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Healing a rotator cuff injury quickly

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<horselessc wrote:


> I think my shoulders are still scared I'm going to hurt them again.


> did go through the whole story for about a half hour tapping, & I

> don't know what else to tap, honestly. I tapped out " memorty of

> protecion " for eery part & every cell. And then " this remaining " ,


> As far as motion, I am able to do partial push up's & dips, but

> not rowing motions w/ weight. So I suppose that would be the


> section of the rotator cuff.


I'm curious to if your physical therapist gave you any rotator cuff

drills to strengthen your complete range of motion.


There are specific range of motion drills to do with a small 2-3 lb



What we do with our athletes is both the drills you've done above and

the physical therapy.


Something that might work with your range of motion is to go to where

it actually hurts, and tapp when in that position.


Be sure to have a SUDS done at that position BEFORE the tapping and

at the end of the tapping by someone that knows how to verify with

energy testing that SUDS.


So many people have a " memory " of old trauma, AFTER the trauma is



They " think " that because they have a " memory " that the part must

still be injured. It's a normal type of thought process.


Now that memory can be erased but we choose not to do that.


What we do instead is use the memory as a reference point for taking

the positive learnings, and for adding in a new behavior generator at

that particular point in time so that type of injury NEVER occurs



Hope these few quickees help.


John La Tourrette, Ph.D.

Ps. Tapping on the past time lines, the present time lines and the

future time lines does work real well. When you tapp out the trauma

from your past " as if " you are associated into it as " right now " it

is much more effective. When you use future possibilities and from

that associated future point you tapp " as if " now, your installation

of positive possibilities is immense.

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There were some figure 8 drills in the archives (maybe on the mind

mastery original archive) that worked really well for my shoulders.


From there I also changed my shoulder exercise routine to have more

controlled motions. Dumbell shrugs will sometimes hurt your shoulders

because the movement can't always be kept in a narrow range. So now I

do shrugs with the smith machine straight bar. That builds those

muscles on either side of my neck that seem to keep my shoulders

pulled up and in a better natural position.


I also do my shoulder presses with a machine so I can set the bar

height. I set it so my upper arms (biceps) are parallel to the floor

at the starting position and never go below that on the down stroke.


Add in the rotator cuff exercises Doc referred to and you are on your

way. I use one of those rubber band things to work inner and outer



Those changes have made it so I no longer feel that pressure like my

shoulders are going to pop out of the joint when I do things like

bench press, dips, or push ups.


But those figure eight drills took away the initial pain about two

years ago and I was able to get back into working out. Cool stuff.


But don't ask me about my knee pain. There are some things with

peanut oil DMSO and other solutions in the archives that I haven't

understood and gotten down. So I still have knee pain. But if I take

enough vitamin C it seems to mostly stay away. But I just reminded

myself that I need to work on that. I didn't understand the figure 8

drills and they still worked.


Thanks Doc for this resource.



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