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It's a psychological TRAP!

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Gail Raby <amberflame wrote:

> Thanks Docspeed for your response to my post.

> Better to know whats what exactly and precisely than to surmise.


> the most important point, all others aside, is what works when done


> specifically, and what does not. for the goal at hand.


Hi Gail,

One of the personality traits of the person you were attempting to

help was a " polarity responder " . Another version of it is

a " mismatcher " .


Both of the above traits causes them that have it to automatically

look at what is totally opposite of what you say.


So if you say, " the sun is shining " , they'll answer back with

something like, " no it isn't, I think it's going to rain " .


So when you as a paid professional give one of them what to do that

will fix what they energetically need fixing, they'll go, " Well I

don't take baths. I only do showers. So it won't work for me " .


So an Earth Element will bend over backwards attempting to actually

find another way to help them, the Earth Element NOT realizing that

the mismatcher NOT doing what they advise is NOT the Earth Element's



So the Earth Element ends up feeling bad because they couldn't help

the other person.


It's a psychological TRAP.


I suggest everyone read, " How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World " by

Harry Browne. That book is a good start at self-education of other




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I find that the most fun thing to do with a mismatcher (I live with one) is to

match their mismatch, and often they mismatch again.....back to the statement I

made in the first place.


Mismatcher: Do you think I should plant the tree in the backyard or front?


Me: It would look really good in the back yard.


I think it will fit in the front yard much better.


Me: You're right, it belongs in the front yard.


There's a good spot for it in the back, near the fence.


-Then I get my way, & he made the decision on his own.-


When I figured this out, it saved me a lot of grief! ( I used to wonder, " Why

does he ask me in the first place? He doesn't use my advice anyway! "


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