Guest guest Posted June 11, 2008 Report Share Posted June 11, 2008 I THANK YOU very much " all " for the wonderful birthday gifts. I do thank Jim for doing this. One of the great loves of my life is " daily study " . I'm talking 3-4 hours of daily study. So what I'm going to do is send all who gave/or supported me ANOTHER $500 FREE Gift. This is my dissertation on, " Cognitive Restructuring Tactics for Peak Performance " which did sell in Martial Arts Trainer's " magazine and " Inside Kung-fu " magazine for $450 bucks. Which is NEVER offered to the general public. 5 General Steps to Awesome success! A $500 FREE GIFT! Most people do not know the 5 general steps to more success in their lives. 1. You've got to " be " before you can " do " . 2. You've got to " do " before you can " have " . 3. To " be " the type of person that can " do " your subconscious attitudes about many different areas needs to be changed. 4. When those attitudes are changed properly, then your " performance " changes easily. 5. When your performance is better you are rewarded much better, quicker and easier. Cognitive Restructuring was writter for " go for it " athletes, and is easily used to increase any skill, even " money making " , even winning friends and influencing people, even spiritual development. So for those that have done an amazon gift certificate of $100 or more, will receive FOR FREE as an additional gift from me the above $500 product. This offer is only good for the next 5 days and is over at midnight Monday June 16. I thank everyone very much for wishing me a happy birthday. John M. La Tourrette, Ph.D. Ps. I have left Jim's offer below so not only are you receiving a $500 FREE GIFT from me, but you can also receive another $500 FREE GIFT from him, which means you get $1,000.00 dollars worth of goodies FOR FREE! ENJOY! mindmastery-essentialskills , " James R. Knippenberg " <erommel wrote: > > > Wish Doc a Happy Birthday and get up to $500 worth of goodies FREE! > > For those of you who didn't know it, yesterday, June 7, was Doc's birthday. > > My apologies for sending this out late. We had a couple emergencies here in the office had to be taken care of right away, and then Friday night my old printer and my scanner stopped working while I was in the middle of putting together these bonuses. > > Anyhow, a couple weeks ago, I asked Jack if I could give away some bonuses for Doc's birthday just like we've done the last 3 years in a row... > > He said " sure, sounds good... " > > Then he pissed me off... > > I told him I was thinking about doing a $30 or $40 ebook for everyone who gives Doc a birthday gift of at least $25 dollars. It's a good deal for everyone, they get great stuff, and the first year we did this, all we offered was an ebook and everyone LOVED having the instant download. > > So I thought I had a great idea, and you'd get $40 dollars worth of real good stuff for just $25 bucks. > > That's sort of like going to the gas station and filling your tank on last year's gas prices. The line would be 5 miles long. > > He told me, " Nope! If you're going to do it, you got to give them AT LEAST $100 dollars in bonuses for a $25 gift to Doc. If they give a $50 dollar gift, they get AT LEAST $200 in free bonuses... " > > I cursed under my breath, hung up the phone, and went back to the drawing board... > > I mean, $100 dollars in bonuses for a measley $25 gift card is like highway robbery. > > Then I remembered why we do this birthday special. > > See, every year when I'm having FUN busting my butt to put together these birthday bonuses, my friends and acquaintances always say something like, " Man, Jim, you sure do a lot of work on this stuff for Doc's birthday, why do you do all that? Is that Doc guy paying you or something? What's this Doc guy doing for you? " > > So let me TELL you just some of what Doc's done for you; then I'll tell you about the birthday bonuses that'll blow your mind. > > Many of you newer members might not know it, but just a few years ago, a list like this one did NOT exist. > > So when we wanted to know about mind control, psychic influence, remote influence, and the manifestation techniques Doc teaches, we had to post on other people's lists.... > > And when they found out how GOOD the information Doc gives away for free is, THEY GOT PISSED! > > Some of us got banned from those other groups, several of us got threatened, and we were told we " weren't allowed to post on the topics Doc teaches " . > > We had no place online to go, no place online to learn. > > But we were all HUNGRY FOR MORE! > > That's when Doc finally decided to go ahead and start his groups for us. The first one was mindmastery-essentialskills. > > And if you've taken the time to log in and check the archive, there's a humongous archive of knowledge there. > > It didn't just happen overnight. It takes a lot of TIME to write those posts. > > Take each of those DETAILED, STEP-BY-STEP " How To " posts, and multiply each one by about 45 minutes or an hour, and that's about how much time goes in to posting each of those well-thought, detailed posts. > > And that does not include the time actually learning the drills (Doc's been doing hypnosis for more than 40 years, NLP since the 80's, martial arts since he was a kid, and that's just THREE Of the topics...) or the time going out and using the drills in real life and coming back to post on how you can use the knowledge in ways that are meaningful for you. > > The stuff Doc gives away for FREE is better than what many trainers are selling as their premium level products, and that does scare some people. > > But it just makes me more determined to train with the best! > > Doc has posted before that the two most important values to him are friendship and knowledge, and he freely shares BOTH of those with us on these lists. > > So it just naturally makes sense to say, " Thanks, Doc! We sure do appreciate you and the knowledge you share with us on these lists! " > > That's when I realized " Jack's right! I really need to go 'over the top' with the bonuses this year, in thanking people for helping me celebrate Doc's birthday! " > > Where do you come in? > > Well, we got a birthday deal set up for you again. And like I said before, I already believe in giving you MORE than your money's worth, but Jack INSISTED that we up the ante and give you more bonuses, or he wasn't going to let me do it. > > So I got over $100 in bonuses for everyone who gives Doc at least a $25 gift card from for his birthday this year. > > We do have to put a time limit on this offer, so offer expires Sunday, June 15, 2008. That gives you about 7 1/2 days. > > If you're caught in between paydays and need an extra couple of days, please do write to me and let me know, but do it by June 15. > > Anyway, let me tell you about the bonuses, then I'll tell you how to get them... > > When you help me celebrate Doc's birthday by giving him an gift card for at least $25 bucks(I'll give you instructions on that in a moment), I'll give you a $100 in valuable bonus books on mind control, all in pdf format so you can download them, print them out, and study them, and take notes on what you've learned. > > A total of 5 rare, out of print books on mind control and psychic influence. A $100 value. > > BUT... > > Want an even better deal? Help me celebrate Doc's birthday by giving him an gift card for at least $50 bucks (I'll give you instructions on that in a moment), I'll give you over $280 dollars in bonuses you can download, print, study, and take notes on. > > Some of you are going, " Yeah, right... What makes it a $280 bonus? Just cuz you said it's worth that much? " > > Fair enough, so let me explain it to you so you can see for yourself why these bonuses are worth well more than $280 bucks. > > First of all, when you give Doc at least a $50 gift card you get the same bonuses the people who are only giving the $25 gift get. That alone is a $100 value. > > THEN, on top of that, you get an additional 9 manuals. These are the " Lost Seduction Manuals, " and they're easily worth $20 bucks each, for a total of AT LEAST $180 bucks. > > I used to sell them in a package, but I got tired of printing and binding manuals all day long. > > I'm making them available for you here as pdf file you can download. > > And these are not just about how to do " pickups, " either. If that's what you're thinking, you'd be missing out... > > See, these manuals are about how to use seduction methods in your relationships (personal, romantic, work, ALL of your relationships), and several of us do like using these techniques to " pick up women " . > > The most popular of the manuals seems to be " Secrets Of The Non- Local Universe To Attract Virtually Anything You Desire, Including The Woman Of Your Dreams! " > > It's not just for men to attract women; it works for you ladies, too! > > Anyway, you get all 9 of those " Lost Seduction Manuals " along with the other bonuses I just told you about, all for an gift card to Doc for just $50. > > But wait, THERE'S MORE! > > I just love to say that! > > Help me celebrate Doc's birthday with an gift card of at least $100 dollars (I'll give you instructions on that in a moment), and I'll give you the link to download over $490 in free bonuses from me! > > That's right, you help me say " Thanks, Doc, and Happy Birthday! We sure do APPRECIATE YOU! " with a gift card from in the amount of at least $100 dollars, and I'll give you the link to download the above $280 in bonuses AND an additional 6 CD set, available for a limited time only as an instant download, a $210 value! > > This 6 CD Set is on " Secrets of How To Develop Your Psychic Powers! " and everyone who has this CD set LOVES it and swears I should be selling it for well over $200 bucks. But I don't sell it at any price. You can download it, though, as my gift to you, when you help me celebrate Doc's birthday with an $100 gift card from > > Some of you, though, just like me, REALLY appreciate Doc, and you truly value the quality of training Doc provides on these lists, at no charge to us. So if you'd like to give Doc an gift card of at least $200 dollars, we've got a boat-load of bonuses for you. Over $686 in bonuses. > > (I did talk with Jack, and those of you who want to give a significantly LARGER gift to Doc, well, we got some additional bonuses we can share with you, as our way of saying " Thanks for helping us show Doc how much we appreciate him! " ) > > Anyway, for the gift card of at least $200, I'll throw in the following valuable gifts from my own product list: > > The above bonuses already mentioned for the $25, $50, and $100 gift cards: at least a $490 value. AND... > > Downloadable video on using radiant energies for psychic influence $97 value > > Downloadable video on Covert Mind Suck Tactics for Reading Other People's Mind! $97 value > > TOTAL value: $686 value, as my way of saying " Thanks for helping me celebrate Doc's birthday with a gift card from in the amount of at least $200 dollars. > > Ok, so how do you do it? > > First, go to and on the blue banner up top, click on " Gift cards " . > > Then when it takes you to the gift card page, click on " Email a gift card " . > > Make the amount for at least $25 dollars, depending on which bonus package you want to get, and enter the recipient's email address as docspeed2001 (that's docspeed2001 (at) (dot) com for those of you reading this inside who don't see the entire email address). > > Then, when you get email confirmation from that your gift card has been sent in the amount of at least $25 dollars, FORWARD that email showing the transaction / receipt number and the amount of the gift card to me at erommel (that's erommel (at) earthlink (dot) net) and put " Doc's Birthday Gift " in the subject line. > > I will then email you back with the link for the downloadable bonuses. > > Like I said at the beginning of this email, I had some computer problems the other day, so I'm still uploading all the bonuses for you. And if this year is anything like the past 3 years, we do expect a boat-load of responses from people just like you who also appreciate Doc and the training materials he shares on these lists, so it may take me a day or two to reply to you with the link for the downloads, depending on how many people respond to this offer. > > Also, for those of you who only check the groups a couple times a week, I will be at Doc's seminar later this week, and so responses to your emails will take slightly longer than usual, since I'll be in the seminar all day. We do reply to emails on a first come, first serve basis. > > So hurry up now and go to and send Doc that birthday gift of at least $25 dollars, and forward your receipt to me to get the link for your birthday bonuses. > > Thanks again for your time AND for helping me wish Doc a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! > > Sincerely, > Jim Knippenberg > > P.S. Here's those bonuses again: > > A $25 gift card to Doc from, and you get A total of 5 rare, out of print books on mind control and psychic influence. A $100 value. > > A $50 gift card to Doc from, and you get the above bonus PLUS the 9 " Lost Seduction Manuals " . A $280 value. > > A $100 gift card to Doc from, and you get the above bonuses PLUS the downloadable version of my 6 CD Set on " Secrets of How To Develop Your Psychic Powers! " that can't be bought at ANY price! > > A $200 gift card to Doc from, and you get all the above bonuses PLUS the downloadable video on Remote Influence and the downloadable video on reading other people's mind. > > Want to give Doc a gift card of at least $500 or more? Jack and I will give you all the above valuable bonuses PLUS surprise you with some additional bonuses we won't mention here, because this email is long enough for you to take action on this incredible offer already. > > Remember, the offer expires June 15, 2008 so send your gift card to Doc today! > > Thanks again. I look forward to sharing these incredible bonuses with you! > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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