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Re: Does one need certification?

Thanks for the info Peggy. I do Reiki healings and wondered if I needed some

type of certificate to incorporate crystal healing with it. I have studied a lot

of your files section. But sure didn't have any money to sink into a course

somewhere! I appreciate the help.
























Message: 3

Fri, 08 Oct 2004 17:39:07 -0700


Re: Does one need certification?


Rev. Morghana wrote:




>Does one need certification to practice crystal healing?

>How do I find out? I live in Arizona.

>Blessings, Holly





There is not an official unified crystal healing certification that I

know of in the US though some teachers give certificates for their

particular style or course of crystal healing. There may be some kind

of official certification in some countries. I know that there are some

different crystal healing certifications available in Arizona it has

some popular locations for crystal healers. If you feel a strong

intuitive guidance to get certified then do so but don't get certified

in a anything just for the paper. Most of the classes I've taken have

not been certificate classes and I tend to avoid ones that make a big

deal of certification as they often seem to have rather rigid and

limiting protocols. I have encountered good and bad treatments from

" certified " crystal therapists and more good than bad from non certified

practitioners. It is good to know different styles of working with

crystals but developing your intuition and connection with the

crystals is far more important than documents. I have taken a few

classes that had certificates and traded for some that would have

certificates if I had paid. but the most important training I've had

has come directly from the crystals and Deva.

I suppose I could certify people in what I teach . I even whipped up a

generic certificate for the crystal Deva Empowerments but have not

gotten them offered them to practitioners yet. Reiki Certificates I do

give because it is a tradition even though my best Reiki training has

been from teachers who don't give certificates and from non corporal

beings. Set your intention that you do no harm , listen to your

intuition , pay attention to the crystals and the people you encounter .

trust the universe. trust yourself let the crystals and energy do the

work they have to do and allow them to stop when they choose to. Don't

try to force healing Don't try to make the crystals do what you want

them to do tune in to what they choose to do that is just about it

the rest is details , details change all the time.


Peggy Jentoft







files are online at Http://www.solarraven.com/crystal-entry.html

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  • 9 months later...
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Do you know anything about Harper? Have you had much of a chance to

look at the book and see what his translation is like? I suppose

access to the originals would be necessary us whatever impression you

have. thanks!








> Message: 6

> Mon, 11 Jul 2005 20:44:21 +0100

> " Attilio D'Alberto " <attiliodalberto

> Harper's Mawangdui Manuscript Book


> Hi all,


> Thought I'd let you know that Donald Harper's book 'Early Chinese Medical

> Literature: The Mawangdui Medical Manuscripts' is going for a steal with a

> 83% discount.


> I just picked up my copy for �35, bargin! Check out

> http://www.bestbookdeal.com/


> Warm regards,


> Attilio D'Alberto

> Doctor of (Beijing, China)

> B.Sc. (Hons) T.C.M., M.A.T.C.M.

> 07786198900

> enquiries

> <http://www.attiliodalberto.com/> www.attiliodalberto.com


> �A human being is part of the whole, called by us the Universe, a part

> limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and

> feelings, as something separated from the rest - - a kind of optical

> illusion in his consciousness.� (Albert Einstein)






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I've had the book for a few years, and I can't recommend it more

highly. The translation appears to be excellent, although I don't

have an original Chinese copy. Donald Harper was the teacher of one

our best translators who now works at Paradigm Press, Sabine Wilms,

and is meticulous in his approach.



On Jul 11, 2005, at 3:19 PM, Greg Livingston wrote:


> Attilio,


> Do you know anything about Harper? Have you had much of a chance to

> look at the book and see what his translation is like? I suppose

> access to the originals would be necessary us whatever impression you

> have. thanks!


> Greg




> ____



>> Message: 6

>> Mon, 11 Jul 2005 20:44:21 +0100

>> " Attilio D'Alberto " <attiliodalberto

>> Harper's Mawangdui Manuscript Book


>> Hi all,


>> Thought I'd let you know that Donald Harper's book 'Early Chinese

>> Medical

>> Literature: The Mawangdui Medical Manuscripts' is going for a

>> steal with a

>> 83% discount.


>> I just picked up my copy for �35, bargin! Check out

>> http://www.bestbookdeal.com/


>> Warm regards,


>> Attilio D'Alberto

>> Doctor of (Beijing, China)

>> B.Sc. (Hons) T.C.M., M.A.T.C.M.

>> 07786198900

>> enquiries

>> <http://www.attiliodalberto.com/> www.attiliodalberto.com


>> �A human being is part of the whole, called by us the Universe, a

>> part

>> limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and

>> feelings, as something separated from the rest - - a kind of optical

>> illusion in his consciousness.� (Albert Einstein)






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Hi Z'ev,


Thanks for your recommendation and introduction of Harper. Sounds



Best wishes,





Chinese Medicine , " "

<zrosenbe@s...> wrote:

> I've had the book for a few years, and I can't recommend it more

> highly. The translation appears to be excellent, although I don't

> have an original Chinese copy. Donald Harper was the teacher of


> our best translators who now works at Paradigm Press, Sabine


> and is meticulous in his approach.



> On Jul 11, 2005, at 3:19 PM, Greg Livingston wrote:


> > Attilio,

> >

> > Do you know anything about Harper? Have you had much of a chance


> > look at the book and see what his translation is like? I suppose

> > access to the originals would be necessary us whatever impression


> > have. thanks!

> >

> > Greg

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  • 2 years later...

In a message dated 1/3/2008 10:11:37 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:


My apologies if you already wrote this but who is Mr. Haag (no superlatives please )and where did he attack David? I thought I saw a posting with his information but I accidentally deleted the email.


I guess my sense of detractors from energy psychology (sounds like Mr. Haag is adverse to any type of what he calls New Age) or any energetic healing modalites are individuals that are disconnected from their centers and or any sense of a spiritual connection. This usually happens by the way of trauma and karma. What a curse to have to live through a life without a sense of a greater power. I've seen injured individuals in all walks of life and if they don't like something they make an all out effort to make the world agree with them. Anger, narcissim, grandiosity are usually somewhere in the background with such individuals. I know a gentleman that got fired from a high evel position as an executive and his life has been in pursuit of airing his anger as a career with a fulltime website dedicated to his bitterness. . I find it interesting when people spend so much time and effort putting something down when they could be putting their energy into promoting or discussings those things that work. My favorite is quackwatch.com. Every healing modality that is not a drug or surgery is fraudulent because there are no FDA studies. Anything that is not a drug can't be real. If that is their standard of proof. Fine with me. They are welcome to keep their anger, bitterness and narcissistic attitudes until the very end. I'll continue under my illusion that my healing with energy psychology has all been a fantasy. I believe under our current laws I'm entited to my fantasy's.


These individuals will find like minded individuals to keep him company and support him. There are many things that don't resonate with me but I don't attack it or the individuals who are doing the work. We are dealing with consciousness and that takes time...lifetimes to acquire.


I can only assume that he picked David because of his visibility within the energy psychology community and his publications. It's easier to attack something when you can put a face to it. Having studied a little bit with David at Omega and attended Donna's trainings, Mr. Haag couldn't have found a nicer person to pick on. I guess I'm not at all surprised that these people exist and as the energy psychology community grows larger, more detractors will come out of the woodworks.


Several years ago, there was a couple who lived in a Conn. The husband was black and his wife was white. The husband happened to be a world renowned artist. They were victims of racisim and were on the receiving side of quite a bit of harrassment. Somehow they found out that the klan was were planning a cross burning on their front lawn. These two individuals had were extremely loving human's who were travelling their spiritual path and enjoyed sharing their wisdom with other seekers. You really understood the meaning of gratitude and a golden heart when you were around them. They decided that they would not fight the "negative" energy that was coming their way. Instead, they invited all their friends to a weenie roast, and an afternoon of love and laughter with their friends. If other guests, happened to come by so be it. Well, it turned out that the klan never showed up nor bothered them again. Could their be a more potent way to deal with our detractors than unconditional love? When I was told this story by the wife, my mind was coming up with every possibility of self protection and even felt anger buiding inside of me. I was taught a lesson that day about the power of unconditional love.


If detractors put our safety or our livelihoods in jeapordy, then certainly defending ourselves is called for. However, they can only invalidate us we do if we allow them.


David Bernstein



Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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