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Energy Katas

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I was curious and wondered if Doc has created katas/forms for his

martial arts that energize your energy fields as well as are applicable

waza wise to use for self-defense? Or does he use the existing

forms/katas from Kenpo and have certain parts reworked to work properly

with the energy fields.

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Anyone? Does everyone just do the daily routine for making sure their

energies are flowing properly, or have they created their own moving

chi kung based on the principles of energy medicine?


, " khirakis "

<khirakis wrote:


> I was curious and wondered if Doc has created katas/forms for his

> martial arts that energize your energy fields as well as are


> waza wise to use for self-defense? Or does he use the existing

> forms/katas from Kenpo and have certain parts reworked to work


> with the energy fields.


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A good base is to start with the daily energy routine drills.

However, just like any exercise or therapy system, you should

customize the areas you may need to work on.


Dr. LaTourrette has blended martial arts and Energy Medicine… Why? If

you tie into something you love, will you do it more often? You

might check out his Energy for Athletes if it is still available.

Details of how he has enhanced Kenpo and I Chi Kung Fu are discussed

in speedhitting-essentialskills rather than this group.


Additionally, if you have an area you feel the need to work on, you

might find a more specific drill for that area. Again, Donna Eden's

book has a number of specifics in that area.


Does that answer your question?





, " khirakis "

<khirakis wrote:


> Anyone? Does everyone just do the daily routine for making sure


> energies are flowing properly, or have they created their own


> chi kung based on the principles of energy medicine?


> , " khirakis "

> <khirakis@> wrote:

> >

> > I was curious and wondered if Doc has created katas/forms for his

> > martial arts that energize your energy fields as well as are

> applicable

> > waza wise to use for self-defense? Or does he use the existing

> > forms/katas from Kenpo and have certain parts reworked to work

> properly

> > with the energy fields.

> >


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, " khirakis "

<khirakis wrote:


> Anyone? Does everyone just do the daily routine for making sure their

> energies are flowing properly, or have they created their own moving

> chi kung based on the principles of energy medicine?



An interesting question that got me to thinking, thanks!


I still use the daily routine though it's evolved and I've improvised

and have added to it over the years to suit my personal taste as

situations and different needs arise. I like to keep things fun and

enjoyable, and since I get bored real quick with repetitions, I like

to add variety to what I do.


When I was first learning the daily routine it seemed like it was just

a series of physical movements. They did work, but, I learned with

practice and awareness that they work many times better for me

depending on how I


use my intention,

what I think about while doing it,

how I breathe,

what level of mind I'm in,

where I focus my attention,

whether I'm associated or dissociated,

where I direct the energy from in my energy field,

where or who I want the energy to go to, and so on.


These are the kinds of variables I add to keep it interesting. It's

multi-tasking, though after awhile of practice these variables become

seamless and automatic. Like Doc's 21 different hits per second that

he does ;-)


I also learned how to move energy mentally as a natural progression

from doing the drills. It started off as a necessity, something I'd do

in situations where making physical motions wasn't practical, like

sitting on a crammed airplane wanting to adjust my energies to a new

time zone for example. One time when I had a pain that got worse

whenever I moved, so I couldn't move to " fix " it, I learned how to use

a certain thought-form of a certain color that takes the pain away in

seconds for me.


I'll never forget the first time I made an energy ball and it hit the

intended target without me touching him. It surprised the heck out of

me how well it worked. Was something I had just learned that weekend

from Doc at the very first seminar I attended a few years ago.


Also, sometimes in the morning when I just want to stay there under

the covers and relax for awhile, I lie there at level and mentally do

my routines, mentally trace my meridians, mentally activate the source

points the acupoints, mentally balance chakras, mentally weave the

energies and so on. It's a way to hone the use of my mental screen

and my visualization ability using all the VAKOGs. To learn how the

different energy systems work together and respond to each other, for

reinforcing the bridges between my different levels of mind, which

really aren't separate afterall, so I see.


Sometimes I'll just intend, and my energy shifts the way I want it to

without having to visualize the routines.


Mental katas. How lazy and easy is that?








> , " khirakis "

> <khirakis@> wrote:

> >

> > I was curious and wondered if Doc has created katas/forms for his

> > martial arts that energize your energy fields as well as are

> applicable

> > waza wise to use for self-defense? Or does he use the existing

> > forms/katas from Kenpo and have certain parts reworked to work

> properly

> > with the energy fields.

> >


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