief, and it's a belief that has


> > own morphogentic field, a field that will give you on a quantum


> > you believe.


> Funny, I thought I was just making an observation from experience.

> I didn't realize how my memories were influencing my possibilities.


Yes, always.


What you remembered from the past, and how you remember it made up

your present.


And what you focus on now is making up your future.


You have the choice.


> As I wasn't able to attend the intensive, I didn't learn how to do

> this. Even so I'd like to follow your suggestions. I'm confused by


> term " field of YOUR immediate possibilities " . Are you referring to

> TimeLine work here?


It's a possibility but not in the way that NLP does it.


It is at a much deeper level of mind unity.


> Is the process for accessing this field the one taught in the RV\RI

> program?




When I helped develop that course I adhered fairly closely to what

the Silva people wanted in it and what they did not want in it.


They are using older, more hypnotic concepts, most of the time.


Now, what Jose Silva did with his introduction of the UltraMind ESP

course was to attempt to give a way to use the 3 minds together. It's

a good way, which is a forerunner of what I am now teaching.


Much more is known now that Jose either did not know or had decided

not to put into that most advanced course of his.


> Doc, you've been so generous with us. Thank you. I realize a lot of

> people invested time and money to learn this and so much more. So if

> I've gone to far with these questions, I apologize.


Your questions and comments are always intelligent and thoughtful.


I do appreciate that, as I know that others on all my lists also



What you are talking about above is a double edged sword.


Here's what I mean.


Attempting to explain by words what we actually do is very difficult.

It is much easier to take someone through the drills, to observe

them, and to MAKE DAMN SURE that they are getting it.


Writting is the farthest REMOVED from that experience.


So, a few other people that can teach what I teach refuse to write

about it or comment about it because of that difficulty in



On the other hand, writting about those types of trainings GIVE ME

MORE CLARITY on the fifth level of Competence " of what I actually

VAKOG on the external levels and on the internal levels.


So it's GREAT FOR ME to write about it.




I'm pretty sure that the only ones that grasp what I'm writting about

are the ones that have been to the trainings or have accidently had

similar experiences and are bright enough to go into

transderivational search and notice that.


Life is a fun game, is it not!


Happy Holiday folks.



> Wishing you and yours a happy holiday,

> barb(bbtried)


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