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more re healing via sound and vibration

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When i introduced myself awhile ago, i mentioned this subject because

i've been exploring the effects and receiving benefits. The

information i'm posting here may be redundant to some, hopefully

helpful to others.


For anyone interested in looking more into this approach to healing

and more, i am copying here an article i just wrote on the subject.


Enjoy and please respond with questions, comments, personal

experience, et al.







Like many people interested in experimenting with the affects of

sound, i first began with chanting and mantras, eventually getting

into the works of people like Tom Kenyon and Constance Demby, using

music to shift states, to more consciously experience the different

brain states, http://www.toolsforwellness.com/brainstates.html. I did

lots more, but am limiting references to get to what you probably are

more interested in - how sound can and does heal, shift, transform us!


The information i share below is strictly offered with the intention

of helping others. I have no personal or professional associations

involving monies or services. I DO want to help the developer who

has lived on his frequencies, and thin air I think, the last 7 yrs.

to get the results of his amazing work out to the general public.

And, like most of us in the alternative healing professions, i do

this because (1) i get great joy out of helping others, and (2) lots

of someones " have helped me along the way. This time of my life

is " payback time " :-)


My current experimentation is with what are called the " Star Sounds

Frequencies " , which a friend put me onto awhile ago. (This name came

from the developers research into the connection between movement of

the planets and ones physicality.) Here's their blog

http://soundofstars.twoday.net/ that provides more info,

testimonials, and other interesting links.


To immediately experience these frequencies for yourself, there are

mega free downloads here http://elixirs.4shared.com/


I've been using the Eye Heal and Brain-Nerve programs, and can say

i'm noticing positive changes. Also currently i seem to be

benefiting from the Negativity Showered Away and Psychic Shield



For any of you who want more background research in sound and how it

affects we humans (everything), here are some links you may enjoy:


Wave Phonomena by: Hans Jenny



" ...Cymatics, the study of wave phenomena, was pioneered by Swiss

medical doctor and natural scientist, Hans Jenny (1904-1972). Dr.

Jenny's groundbreaking books which vividly depict how audible sound

structures matter. His cymatic images are truly awe-inspiring, not

only for their visual beauty in portraying the inherent res-

ponsiveness of matter to sound (vibration) but because they inspire a

deep re-cognition that we, too, are part and parcel of this same

complex and intricate vibrational matrix -- the music of the

spheres! "



Carlisle Bergquist''s website, Doorways in Consciousness,


succintly explains from the religious (Sufi, Hindu, etc) and esoteric

(Rudolf Steiner, Alice Bailey, et al).



Fabien Maman, a French musician, acupuncturist and researcher,

conducted revolutionary biology experiments at the University of

Jussieu in Paris, showing the impacts of acoustic sound on human

cells and their energy fields. Fabien found that through a series of

acoustic sounds, he could explode cancer cells, as well as energize

and empower healthy ones. http://www.tama-do.com/roothtmls/cell-




Here http://heartspring.net/music_health_effects.html Don Campbell,

modern day musician/sound healer, has posted research regarding

another Frenchman, Dr. Alfred A. Tomatis, an M.D., researcher and

philosopher, " ... who defined the ear as a primary organ for multiple

physical, emotional and neurological development responses.

Tomatis's innovative research is based on the ear's ability to

discriminate between sounds it selects to hear and the ability to

tune out sounds that are unwanted. The ear's ability to listen and

focus, select sounds spatially and regulate auditory information as

it is perceived by the brain, has become the theme in over a hundred

centers worldwide dedicated to assist children and adults with speech

and communication disorders, attention deficit disorders, head

injuries, and autism. "



And just because this little story tugs at the heart as well as

informs, (http://www.tomatis.com/add.html)


" There is a story that says Dr. Tomatis visited a Benedictine

monastery in France in the early 1960?s following the second Vatican

Council. One of the decisions the council had made was to eliminate

the traditional chanting for a more constructive use of time.

Gradually changes took place among the monks. They became more

lethargic and less motivated. Sleeping more and eating more was no

help. In February of 1952, Dr. Tomatis was invited back to evaluate

the situation. His Electronic Ear was put into use to improve the

men?s hearing, which had weakened since he had seen them last. He

also requested that the chanting be brought back into their daily

routine. Nine months later the monks had fully returned to their

rigorous lifestyle of little sleep, hard work, and vegetarian diets

with renewed vigor. The singing of the chant was believed to affect

the brain as to bring energy to the body. "



Googles on sound, sound healing, etc. will keep you busy for at least

a day or so:-)

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