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April's GOLD Member's giant report (38 pgs) is now in the member's section!

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Hi Group,

Today Jack loaded up the giant report for April.


April's Gold Member's giant report (38 pgs) is now in the member's



It is the second report in a two part series continuing on from where

the " PART I post(a 42 page report) left off from February.


Go to www.mentaltrainingsecrets.com to read it or if you are

interested in learning that material.


Here is a small portion of the 1st page.



" The REAL Secrets of Kahuna Energetics for Remote Healing, Remote

Influence & Remote Manifestation! . . . AND The 17 Pitfalls YOU must

avoid! "


©Jan 2008 by , Ph.D. Sports Psychology

Healing Energies Trainer, NLP Trainer, Hypnosis Trainer, Energy

Psychology Trainer, Huna Kumu & Trainer, Silva Mind Control

Developer, Kahuna ESP Mind™ Developer, etc.


For MEMBERS ONLY! This information is NOT to be given, released,

sold, copied, reproduced, or redistributed to anyone anywhere at

anytime without Dr. La Tourrette's written permission. Everybody's

login addresses (IP addresses) are stored, along with the time

entered and materials read. We track all readers.


Thank you for being here. Explaining the specifics and the how-to's

is very fun for me. So I am learning more and more because of you and

your questions.


" The Scum of the Earth are Freebee Hunters!

But to market successfully you must aim your ads to catch them also &

then pan the gold nuggets from the dirt! "


One of the most important things in life is to take responsibility

for what you get done and what you don't get done. Either way it's

not your Mommy's fault, your daddies fault, your government's fault,

or your church's fault, even though in criminology all of the above

are blamed for your doing or not doing.


Many people think that positive thinking will get stuff done.


It doesn't achieve anything. In fact the following quote is very



" It's LESS about how they THINK, THAN about what they DO! "


What it comes down to is, " if you stop doing the stuff you know you

are not supposed to be doing but continue doing…and start doing the

stuff you know you should be doing but aren't doing…then you can

achieve about anything you want " .


Continued on www.mentaltraining secrets.com, member's section.


There is covered the TRUTH about Matrix Energetics, and what is

purposefully being left out.


There is covered the TRUTH about Remote Healing and how many are

hurting their loved ones accidently because they are doing it



There is covered the REAL REASONS BEHIND how Remote Influence works,

how coherence between the 4 parts of the brain is mandatory, and

much, much more.





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