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Edgar Cayce on Fibromyalgia

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(I'm reposting the following because one of my clients needed this

information...so let us share it will all. Dr. John La Tourrette)




According to the National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc.

(NORD), a division of the National Institutes of Health, the syndrome

presently called fibromyalgia has been known by many names over the

years. During Edgar Cayce's era it was commonly called muscular

rheumatism. Several individuals with this diagnosis received readings

on their condition.


For example, reading 5233-1 was given for a seventy-nine-year-old

man who was suffering from muscular rheumatism:


(Q) What can be done for muscular rheumatism?

(A) We have just been describing what should be done for the general

system and this includes those activities also. Do these things

indicated and the conditions where there is the effect to heart,

liver, lungs and kidneys will be improved; which all are a part of

the general conditions here. (5233-1)


Note the references to the heart, liver, lungs, and kidneys.

Edgar Cayce often referred to these vital organs as the " hepatic

system. " Thus the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia were linked

to the functioning of these organs.


The liver and kidneys are primary detoxifiers of the body.

Systemic toxicity usually involve these organs. Systemic toxicity is

one of the most frequently cited causative factors in the Cayce

readings for persons suffering from muscle and joint pain.


Treatment recommendation for this man included colonic

irrigations, fume baths and massage, and mild laxatives. The

emphasis was clearly on internal cleansing to decrease the toxicity

of the body.


Reading 3255-1 was given for a sixty-four-year-old woman

suffering from fibromyalgia. Systemic toxicity and hepatic system

involvement were also noted in her reading:


This is what might ordinarily be called a condition wherein the

general taxation has run down the battery for the body; that is, the

toxic forces in the body have become excessive. Thus there are pains

in the arms, or shoulders at times, in the back, through the lower

limbs and through the abdominal area. All of these come and go,

dependent upon how well and how thoroughly the eliminations are in

the body, and as to whether in the diet the body keeps the general

physical forces alkaline or allows the greater portion to become

acid. Then we have those reflexes that cause some disturbance with

the heart, with the kidneys and with the liver. These all arise from

toxic forces that affect naturally (for, as the body battery is)

heart, liver, lungs and kidneys. These must coordinate. When they

do not, some portion of it is going to revert. (3255-1)


The Edgar Cayce readings consistently maintain that the liver and

kidneys serve as the " batteries of the body. " The liver is said to

be the positive pole of the battery, the kidneys the negative. Thus,

when the liver and kidneys are deficient in their functioning, the

body's battery may be said to have run down. Fatigue and low

vitality are the result. These features are common in people with



Note the emphasis on maintaining a proper alkaline/acid balance.

Keeping the system slightly alkaline was encouraged by Edgar Cayce.

The standard diet recommended by Cayce is helpful in this direction.

This woman was told to obtain colonic irrigations, fume baths and

massage, and to use a mild laxative. Thus, internal cleansing was a

major emphasis in the treatment plan for this person.


Readings 1655-1 and 1655-2 provide further documentation on the

causes and treatment of fibromyalgia. Most likely, fibromyalgia can

be produced by a variety of factors. One pattern is that the

individuals suffer a prolonged episode of the flu or other infectious

disorder from which they never fully recover. Edgar Cayce described

this pattern in reading 1655-1:


Some time back there were those conditions produced by an

intestinal flu; and the condition produced in the ascending colon,

and in the areas of the caecum as well as those farther up - or as

related to the emptying of the duodenum; and also from inflammatory

conditions - the right ovary.

All of these have produced and do produce the conditions where a

neuritic, rheumatic effect has existed; and the effects of the

poison, and the pressures upon the tissue through the area and the

activity of same upon the organs of assimilation, are the seat and

the cause of the disturbance...

All of these are the disturbances through the activities for this

body. While, through care and attention, these do not produce so

much disturbance, we find that at times - with the lack of proper

eliminations, and overactivity mentally OR physically - the body

tends to tire easily. Also a reaction is caused from the lack of the

full eliminations; as does cold or congestion of any nature;

upsetting the digestive system as well as the activities of the

organs of the pelvis during Periods; and the general tired and

headachey feeling, with an aching all over when there are

disturbances. (1655-1)


The mental/emotional aspects of the condition were addressed in

the second reading for this woman:


(Q) Is part of my seeming illness mental?

(A) The attitude, of course, has much to do; but it is rather the

physical condition creating the mental. But make for more hopeful,

more helpful, more constructive thinking - and this would improve the

general condition much. (1655-2)


The treatment plan for this person recommended moderate outdoor

exercise and a basic diet with emphasis on fruits and vegetables.

Manual therapy (spinal manipulations) was suggested relieve pressures

along the spine and improve functioning of the hepatic and digestive

systems. Castor oil packs were recommended to assist with

eliminations and relax the body. A ginseng tonic to assist with

digestion and eliminations was prescribed. Minute dosages of beef

juice was recommended to increase vitality.

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