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To make REAL energy magic happen to create your own posible future there are 19

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<darthon4 wrote:

> It's amazing what sending Appreciation and figure 8's can do.


> Recently I was at a restaurant and a mother at a nearby table


> seem to do anything to calm her crying, screaming baby down.


> Those of us at my table got the idea to generate feelings of love


> appreciation for the baby, and simultaneously we all bridged to the

> baby making gentle figure 8's between the baby and us. We did this

> from several feet away and were discrete about it.


> All of a sudden the baby stopped crying and turned its head our way

> and looked with a curious expression.


Thanks Lori,


To make REAL energy magic happen to create your own posible future

there are 19 things that need to be done in a proper sequence...


I don't know if you or anyone else knows it but I've been researching

a new and different way of remote influencing others for the past 5



....some of you might have noticed that I hardly posted at all for

those 5 months, until just the last week...


....any way I did like how you stated what you did above.


And there is another covert way to do that bridging that works just

as good that that tactic of figure 8'ing between two people.


And those friendly energies of appreciation work very well when done

that way.


In fact, just about any " communication " you want, good or bad, work

real well when done in the manner I'm now thinking about.


I do know that in my Wood Element State, to get the results I want, I

do need to do a couple of other things.


In fact there are 3 things I need to do with association and



When associated there are 9 things I need to do.


When dissociated there are 4 things that must be done.


There are 3 things I need to do with time and the Zero Point Energy



Then magic happens.


I'll be covering and teaching those concepts at my upcoming



I'm pretty sure that might be the only time they are taught...

especially since I only teach a topic one time.


Now I do know that some people like their skills dumbed down to a 1st

grader's level.


I'm sorry I cannot do that.


The reason is, when it's dumbed down, it's an ineffective sales pitch

that only cretins will believe work.


Sort of like that topic of " faith " we have been debating back and



We want something that is 100% verifiable, don't we?


What I have done is put all 19 of the processes into a specific

formate that has worked for all I've taught them to.


That you Lori for your amazing and informational posts.


John M. La Tourrette, Ph.D.

Ps. After the intensive I'll be covering those topics even more

extensively on the Gold and Platinum sites.

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