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I don't believe energy can heal physcial injuries

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> John - were your athletes able to jsut go back & perform like it

>never happened then,


Depends on the injury Carolyn.


One 52 year old fellow had a strained hamstring, and could barely

walk let alone kick...


Within 4 minutes there was virtually NO PAIN, and he was lifting that

leg into the air and then the other one into the air in wonderment.


He thought I'd voo doo'ed him. He had his athletic skills back almost



A man that complained of a sore knee actually needed a set-up for

something totally different, a self-esteem issue, then his knee pain



And he was a good athlete again, instantly.


>or was there a recovery period?


Again, it depends.


One gentleman had knee meniscus surgery one day, and was filming kung-

fu moves the next day with balance, coordination and full control. He

did not do anything difficult or full speed, but his skills were



> I mean if I FEEL good, does that mean I can go back & start doing

>pull ups & handstands again?


Some people can.


Some fear it and do not erase that fear. Mostly when the fear is

erased and a positive specific " choices " is put in its place, they

can instantly do magic with their bodies.


Energy Testing will let you know if you can or cannot.


We do use a small amount of common sense. If a man tears out his

ankle we will clear all the perturbances on the physical level...


....on the emotional level...


....and on the morph field level (the acquired protection level).


We will also have a medical specialist look at it.


We will wrap his ankle. We will elevate his ankle. We will use ice on



In most cases we have an Edgar Cayce Castor oil wrap along with

woolpad, some saran wrap keeping it from leaking, and a heat chem

wrap on it for 8 hours (sleep time).


The next morning it is as good as new.


Funny how that works. Use the energy and use the ice.


It's the same with shoulders, cuts and bruises.


And, " YES " , I do understand your confusion about " how can it work? "


I started studying Energy Psychology in 97 and back then not many

used it on physical injuries because they didn't believe it would

work on them.


Then Gary Craig said, " Try it on everything " . It does work very well

if you know the processes and can calibrate well.


>If there's no pain, does that mean the cells have completely

> regenerated?


I suggest you go back to page 17 of Gary's manual and re-read the

Discovery Statement.


I realize it's hard to believe, but after 11 years I've, through much

experience in both energy medicine (Donna Eden) and energy

psychology, have seen miracles happen on a daily basis.


> I suppose there may be some apprehension to tap out.... Right?


My own biggest issue was that I only used to use this stuff on others

because I didn't need it, right? I had a really BIG ego.


Finally I got smart enough to use it on myself.


And I'm an old fart, past retirement age. But at " old fart age " I am

kicking the kumdingee's of people in their 20's and 30's very easily.


And I've personally had most of the injuries that athlete's have over

their careers. Broken back. Knee surgery. Torn hip. Torn hamstring.

Cracked neck. Busted nose. Stabbed. Broken ribs. Broken toes,

fingers, teeth. And the list goes on and on.


When I was young I was ready to go again the next day.


So the issues I work with now, on myself, are age issues versus youth

issues. It seems that virtually every issue I have now personally is

because of social meams installed by society about what someone my

age is supposed to NOT be able to do after a certain age.


So I've developed my own protocols over the past 11 years that I use

with my own athletes. Some are very quick, 2-10 seconds, and are so

covert that an athlete can self-use it while in competion without

anyone seeing or noticing.


Some issues (aspects) take the entire protocol. When I do the entire

protocol I use a method I've developed based upon the methods of

Donna Eden, David Feinstein, Gary Craig and Roger Callahan.


I love reading and studying all the posts on Gary's EFT site.


I've printed out 17 different manuals from those posts, and there are

very good skills any one can access there if they take a bit of time.


I also read many of the posts here on G's site, and I've learned much

I can and have used from here.


I am amazed at the changes that can occur literally overnight.


John M. La Tourrette, Ph.D.

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