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RE: A couple of my friends who are taking the Practitioner's training with xxx...

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Did they ask xxxx/her? Do you share their concern? Did you ask her? Why

be cryptic about it?


Intention is key in energy work. Information can be empowerment.


For instance, with me, I don't assume the background a person has when they

ask a question on a (unless they tell me). There are people who

have trained with Donna and others on this list as well as people who

haven't. I also don't assume everyone has the same opportunities as me (to

go to a senior DEEM practitioner; to attend the certification program,

etc.). Most info I post is info that is already available on the web - I

link to it. Most info I post presumes some exposure to Donna's book. This

is a foundation necessary to understand most of the instructions.


I don't get into the " deserved " or " earned " factor. I want energy medicine

techniques to spread. Some exposure to it usually leads a person to pursue

further knowledge. I know it did in my case.


My response to these questions then is, what is the purpose of this group?


Many blessings,





A couple of my friends who are taking the Eden Practitioner's training with

xxx asked me " Why is xxxxxxxxx giving out all that information on a group

that is open to the public, a public that has had no training, has not gone

to the seminars, has not spent their own money, and have not learned all the

pre-requisites, especially the necessary verification processes and drills

to enhance their skills? "


I told them, " I'll ask her " .


Their concern was several fold:


1. Without the " experience " they cannot get it right


2. Which does cause them to hallucinate skill and knowledge when there is



3. Without the " feedback " from trainers they'll never know if they are doing

it right or wrong


4. Then of course there is the " earned " factor, which few on this list and

most lists (including my own 4 lists) have


5. Then of course there is the " deserved " factor, which is closely related

to the " earned " factor


6. And I really do love the Donna Eden materials and I love them being

taught and processed in a manner that is benificial to all


Anyway, I decided to post this post openly (it was originally a private

post) with all names removed just out of curiosity to find out what this

list thinks, wishes and believes.


And I know it makes me the " bad guy " , but since I'm a Wood/Metal this post

is in line with my values and criteria...


....which means that to me the above is a great, high quality post.



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, " Michelle

Hughes " <lunarmm wrote:


> Most info I post is info that is already available on the web - I

> link to it.




>Most info I post presumes some exposure to Donna's book. This

> is a foundation necessary to understand most of the instructions.




I'll bet most here or on the " other " list do not. But ask and then

we'll know, won't we?


Actually we won't.


We would get a few answers to people that " do have the book " but no

answers from those that don't.


On this list I daily screen out people that want us to buy their

product of widgit X to enhance our health. And they all know, do they



> I don't get into the " deserved " or " earned " factor. I want energy


> techniques to spread.


It won't unless motivational strategies are applied.


>Some exposure to it usually leads a person to pursue

> further knowledge. I know it did in my case.


Depends on what YOU mean by " exposure " .


If you meant " I had a need " then in my transderivational search I

found XX " , then I do agree.


> My response to these questions then is, what is the purpose of this



To motivate people to know whom to go to, who to read, study and

experience to get the results they want.


To open up THEIR fields of possibilities.


I am not too much into leading anyone by ther hand through the

alligator swamps.


There are always more ways to screw something up then there are ways

to enhance them and do them effectively. Finding out the differences

is called " experience " .


I'm curious to why and how my posting a question did anger and offend







> A couple of my friends who are taking the Eden Practitioner's

training with

> xxx asked me " Why is xxxxxxxxx giving out all that information on a


> that is open to the public, a public that has had no training, has

not gone

> to the seminars, has not spent their own money, and have not

learned all the

> pre-requisites, especially the necessary verification processes and


> to enhance their skills? "


> I told them, " I'll ask her " .


> Their concern was several fold:


> 1. Without the " experience " they cannot get it right


> 2. Which does cause them to hallucinate skill and knowledge when

there is

> none


> 3. Without the " feedback " from trainers they'll never know if they

are doing

> it right or wrong


> 4. Then of course there is the " earned " factor, which few on this

list and

> most lists (including my own 4 lists) have


> 5. Then of course there is the " deserved " factor, which is closely


> to the " earned " factor


> 6. And I really do love the Donna Eden materials and I love them


> taught and processed in a manner that is benificial to all


> Anyway, I decided to post this post openly (it was originally a


> post) with all names removed just out of curiosity to find out what


> list thinks, wishes and believes.


> And I know it makes me the " bad guy " , but since I'm a Wood/Metal

this post

> is in line with my values and criteria...


> ...which means that to me the above is a great, high quality post.




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<<I'm curious to why and how my posting a question did anger and offend you.



Not offended or angry, just curious about you're being cryptic (my opinion)

with the XXX and all.


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On 3/2/08 4:37 PM, " Michelle Hughes " <lunarmm wrote:


>I don't get into the " deserved " or " earned " factor. I want energy medicine

>techniques to spread.


Actually the “deserved” and “earned” factor is essential if you want energy medicine to spread. Without it, you can hand people gold nuggets and they’ll just toss it away as if it were a pile of sh*t.


A personal example: When I first heard about EFT I thought it was a load of crap. For one thing it looked too simple and stupid to be true and for another they were giving it away from FREE. I “tried” it but it didn’t work.


Then I found out that Doc thought very highly of EFT. And I think very highly of Doc and trust that his information works. So I searched through the archives, found all the posts made on the subject, and tried to find the “secrets” of making it work. By the time I got through I felt that I both deserved and earned it through the work I put into it, plus I had a much better idea about why it worked, had references from people I trust that it worked, etc.


And when I tried it again...goddamn if it didn’t work perfectly for me!


So what’s the difference? The technique I used was the exact same. The point of view I came at it from was completely different.


Without the right motivation, people won’t even give it a shot even if you give them all the techniques.



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Thanks, Mike. You wrote: " Without the right motivation, people won't even

give it a shot even if you give them all the techniques. " I do find that to

be true. I have a bunch of people who have health issues and I've sent them

Donna's book and kit and they haven't even opened them up.


I was motivated by my own health issues to seek methods that work. I found

Donna's techniques and started using them. I also went to a senior Donna

Eden person since I had some chronic energy imbalances. After 2-3 sessions

and doing the homework, I was so much better. I then went to a 5-day and

found out about the certification program there. I made the quick decision

between the 5-day in Orlando (March) and the beginning of Donna's CP (May)

to attend the certification program. And I'm so glad I am! My primary goal

is maintaining my own good health. Anything else (i.e., helping others) is

" gravy " .


Many blessings,





On Behalf Of Mike A

Sunday, March 02, 2008 8:47 PM


Re: RE: A couple of my friends

who are taking the Practitioner's training with xxx...


On 3/2/08 4:37 PM, " Michelle Hughes " <lunarmm wrote:


>I don't get into the " deserved " or " earned " factor. I want energy medicine

>techniques to spread.


Actually the " deserved " and " earned " factor is essential if you want energy

medicine to spread. Without it, you can hand people gold nuggets and

they'll just toss it away as if it were a pile of sh*t.


A personal example: When I first heard about EFT I thought it was a load of

crap. For one thing it looked too simple and stupid to be true and for

another they were giving it away from FREE. I " tried " it but it didn't



Then I found out that Doc thought very highly of EFT. And I think very

highly of Doc and trust that his information works. So I searched through

the archives, found all the posts made on the subject, and tried to find the

" secrets " of making it work. By the time I got through I felt that I both

deserved and earned it through the work I put into it, plus I had a much

better idea about why it worked, had references from people I trust that it

worked, etc.


And when I tried it again...goddamn if it didn't work perfectly for me!


So what's the difference? The technique I used was the exact same. The

point of view I came at it from was completely different.


Without the right motivation, people won't even give it a shot even if you

give them all the techniques.



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And belief can sometimes overcome psychological reversals.......



Mike A

Monday, March 03, 2008 2:47 AM

Re: RE: A couple of my friends who are taking the Practitioner's training with xxx...



On 3/2/08 4:37 PM, "Michelle Hughes" <lunarmm (AT) earthlink (DOT) net> wrote:>I don't get into the "deserved" or "earned" factor. I want energy medicine>techniques to spread. Actually the “deserved” and “earned” factor is essential if you want energy medicine to spread. Without it, you can hand people gold nuggets and they’ll just toss it away as if it were a pile of sh*t.A personal example: When I first heard about EFT I thought it was a load of crap. For one thing it looked too simple and stupid to be true and for another they were giving it away from FREE. I “tried” it but it didn’t work.Then I found out that Doc thought very highly of EFT. And I think very highly of Doc and trust that his information works. So I searched through the archives, found all the posts made on the subject, and tried to find the “secrets” of making it work. By the time I got through I felt that I both deserved and earned it through the work I put into it, plus I had a much better idea about why it worked, had references from people I trust that it worked, etc.And when I tried it again...goddamn if it didn’t work perfectly for me!So what’s the difference? The technique I used was the exact same. The point of view I came at it from was completely different.Without the right motivation, people won’t even give it a shot even if you give them all the techniques.-M

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, " hunter "

<hunter.cris wrote:


> And belief can sometimes overcome psychological reversals.......


Hi Cris,

I am not sure where you want that thought to go...


....there are so many different ways belief (s) can be used to help

someone with CORRECT technologies...


....that I feel it should be a portion of the skills taught and NOT the

only thing taught.


What do you think?



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