Guest guest Posted January 24, 2008 Report Share Posted January 24, 2008 WARNING to my InnerCircle Members! Yes, a warning, even though you are a member of one of my groups or have been a past client of mine, or have some of my books, DVD's, manuals, CD's, or have been to one of my seminars before. No one outside of that circle gets this letter. Getting this letter means that you are already a part of my InnerCircle. A lot of what you are about to read is going to be very hard to swallow. You will be tempted to reject it instantly. You will find it contrary and challenging to what you've been taught and what you believe. It will make you uncomfortable. So it's natural to simple turn your brain off and move emotionally and physically away from anything causing you discomfort. Here's my biggest problem talking to people about what I do and what I teach. It's to tell you in a manner that you can believe about my proven Psychic Skills Training (and the lifestyle that ESP training can give you) without sounding like some shady rip-off artist, or even worse a demented soul hallucinating skills that they believe in which do not really exist. You can learn Psychic Skills. They do exist. People's minds, emotions and thoughts do affect others, machinery, clouds and even computers. People have proven skills of remote viewing, and have even RVed accurately Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter. Psychic Healing in person and at a distance is valid and has been proven scientifically in the laboratory thousands of times; one " healer " causing a plant to grow 1 1/2 inches in one evening, another affecting a cloud chamber from 600 miles away, and causing plant growth to accelerate 830% after doing a 5 minute healing session. So I'm going to be blunt with you. A lot of what is published elsewhere about ESP training is in the feel-good category. There is much that some of those authorities know but refuse to teach their clients but keep to themselves because they lack the courage to say certain things publicly. Basically you can do bad things with your Psychic Skills! Lately a few have revealed the truth, people like Larry Dossey MD, CIA Black Ops Trainer Ingo Swann, Psychiatrist Daniel Benor, Neuroscientist Candace Pert and Physicist William Tiller. Listen, I'm not going to BS you and insult your intelligence by telling you how to levitate, or how you can make $100 million dollars in one day by just believing in God, and saying a positive affirmation and your bank account suddenly has millions in it. Whether or not we go to church regularly (or at all), we still use psychic skills daily, though most people do not know it. If we wish a man sick, it is a prayer, a form of negative ESP for installing sickness and it works. If we think ill of another, it is a prayer, again of a negative nature. If, in our mind, we see someone as a failure, it is a prayer for his failure. If we see him healthy, successful, if we think of him in terms of love, if we surround him and his family in our thoughts with love, this is a positive prayer. Whatever we think about others, about ourselves, our world, becomes a psychic intention for or against others, for or against ourselves, for or against our world. All very easily tested and verified in the laboratory, or with Educational Kinesiology, Energy Psychology, or Energy Medicine, or Traditional . Proven Fact! Using the Psychic Skills Training tools can bring money into your life very effectively and very quickly, but not like Oral Roberts preached. I am talking about using Psychic Skills Training as a tool of attracting wealth, health and happiness. And to do that there are 3 steps that must be taken. To do those three steps requires a radical mental shift on three different levels. Level 1. The level of the philosophical component. Level 2. The level of the strategic component. Level 3. And finally, the level of the behavioral component. I will be coving these 3 different skills in my upcoming Kahuna Wizard Seminar (Feb 15-16-17), but enough about that intensive for now. I want to change the topic to something that is the same topic but people believe is a different topic. It's the topic of Psychic attacks. Some people might think I'm crazy but Psychic attacks are real even if you don't believe in them, just like I stated above. Other people's thoughts and their negative emotions towards you do affect how you feel and your behavior. Today I got a telephone call from Sam. Sam is real angry at psychic attacks that have been focused on him at work, at his home, and even from some of his friends. He feels that there are massive amounts of predators out there, intentionally taking advantage of him, and even though he attempts to be nice, and to smile and turn the other cheek, he is fed up and refuses to take any more. Sam was fearful that he was crazy. I energy tested him (easy to do long distance with the proper skill level and procedures) and found out he was sane (but emotionally disturbed), an unknowing empathic, and a very good person for our upcoming class. So I told Sam that many of those that take our trainings take it for the same reasons he has, and its okay to learn these skills for that reason. I mentioned the fact that the reason he was so negatively affected was because he didn't know what to do, was unconsciously psychically vulnerable, and NOT because there was nothing for him to do. Over the telephone I taught him a Psychic Skills Tactic that literally erased that fear from his mind and cleared it from his body. He learned it quickly and easily. Just think what he's going to learn in the Feb 15-17 intensive. Most people don't know they are psychically attacking others. They just envy them. They just distrust them. They are poor and want what is yours. If you have a new Hummer, then they hate you. If you are a chiropractor, and you charge them a fair amount and do a good job, they resent the money they owe even after you've helped them regain their health, or erased their pain. And these negative feelings have energy. People who are unconscious empaths can feel these thoughts and if they are not trained they believe that they themselves are having those thoughts which can lead to massive depression. If you want to earn much money and others around know it their fears about money will affect you and your own energies in a negative way. More people are inhibited by their money fears than any other fear. They fear you having more money than them. They fear that you will be changed by money. They fear that you will make bad money decisions and lose all your money. They fear running out of money before they die. If you are around these types of people, their fears affect you whether you want it to or not. I will teach 17 ways to neutralize their attacks and to empower your own skills a hundred fold (and Hypnotist Richard Sutphen states " a 1,000 fold). Proven Fact! There are ways to shield your energies and project in a way that is good for you, that is safe for you. Doing that type of energy projection from the proper deep level on mind does effect events before they happen so you get what you want. That is because your mind, emotions and physical tactics can influence events in the Zero Point Energy field, and in the physical material fields around us, including our bodies. Some of us (me too) were taught about only earning our " fair share " . As an ethical, moral person, you probably think, " Hey I don't want more than my fair share " , that thought reveals a negative subconscious belief that wealth is limited. The truth is everybody's share is unlimited. Your fair share is all you can possible attract, as is anybody and everybody else's. Anyway, that's enough for now. If you are the least bit interested or curious about learning how to use your Psychic Skills Tactics to achieve your fair share (which is an UNLIMITED share) go to one of my and read the 20 page letter that is there in the files section on Kahuna Wizard Skills Training. I do have two pre-requisites for attending that Psychic Skills Training Intensive. 1. You must energy test strong for the class. We screen all applicants. Just call me at 541-535-3188, and we can get that over in 15 seconds, and I can answer all your questions, just like I was doing one of my $500 one on ones, but you get it for free, if you energy test positive. 2. You must have the " Kahuna ESP Centering Drill " CD, and practice once a day with it for 10 days (you can do it in 5 days if you do it twice a day) before the night of Feb 15. That way you will have a head start on learning the mind psychic skills training drills. And we will send that CD to you FREE of charge. We have turned away 11 people over the past 3 days who wanted to attend but because they have NOT studied that free CD yet, and were not interested in studying it, but thought they could " wing " it at the Intensive (people who " wing " it hold all the others back and that is NOT fair for the others). Five others have asked for the CD, so we signed them up and sent them the package, overnight mail. I am also giving out 3 SURPRISE BONUSES for the event (in addition to the $2,000 Free Bonus the 20 page letter tells you about. To find it click on files section to left of group page). The first extra bonus is a disk of the healing methods of the best researched healer and his methods on the planet. You cannot buy this information anywhere and is virtually priceless. The second free surprise bonus is a disk covering in-depth skills, training and results of the best psychics and ESP trainers over the past 100 years. Again this information is something that you cannot buy, but is priceless. There is a reason this information is not easily available to the general populace. I will not go into those reasons publicly. The third free surprise bonus is another disk covering in-depth Remote Viewing procedures and skills that were taught to our US military and used successfully until the government decided to put it all under deep cover back in the mid 90's. You cannot buy this information anywhere, but you get it and the above 2 other surprise bonuses and the free $2,000 bonus, all for just attending. This is important. The class is limited to 30 people and is almost filled already. So I suggest you call right away to see if we even have seating room left. You will be surprised how much fun it is and what you can learn. So far we have people signed up from Japan, Great Britain, Europe, Australia, Canada and the United States. Give my office a call, 541-535-3188, or email me at docspeed2001 if you have any questions about the Psychic Skills Seminar, qualifying, payments, or any other matter. Thank you. Sincerely, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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