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David Feinstein SLANDERED by an idiot

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But David Feinstein and his so-called " Energy Psychology " is pure,

luke warm, hog wash..........as they say in the back country.


....but that's just my opinion.


First, I do NOT normally respond to anything Mr. Haag writes, because

our minds do NOT think alike.


So I ignore his posts for the most part. Why? Because using Mr.

Haag's own polite words, " I find his words luke, warm hog wash! " .


But Mr. Haag just slandered a friend of mine, a friend of mind that

Mr. Haag ADMITS he knows nothing about.


This is NOT for Mr. Haag because he's letting his UNTRAINED OPINION

(NOTICE Mr. Haag stated it was his OPINION, which means he's got NO

EVIDENCE to back up his premise) get in the way of any type of clear



First DOCTOR David Feinstein is a very reputable Clinical

Psychologist and is one of the top authors in the field. If his

credentials and experiences were to be ranked by a black belt, he

would be an 8th to 10th degree black belt level.


David does LIVE what he teaches and is one of the OUTSTANDING

AUTHORITIES in that field of Energy Psychology (and also Clinical

Psychology), being published in the major psychological journals.


He has also 7 published books in the psychological fields spanning 25

years of time.


And it is NOT David's Energy Psychology but was started by another

Clinical Psychologist (Dr. Rodger Callahan) about 35 years ago.


I am curious why you are slandering with a KNOW NOTHING OPINION,

someone that is an authority in a field you really do NOT know

anything about?


And, " NO I am NOT TAUNTING " a moderator, but I am asking DIRECT

questions of someone (a poster) that is giving out false information

for a purpose of their own.


I'm curious to what, IF ANY, credentials Mr. Haag has in that field?


I'm curious to how much time, IF ANY, Mr. Haag has spent using those

very valid and very effective Energy Psychology skills?


I'm curious if Mr. Haag has even looked at what Dr. Feinstein has

written, and at the vast amount of research that has been done in the

Energy Psychology field in the last 30 years?


I'm curious if Mr. Haag has looked at the clinical comparisons

between many branches of therapy and Energy Psychology?


And I've been using Energy Psychology daily and very effectively with

people for over 10 years, and it's way beyond most cognitive training

skills taught.


For anyone that wants to know, and to look for themselves, go to

www.emofree.com, Gary Craig's site and learn that simple and very

easy method of Energy Psychology.


Or go to www.innersource.net, which will lead you to many other VALID

and PROVEN skills of Energy Psychology.



Certified EFT Practitioner,

Certified Advanced Thought Field PractitionER

Certified Energy Medicine Trainer, blab, blab, blab.

By the way, I am NOT bragging, but doing something I wish more who


the words that sprue like puke from their lips.


The reasons the credentials are given is so the readers will realize

that I am NOT giving an OPINION, which is all that Mr. Haag gave, and



This man Mr. Haag is supposed to be a moderator? Am I the only one

here that is offended by a moderator slandering someone?

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